EC 429G THEORY OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS (3) KcKillen, 533 PLC FORMAT: Lecture AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 50 WEEKLY READING: 50 Pages PREREQUISITES: ECOK 201, 202 EVALUATION: 40»-KidterE; 60J-Final READINGS: Stiglitz, ECONOKICS OF ThE PUBLIC SECTOR DESCRIPTION: The course is concerned with the role of the government in the provision of goods and services. The rationale for goverr ment involvement in econonic activity is considered, ana the economics of government expenditure is analyzed. Various economic models of political behavior will also be discussed. EC 441G INTERNATIONAL ECONOKICS (3) Stone, 420 PLC MEETS: 13:30 KWF FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 60 WEEKLY READING: 2 Chapters PREREQUISITES: ECON 201, 202 EVALUATION: 10j-Homework; 60H-2 Midterms; 30K-Final READINGS: Lindert, INTERNATIONAL ECON OMCS EC 441C INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS (3) Coldatein, 516 PLC MEETS: 10:30 KWF FORMAT: Lecture AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 40 WEEKLY READING: 40 Pages PREREQUISITES: ECON 440G EVALUATION: 50V-2 Midterus; 50* Final READINGS: Lindert, INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS; Balawin and Richarason, INTERNATIONAL FINANCE DESCRIPTICN: Alternative theories of international competitive advantage ana trace patterns. Protectionism: Sources ano Effects. Special cases: Oil, steel, agriculture. Traae policies and developing countries. EC 444G LABOR ECONOMICS (3) Stone, 420 PLC MEETS: 9:30 HWF, 142 STR FORI AT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 60 WEEKLY PEALING: 2 Chapters EVALUATION: 6C*-2 Midterms; 40* Final READINGS: Haternesh and Rees, THE ECONOMICS OF WORK AND PAY EC 451G COMPARATIVE ECO MO MIC SISTEMS (3) Davis, 417 PLC MEETS: 14:00-15:20 UK FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 45-50 WEEKLY READING: 50 Pates PREREQUISITES: EC 201, 202 EVALUATION: 30*-Project; 30% Midtera; 40J-Final READINGS: Gregory and Stuart, COMPARATIVE ECONOMIC SYSTERiS DESCRIPTION: Coaparative stuay of alternative fores of economic organization, concentrating on the basic features of market-directed and planned economics, and some of tbe better-known variants of each. Case studies. Students will have the opportunity in term projects to stuay individual cases in greater depth. EC 453M ECONOMICS OF THE PACIFIC HIM (3) Smith, 537 PLC MEETS: 13:30 MHF FOR! AT: Lecture AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 100 READINGS: Packet DESCRIPTION: This course content includes the necessary economic theory and concepts as well as a series of case studies. The case studies focus on a variety of issues, (e.g. the yen-oollar problem), countries (e.t. Japan, Korea), and products (e.g. oil, lumber). EC *58C ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (3) Griffin, 419 PLC MEETS: 6:30 KWF, PLC FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 40 WEEKLY READING: 40 Pages EVALUATION: 40*-Hotework; 30J Micterm; 30%-Final READINGS: Todaro, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN THE THIRD WORLD; Todaro, Readings. DESCRIPTION: Continuation of EC 457G. This course will emphasize human resource issues in economic development: education, labor, fertility, health, and nutrition. EC 460G ECONOMIC IHDOSTRIAL OK (3) Lakin, 516 PLC I'.EETS: 9:30-10:50 UK FOFhAT: Lecture WEEKLY READING: 2Chapters EVALUATION: 20J -Hoc.ework ; 50 Midteros; 30i-Firal READILGS: Greer, INDUSTRIAL CRG AM EATION AND PUBLIC POLICY; Acacs, ThE STKUCTURE OF Al ERICAN INDUSTRY. DESCRIPTION: The major theoretical anu policy issues in the fielci of industrial organization are coverec. Theories of industry structure and firm behavior are ciscusseo in detail. This is followed by a examination of market performance. Case studies of particular incustries are explored throughout the course. EC 473G AUSTRIAN ECONOMICS (3) Siegel, 535 PLC MEETS: 11:30 KWF FORMAT: Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 15 WEEKLY READING: 30 Fages PREREQUISITES: EC 375, 376, or instructor's consent EVALUATION: 205-Paper; 205 Attendance; 205-Kidtern; »I05-Final READINGS: Dolan, FOUNDATIONS OF AUSTRIAN ECONOFaCS DESCRIPTION: Austrian economic theory, comparisons with neoclassical micro- and cacro econoQics, monetary theory, research methodologies. EC 460G TOPICS MATH ECON (3) Grcve, 5MC PLC MEETS: 1H:30 MV.F FORMAT: Discussion AVERAGE aASS SIZE: 20 WEEKLY READING: 1 Chapter PREREQUISITES: Econ priority, others if size permits EVALUATION: 5C*-Homewcrk; 50* Project READINGS: Schrage, LINEAR, INTEGER, AND QUADRATIC PROGRAMING WITH LINDO DESCRIPTION: Linear programming (LP) has important applications in economics and management service. This course will be a har.ds-on introouction to this technique. We will use the computer center's EEC 1091 anc the software package LINDO to work with a number of LP models. The orientation of the course is entirely practical, focused on problem solving. The first week of class will be devoted to computer orientation. After that, we well uiscuss problems. Students will do final project for their final grade. No exams, graded only. COMMENTS: No knowledge of comfuters is required. Students will, however, need to schedule 6-0 hours a week to formulate and solve problems or. DEC 1091. Class size will be small so that I can give individual attention to each person. EC *9*G ECONOMETRICS (3) Kolpin, 512 PLC MEETS: 11:30 MNF, 136 60 FORMAT: Lecture AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 20 WEEKLY READING: 30 Pages PREREQUISITES: EC 493 or equivalent EVALUATION: 155-Quizzes; 525-2 Midterms; 335-Final READINGS: Johnston, ECONOMETRIC METNODS DESCRIPTION: Graduate econometrics. EC 507 ELEMENTS OF GAME THEORY (3) Kolpin, 512 PLC MEETS: 9:00-10:50 MW, 412 PLC FORMAT: Seminar AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 10 WEEKLY READING: 30 Pages PREREQUISITES: Minimum 1 year calculus EVALUATION: 605-2 Midterms; 405 Paper READINGS: Friedman, GAEL THEORY WITH AFPLICATINS TO ECONOMICS DESCRIPTION: Rifcorous introduction to non-cooperative tame theory. Applications are also presented. EC 525 ECONOMIC GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT (3) Griffin, 419 PLC ItfETS: 11:30-12:50 MV!, 410 PLC FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 13 WEEKLY READING: 75 Pages EVALUATION: 100j-Final READINGS: Journals and books DESCRIPTION: Advanced course in economic development of low-income countries The first quarter of the sequence (EC 457) is a broad survey of the field with emphasis or. measuring development, theories of development, ana topics in income distribution. The second quarter (EC 45b) will emphasize topics i economic demography as they apply to economic development. This course has a strong microeconomic and empirical content.