MEETS: 8:30 MWF+, 30 SC 1 FORMAT: Lecture/Lab AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 40 WEEKLY READING: 40 Fages PREREQUISITES: B1 291, 292, 293 EVALUATION: 36f-Labs; 64%-4 Quizzes READINGS: Eckert, ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY; Lab Manual DESCRIPTION: Course will familiarize students with the basic framework of facts and concepts in animal physiology. Scope: most examples are drawn from mammals (and other vertebrates) but some comparative material is included. Not specifically oriented toward humans. Emphasis will be placed on nerves, muscle and sensory systems; homeostatic physiology also included. Organizational level covers both cell and organ systems. COMMENTS: BI 350 (Vertebrate Biology) is not a prerequisite, but it is strongly recommended before taking BI 351. BI 383 IITRODOCTIOK TO BACTERIOLOGY LAB (2) Dodos, 481 SC 1 MEETS: 9:30-11:20 UH, 5 SC 2 FORI AT: Lab AVERAGE CUSS SIZE: 20 WEEKLY READING: 4 Pages EVALUATION: 155-Project; 305 Notebook; 50-Lab Exercises; 595 READINGS: McConnaughey, LAB METHODS IN MICROBIOLOGY DESCRIPTION: The purpose i3 to familiarize student with handling (isolation, maintenance, characterization) of microorganisms and with some of the common types* Keeping of good records, use ol microscope, sterile technique, anc some standard methods in microbiology will be taught. BI 392 HUMAN ANATOMY (3) Robertson, 330 Gerlinger MEETS: 12:30 UH+, 160 PLC FORIAT: Lecture/Lab AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 180 WEEKLY READING: 30 Pages PREREQUISITES: 1st year Biology or consent of instructor. EVALUATION: 255-Lab Midterm; 255 Lecture Midterm; 255-Lab Final; 255 Lecture Final READINGS: Spenj'. BASIC HUMAN ANATOMY; Lab packet DESCRIPTION: The intent of this course is to provide a basic understanding of the structure of the human body. Emphasis is placed on the neuro-muuculo-skeletal system during the fall term (BI 391) and the boay systems during the winter term (El 392) BI 410G BIOMETRY (5) Frank, 203 SC 1 MEETS: 11:30 KWF+, 334 SC 1 FORMAT: Lecture/Lab AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 15 WEEKLY READING: 40 PREREQUISITES: Students who have some experience with data, and thus an appreciation of the neea for inferential testing. EVALUATION: 60%-Homework ; 20* Miaterm; 20*-Final READINGS: Snedecor and Cochran, STATISTICAL hETKCDS DESCRIPTION: A short, intensive course sealing with standard methods of statistical inference as used in biological research analysis: ANOVA, linear regression AKCOVA, multiple regression; a bit on nonparametric tests, analysis of frequency data, principle components as a simple example of the use of multivariate statistics. BI 410G BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY (A) Courtney, 306 SC 1 MEETS: 12:30 KWF*, 33* SC 1 F0P.KAT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE aASS SIZE: 25 WEEKLY READING: 2 Chapters EVALUATION: 33Mtidterm; 67%-Final READINGS: Krebs and Davies, BEHAV10FAL ECOLOGY; Smith, EVOLUTION AND THE THEORY CF GAMES DESCRIPTION: The evolution of animal behavior will be discussed, covering: feeding strategies, mating systems, territoriality, conflict and cooperation. Emphasis will be placed on recent theoretical anc experimental advances. We shall also consider the relevance of such studies to understanding huaan behavior. COMMENTS: Some calculus involved. Occasional short field experiments. BI 426 ADVANCED TOPICS IN EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY (4) Tocc, 311 Chapman MEETS: 9:30 WF+, 33 H SC 1 FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 10 WEEKLY READING: 50 Pages PREREQUISITES: El 320, or equivalent, or instructor's consent. EVALUATION: 5 0 * - 2 Oral Presentations; 50‘>-Final READINGS: Futuyama, EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY DESCRIPTION: A Course in evolutionary biology at an advanced level, primarily for biology majors who have had an elementary course in evolution ano for graduate stucents in biology or in related disciplines. Students will give oral presentations of selected topics and lead class discussion. BI 4280 CELL HOT ELI TT (3) Bajer, 324 SC 1 MEETS: 8:00-9:20 UH, 334 SC 1 FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion/Demonstration AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 10 WEEKLY READING: 5G Pages DESCRIPTION: Cell motility hlstorical introduction. Video enhanced microscopy—revival of the light microscopy. Limitations of light and electron microscope. Function and structure of motile organelles. Microtubules and F actin filaments in vitro, in vivo and thier role in movements. Mitosis: structure of the mitotic apparatus and mechanism of chromosome movements. Demonstrations (if the class is small) are planned. BI 434 BRYOLOGY (4) Wagner, Herbarium MEETS: 13:30-17:20 UH, 111 Hue FORMAT: Lecture/Lab AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 10 WEEKLY READING: 35 Pages PREREQUISITES: BI 330 or equivalent EVALUATION: 5%-Hon.e work; 5% Project; 25S-Quiz*es; 20%-Hidterm; 20>-Lab Final; 25*-Final READINGS: Schofield, INTRODUCTION TO BRIOLCGY DESCRIPTION: This course is devoted to learning about mosses, liverworts, and hernworts, collectively known as bryophytes. The approach will be wholiatic, touching on tost aspects of bryophyte biology. Special emphasis will be pieced on knowing the plants. Laboratory periods will be spent learning to identify specimens collected on field trips and studying demonstration material. Homework requires reading from current literature. Project may be gj>uinfc a reference collection. COMMENTS: Despite the obvious prominence of mosses in landscapes such as Oregon's, the study of mosses is often neglected by biologists, expecially ecologists. This course is designed to fill that gap. BI 507 CELL NEUROBIOLOGT SEMINAR (1) Tublitz, 236 Huestis MEETS: 12:30 M, 317 Huestis FORIJIT: Seminar AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 25 WEEKLY READING: 26 Pages PREREQUISITES: Graduate students only EVALUATION: 505-Attendance; 505 Project READINGS: Selectea readings DESCRIPTION: Seminar course in all areas of neurobiology pritarily concerned with critical evaluation of primary research papers. BI 507 NEUROSCIENCE SEMINAR (1) Fernald, 305 Huestis MEETS: 15:30 F, 3H» SC 1 FORMAT: Seminar AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 20 EVALUATION: 1005-Attendance READINGS: None DESCRIPTION: Lectures on topics of current research interest in neuroscience by faculty ( postdoctoral fellows and invited scientists from other institutions. COMMENTS: Pass/No Pass only. BI 508 EOK GENES (2) Sprague, 255 SC 2 MEETS: 12:30 MW, 314 SC 1 FORMAT: Lecture AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 25 WEEKLY READING: 2-3 papers froc current literature PREREQUISITES: Course is intends for graduate student in tolecular biology. EVALUATION: 100J-Paper READINGS: DESCRIPTION: Lectures will focus on particular aspects of gene aoticn that are the subject of active current research. The course will be taught at the graduate level. Mastery of the basic concepts of molecular biology is expected. BI ORIGINS OF LIFE (1) Dodds, 481 SC 1