Geri an literature. Included in my list are some of the highest achievements and the greatest single work, FAUST, in the Carman language. COMMENTS: Grading will be basea to a great extent on class participation. GBB 302 MASTERPIECES OF GERKAI LIT (3) Nicholls, 321 FR MEETS: 13:30 KWF, life FR FORMAT: Lecture/Discussioc AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 25 PREREQUISITES: 2 years of German at least. EVALUATION: 1Oi-Attendance; 20S liomewcrk; 201-Quizzes; 20f-Midtern; 30V-Final HEADINGS: Phelps anc Stein, THE GERMAN HERITAGE; Merrifield, PRAKTISCEE AHLEITUNC ZUP INTERPRETATION VON DICHTUNG DESCRIPTION: Readings in some major works of German literature. Emphasis is on the careful reading of texts with discussions largely in German. Written assignments test student's comprehension and ability to discuss the works read. COMMENTS: Intended to improve reading ability. GER 322 GER READING KNOWL (3) Woods, 202 FR '.SETS: 12:3C KWF FORliAT: Discussion/Exercises AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 30 EVALUATION: 50i-Guizzes; 50S-Final READINGS: Jannach, GLRhAN FOR READING KNOWLEDGE DESCRIPTION': Second tern, in the sequence, hew students must have cote knowledge oC Cert an The course is oirectea entirely at learning to read Gera an texts. COM.ENTS: Regular attendance ar.d completion of houjework required. GER 325 INTRO GERMAN LIT (3) Centrum, **09 FR I .LETS: 14:30 KVF F0KF.AT: Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 35 WEEKLY READING: 20 Patea EVALUATION: 1OS-Attencance; 20* Project; 30*-Kiatert; 40*-Final READINGS: Erecht, MUTTER COURAGE; Frisch, BIEDERMANK UND DIE DhANDSTIFTER; Mann, TCN'IO KROGER; Foltitt, PATHS TC GLKMN POETRY DESCRIPTION: An intrcauction to the Geriuan poetry, drata, ana prose emphasizing class rescinds of selected texts, mostly lrom mccern German literature. Term project is a perxormance in class of a scer.e from a play by tax Frisch. GER 335 GERMAN COMP AND CONV (3) Hahn, 319 FR MEETS: 9:30-10:50 UP. AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 20 GER 335 GERMAN COMP AND CONV (3) Ludolf, 412 FR MEETS: 12:30 INF FORMAT: Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 20 WEEKLY READING: 3-5 Eases EVALUATION: 25J-Project; 25S Attencance; 50*-Homework READINGS: Arundlehner, SPRICH DEUTSCH DESCRIPTION: In-class discussion has to be preparea by students, weekly essay assignments, fii.m analysis, grammar review, attendance and participation requirec. GES 341 GER CULTURE AMD CIV (3) hahn, 319 FR KELTS: 13:30 UN 206 FR AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 15 GBR 399 STUDY IN GERKAMI (3) Piant, 31* PR MEETS: 11:30 KVF, 214 FR FORMAT: Lcctui e/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 50 WEEKLY READING: 10 Pages PREREQUISITES: For stuaents studying in Gercany b7-bb. EVALUATION: 505-Attendance; 305 Homework; 105-Kidterm; 105-Final READINGS: Packet DESCRIPTION: A special class designed to help students prepare for the German university "Sprachpruefung" required of those planning tc stuoy in Germany during 1967-bb, and to orient them to their year aoroaa. Conductea in German, this course counts also towara the German major. Requirec of students planning to stuoy in our exchange program with Laden-Wuerttemberg. COMMENTS: Students er.rollec in this class should plan to take a 300 level course curing spring term, too, in addition to their Second Year German course (GER 203 or 205). They will need maximum language preparation. GER 407G SCUNITZLER (3) McWilliams, UlU FR RAFTS: 15:30-16:20 M AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 10-15 WEEKLY READING: U0-S0 Pa^es PREREQUISITES: Must be able to read at the most advance level ol German. EVALUATION: 25S-Discussion; 75ā€˜, Paper READINGS: Schnitzler, CASANOVAS HEIMFAKHT, DA DRAMATISCUE WERE DESCRIPTION: Ue will take up a representative sampling of Schnitzler's prose anu aracatic works, aLont, which are some of his best fiction ano several of hit most famous plays. Our purpose is to reveal the subtleties ol his art by a dissection of each work. Our textual criticise, should reveal that Schnitzler is the most unoerratec writer in German literature. GER 408 WORK PERFORMANCE (1) Anderson, 211 FP MEETS: 15:30-17:20 F FORMAT: Studio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 30 READINGS: Buchner, WOYZECk DESCRIPTION: Practice for performing play. GER 450 PERFORMANCE OF GERMAN DRAMA (3) MEETS: 1U:30 tVF AVEF.AGE aASS SIZE: 30 PREREQUISITES: 2 years of college Genre" or consent of instructor. EVALUATION: No formal exam or quizzes. Memorization of pert and final performance. READINGS: Buchner, VOYZECK DESCRIPTION: Extensive practice in effective oral com si unicat ion with emphasis or. correct pronunciation. GEB B98G tPMIDl GB1MAB PHOMETICS (3) Plant, 312 FR MEETS: 13:30 M*F, 217 FR FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 25 WEEKLY READING: 1 Chapter EVALUATION: 10Gf-lĀ» Eidterns READINGS: Moulton, THE SOUNDS OF ENGLISH AND GERMAN DESCRIPTION: This course is required for future teachers of German in Oregon. Analysis ot the consonants and vowels of American English and German in articulatory terms, points of contrast, remedial drills. Stuoents will need to master the IPA as it applies to the phonemes of German and English only. COMMENTS: You'll cevelop an ear for the sounds of English and German, and be able to prescribe remedial drills tor yourself and your students. Graduate students will record and work or. the pronunciation of a First Year student of German. There will be two or three films. GBR 50T KAJIN/DR FAUSTUS (4) h'ichol Is, 321 FR liiETS: 14:30-17:20 H FORMAT: Seminar AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 15 WEEKLi HEADING: 100 Pates EVALUATION: 50ā€˜ā€ž-Paper; 50i-Project HEALINGS: Mann, DOKTOR FAUSTUS, TONIO KROGER AND DER TOL INVENEDIG; EXTRACTS FROM DAS FAUSTBUCH; EXTRACTS FORM ThOHAS KANN, DIE ENTSTLhUKG DES DOKTCR FAUSTUS. DESCRIPTION: A careful reading of one of Thomas Mann's major novels. The story deals with the life of a German composer whose experience of the breakdown of the Western musical tradition as a means of creative expression is brought into association with the rise of the Nazis ana the attempt to overcome what they saw as Western decadence. The opening sessions will discuss the Faust iegeno, the place ol Nietzsche in the story, anc. some of Mann's early artist novels. COMMENTS: Discussions will be in English. The readings are in German but English translations are available. Enrollment only with the prior permission of the instructor. Honors College HC 205 HC SOCIAL SCIENCE (3) Ryan, 338 PLC MEETS: 12:30-13:50 Uh, 303 CHA FORfiAT: Seminar AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 30 READINGS: Shakespeare, THE MERCHANT