the problems, particularly environmental, that can result from their exploitation. GEOL 35* GEOLOGY OF THE MOON AND PLANETS (3) Coles, 105 Volcanology MEETS: 12:30 KWF, 146 Straub FORMAT: Lecture AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 80 WEEKLY READING: 15*20 READINGS: Kaufmann, PLANETS AND KOOKS; Murray, Kalin, and Greeley, EARTKL1KE PLANETS; Taylor, LUNAR SCIENCE - A POST APOLLC VIPW DESCRIPTION: This course is intenoea to introduce the stucent to recent results of explorations of the Moon and other planets, and to the implications of those results for understanding the history of our own planet and of the origin of life on Earth. Information on meteorites anc the origin of the solar system will be presenteo as a background to these major topics, and data on lunar structure ana recks ano on their interpretations will be reviewed in detail. Knowledge of Mars and Venus and, to a lesser extent, Mercury ana other planets will be outlined. Results of recent studies of the outer planets will be reviewed in some detail. The course is taught at a level such that no background in physical sciences at college level is required, but students with some background may Denent iron opportunities to aig tore deeply into the topios discusseo than is commonly done. Primary aims of the course are to acquaint the student with this rapidly-growing body of knowledge, so that he or she may more effectively assess the importance of new discoveries, and tc indicate how science may be done underconditions such that experimental and many theoretical approaches to understanding complex natural phenomena are not effective. GEQL 407/507 GEODYNAMICS SEMINAR (3) Richaros, 319 SC MEETS: 9:30 KWF, 307 V FORMAT: Lecture AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 35 PREREQUISITES: Differentiated equations and college level physics. READINGS: Turcotte and Schubert, GEODYNAMICS DESCRIPTION: Tectonic processes and convection. Diapirism and oouble diflusive convection. COMMENTS: Appropriate for juniors, seniors, ana graduate students. Gerontology GBRO A10M FOUNDATIONS OF SOCIAL GERONTOLOGY (3) Bolton, 122 ESL MEETS: 12:30-13:50 UH, 116 ESL FORMAT: Leoture/Discusaion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 20 WEEKLY READIKG: 20 Pages PREREQUISITES: Perspectives in Aging; Majors EVALUATION: 30>-Paper; 30*-Midterm; 401-Final READINGS: Schaie and Geiwite, READINGS IN ADULT DEVELOPMENT AND AGING GERO 481 PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OP AGHG (3) Bader, 122 ESL MEETS: 14:00-15:20 UK, 107 ESL FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 20 WEEKLY READING: 1 Chapter PREREQUISITES: GERO 380 or I EVALUATION: 10%-Attedance; 50* Project; 40?-Final READINGS: Belsky, TKE PSYCHCLOGY OF AGING; Journal DESCRIPTION: Age-related changes over the life span including cognition, perception, and motivation. GERO 582 PUBLIC POLICY ISSUES AND AGING (3) Lacier, 122 ESL MEETS: 15:30-18:20 K, 107 ESL FORMAT: Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 20 EVALUATION: 10%-ProJect 30* Attendance; 60*-Final READINGS: Estes, AUSTERITY AND AGING DESCRIPTION: Processes leading to ano following from particular kinds of aging-related legislation, public policies, and services. Information systems available to decision makers, service providers, and agency staffs. Germanic Languages and Literature GER 102 FIRST TEAR GERMAN (A) Kathaes, 211 FK MEETS: b:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12:30 HUV.F EVALUATION: 205>-Attenaance; 10* llomework; 40*-0uizzes; 20%-Final READINGS: Rotes and Catkins, GERMAN THROUGH CONVERSATIONAL PATTERNS; Goeasche and Glaette, SUTTER DESCRIPTION: This is the second term ol a 1st year German class. During the 1st year, the basics of German grammar is to be covered. The class emphasizes oral communication as well as writing skills. Expected study time; one hour daily. GER 104 FIRST YEAR GERMAN (6) Kathaes, 204 Fft MEETS: 6:30, 10:30 MUWHF FORMAT: Lecture/Discussien AVERAGE CLASS SIEE: 25 EVALUATION: 30%-Homework ; 40Ji; 30t-Finai READINGS: Roges anc Watkins, GERMAN THROUGH CONVERSATIONAL PATTERNS DESCRIPTION: In this "accelerated" first year German course, the first year will be covered in two terms instead of three. GER 199 GERMAN CINEMA (2) McWilliams, 414 FR MEETS: 16:00, 19:00 H, 83 LIB AVERAGE CUSS SIZE: 55«> PREREQUISITES: Must be currently enrolled in another German course. EVALUATION: 100*-Attendance GER 202 SECOND TEAR GERMAN (A) Anderson, 211 FR MEETS: 6:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 16:30 MUWHF FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion/Lab AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 30 WEEKLY READING: 1 Chapter PREREQUISITES: Gerttri 201 EVALUATION: 10J-Quizzes; 10* Papers; 10*-Project; 155-Hon.e work; 15*-Attenaance; HQV-Tests READINGS: Moeller anu Liedloff, KALEIDCSKOF; Lepke, Moeller, ano Liealolf, WCRKLCOK FCR KALE1DOSKOF DESCRIPTION: Graniuar ana Cob position; Regains ircn. selections lroti representative authors; conversation; oral reports. GER 204 SECOND IEAR GERMAN (6) Plant, 312 FR MEETS: 9:30 MUYJHF, 217 FR FORMAT: Lectute/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 25 WEEKLY READING: 17 Pates PREREQUISITES: GER 103 or 105 or I EVALUATION: 10%-Kidterci; 15k Project; 25‘A-Quizzea; 25%-Homework; 25k-Attenaance READINGS: hoeller, and Liedloff, LEPKE: KALE1DOSKOP DESCRIPTION: This is a new course, an accelerateo Second Year German course to parallel our accelerateo First Year German course. Students will be able to do the work of one year in two terms, by attending daily. Each course of this two-term sequence yields 6 credits. Students who take both GER 204 anc 205 will receive creoit for three "stand alone" courses (but NOT cluster!) in the Arts ano Letters Group. There will be no final exam in CLR 204. COMMENTS: The language of instruction i3 German, at first spoken more slowly than is normally the case. 11 you are not prepared come anyway, as you need to listen to as much German as possible (25k of course grace is based on attendance). We will also transcribe or sue marize a German feature film outing the course of the teru. GER 250 GOETHE AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES (3) McWill iaus, U14 FR MEETS: 15:30-17:50 U, 221 FR FORMAT: Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 20-HO WEEKLY READING: 50-100 PREREQUISITES: None - in English EVALUATION: 20W-Attencance; 40^-2 Papers; 4GJ.-Hoi^ework READINGS: Goethe, THE SUFFERINGS OF YOUNG WERTHER, EGMONT, FAUST; Lessinfc, MINNA VON EARNHELE, EMILIA CALOTTI; Schiller, MARY STUART; Kleist, THE MARQUISE OF 0 ... DESCRIPTION: This course will fcive stuoents the opportunity to become thoroughly acquainted with the classical works of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, the period considered to be the goloen &£e of