MEETS: . 12:30 H, 204 SC 1 FORMAT: Seminar WEEKLY READING: 2 Chapters EVALUATION: 50N-Attendance; 505, Presentation READINGS: On reserve DESCRIPTION: Discussion will be on the chemical and theoretical basis for the origin of life. Discussion will include: chemical environment of early life, self replicating systems, contemporary models for precursor formation, and experimental evidence. BI 523 PRINCIPLES OF MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUE (*) Wimber, 468 SC 1 MEETS: 6:30-12:20 UH, 65 SC 2 FORMAT: Lecture/Lab AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 12 WEEKLY READING: 1 chapter READINGS: Humason, ANIMAL TISSUE TECHNIQUES DESCRIPTION: Techniques are covered for preparing biological materials for viewing with the light microscope. This includes fixation, dehydration, infiltration, embedding, sectioning, and staining. Specialized methods for autoradiography, cytochemistry, and freeze sectioning are also introduced. COMMENTS: Most students find this a rather demanding course in terms of time. Offered on P/NP or graded basis. Center for Innovative Educational Development (formerly SEARCH) DS 18* BEGINNING BALLROOM DANCE Bucher, 330 GER MEETS: 19:00-21:00 UN, 350 GRX FORMAT: Studio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 50 SPECIAL FEES: $20.00 Students, $25.00 Community EVALUATION: lOOS-Attendance DESCRIPTION: This is a general survey course which will cover a wide variety ot ballroom dances including swing, foxtrot, waltz, polka, chacha, rhumba, tango, schottische, and charleston. The class is fun ano is a great place to to know your fellow stuoents as well as tc oevelop lifefong dancing skills. COMMENTS: Fass/No Fass only. REC AND INTMRLS, BEGINNING SWING DANCE Bucher KELTS: 17:30-19:00 UH, Weeks 1-5 FORKAT: Studio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 4C SPECIAL FEES: $15.00 Students DESCRIPTION: Basic swing dance froti the big, band era of the forties ar.d fifties. These are fast, fun, partnering dances and can be done to modern as well as older Jazz and bi£ band music. Each class will cover approximately 20 variations. Fun, very energetic, ano a threat place to meet your fellow students. REC AID INTMRLS, INTERMEDIATE SUING DANCE Bucher MEETS: 17:30-19:00 UH, Week 6-end FORMAT: Studio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 40 SPECIAL FEES: $15.00 Students DESCRIPTION: Basic swin£ oance from the big banc era of the forties and fifties. These are fast, fun, partnering dances and can be done to modern as well as older Jazz and tig band music. Each class will cover approximately 20 variations. Fun, very energetic, ano a great place to meet your fellow students. RBC AID INTMRLS, BEGINNING ROCK AMD ROLL Bucher MEETS: 19:00-21:00 K, 350 GRX FORMAT: Studio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 29-30 SPECIAL FEES: $15.00 pet person DESCRIPTION: This class will explore beminnint, rock and roll dance styles frcn. the miu-nineteen fifties. These cances were developed from previous "swint," aances of the thirties and forties and were stiil oanced with partners. Fun ano very energetic; a t,ood workout. REC ANO INTMRLS, BEGINNING LATIN DANCING KELTS: 17:30-19:00 MVi, Weeks 1-5, OhX 352 FORMAT: Studio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 25-30 SPECIAL FEES: $15.00 per person DESCRIPTION: This class will cover bebinninfc Latin dances end will emphasize rhumba, cerentue, and salsa, but will also include tan^c, cha cha, cuabra, and other Latin ballroom oances. REC AND INTMRLS, JITTERBUG, LINDT HOP, AND CHARLESTON-DANCE FROM THE 20'S AND 30'S KELTS: 17:30-19:00 MW, Ueeks 6-eno, 352 GRX FORMAT: Studio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 20 SPECIAL FEES: Si5.00 per person DESCRIPTION: This class will explore Lindy hop, jitterbug, and charleston dance styles in depth and requires knowledge and experience with basic swing dance. The class will be fast-paceu arc very energetic. A great class lor intermediate swing dancers who want to expand their knowleoge of dances and swing styles. PLANNING A PREFERRED FUTURE Holmes MEETS: March 5, 6:00-10:00; and March 6, 1:00-5:00 HF FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion/Semlnar SPECIAL FEES: $30.00 DESCRIPTION: This 8-hour seminar is designed for seif-directed students who want to make their futures happen. We will learn how to develop creative attitudes and abilities in order to plan actions and forecast personal futures. This planning process relies on an oscillation between alternatives and selections. In the course of the seminar, you will move from considering "what is," to choosing "what will be.” By using your awareness of information concerning a situation, you will have an opportunity to develop an individual action plan for your own preferred future. A free introductory lecture will be given March 3rd from 4:00 to 5:00 in the EMU room 167. COMMENTS: Preregister by March 5th in the INNOVATIVE EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT office in root H110 of the Ei U. FOCUSING: CLARITY, EASE AND OPTIMUM PERFORMANCE Eiring MEETS: 15:30-17:30 W FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion/Fxperiential SPECIAL FEES: *.25.00 DESCRIPTION: Developed by psychologist, Eugene Cendlin, this bodily sensed intuitive technique underlies all experiential psychotherapies. Its applications extend into the areas of peak performance (both athletic ano academic), preventive medicine, practical problem solving and creativity. Because it clarifies our subliminal knowing. Focusing refines intuition and releases stress, thus creating the freedom for full self-expression. Focusing is a proven method for tapping the natural wisdom of the body/mind—by integrating both hemispheres of the brain it allows your heart to speak to your mind and leaves you with a sense of ease ano personal well being. COMMENTS: To register, sign up in the INNOVATIVE ED office in the EMU room t' 110. Begins January 14 ano eno3 Fetruary 4. AIKIDO: KI STYLE Vincent MEETS: 19:00-21:00 UE SPECIAL FEES: $25.00 DESCRIPTION: Aikico-c cisciplinec study of acif-awareness; a harmonious blenaing of body, mind, ana spirit. This non-aggressive Japanese martial art places emphasis cn centering, balance ana relaxation, as well as on sell cefense techniques. Training is aesignec tc reduce tension, increase flexibility ar.o heighten awareness of inner energy (called "ki" in Japanese). Classes will begin with warm-up routines and Ki development exercises. Several basic ana practical self-defense arts will be taught, with ample time allowed to practice. Sessions will also incluae Jo (staff) practice, Ki massage for relaxation, breathing exercises, and/or briei meaitation. COMMENTS: To register, sign up in the INNOVATIVE ED oftice in the EMU room h. 110. Eegin3 January 8 anc March 12.