environmental and social problems facing our society, which are caused by modifying cell activities. COMMENTS: This is a course for nonmajors with no prerequisites. No previous biology, chemistry, or math will be assumed. Although not part of a cluster, this course does meet one group requirement for science. BI 103 INTRODUCTION TO HOMAN PHYSIOLOGY (N) Lombardi, 26 SC 2 MEETS: 11:30 MWF+, 136 Gilbert FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion/Lab AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 175 WEEKLY READINGS: 20-50 Pages or 1-2 Chapters and Lab Har'out EVALUATION: 20%- Nine Labs Attendance/Participation; 50J Miaterm; 30#-Final WEEKLY READINGS: Guyton, PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HUMAN BODY; 9 Lab Handouts DESCRIPTION: This course is an introduction to the function (physiology) of the human body. The lecture meets 3 tires per week for 50 minutes and the laboratory sessions meet one tine per week (Thursdays only) for 50 minutes. No chemistry background is required. Lab attendance/partioipation makes up 20% of the grade. Lecture/Lab topics for discussion induce: (1) Cell Physiology; (2) Nervous System; (3) Skeletal Muscle Contraction; (4) Cardiorespiratory System; (5) Digestion; (6) Encocrinology (hormones); and (7) Exercise Physiology. BI 115 I1TR0D0CTI0N TO ANIMAL BEHAVIOR (3) Fernald/Hagedorn, 305 Huestis MEETS: 11:00-12:20 UK, 138 Gilbert FORMAT: Lecture AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 200 WEEKLY READINGS: 1 Chapter EVALUATION: 305-2 Mioterms; M05 Final READINGS: Grier, BIOLOGY OF ANIMAL BEHAVIOR DESCRIPTION: The study of animal behavior has changed from the anecdotal stories of the behavior of pets and zoo animals to an important branch of biological science. The emphasis in this course will be on studies originating with some observation of an animal species in its natural environment which then lead naturally to the exploration of the phenomenon in more detail. V.'e will emphasize the evolutionary aspects of behavior as well as attempt to understand the mechanisms that underly it. Since the essence of animal behavior is careful observation, films will be used to demonstrate many of the points discussed, with ample opportunity to compare and contrast interpretation of the behavior observed. BI 192 MATURE OF ANIMAL LIFE (A) Murphy, Rm. 73 SC 2 MEETS: 10:30 l»WF, 30 SC 1 FORMAT: Lecture/Lab AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 60 WEEKLY READINGS: 20-30 Pages EVALUATION: 9*-Attendance; 23*-Lab reports; A5%-2 Midterms; 23*-Final READINGS: Raven and Johnson, BI0LCCY DESCRIPTION: A Study of the way in which animals carry cut their life functions; respiration, circulation, digestion, excretion, reproduction, growth, sensation-perception, behavior, and genetics. BI 199 PLAGUES AND BLIGHTS (3) Carroll/Courtney, 303 SC 1 MEETS: 13:30 MVIF, 31* SC 1 FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 25 WEEKLY READINGS: 25 Pages EVALUATION: 20*-2 Papers; 30t Project; 30X-Final READINGS: Will include a packet of readings fro* Science 60-66, Natural History, Newsweek, Scientific American as well as instructor's write-ups and photocopies from several books. DESCRIPTION: Throughout history epidemic diseases have affected human civilization, not only causing death and disaster, but also acting as a catalyst for social change. During this seminar, we will first consider the causes of disease and how they spread. We will then study case histories of historically important human and crop diseases including: The Black Death, smallpox, malaria, AIDS, potato blight, and wheat rust. In the final weeks of class each student will present a short research pap ei on a disease of his/her own choosing. COMMENTS: Class sessions will involve lectures, facilitated Discussions, and student presentations. Seminar may be taken only for P/NP grade. BI 200 MEDICAL TERMWOLOGT (2) Strange/Stroud MEETS: 15:30-16:50 U, 16 SC FORMAT: Lecture EVALUATION: Weekly Quizzes; Paper DESCRIPTION: The intent of this course is to enrich a student's medical vocabulary through a programmed learning text, mini lectures, and relevant guest speakers. The course focuses on Latin prefixes, suffixes, word roots, and combining forms to build a competent vocabulary. By studying this vocabulary, students will learn the fundamentals of anatomy and physiology; however, the course requires no previous knowledge of science. The course is most relevant to those who plan to have business contact with the medical profession. COMMENTS: Register at the Biology table during registration. BI 202 GENERAL BIOLOGY II (3 or A) Postlethwait/Hague 285 SC 1/470 SC 1 MEETS: 14:30 KWF, 138 Gilbert FORMAT: Lecture/Discuasion/Lab AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 200 WEEKLY READING: 15 Pages PREREQUISITES: BI 201 or equivalent EVALUATION: 65>-2 Midterms; 351 Final READINGS: Starr ano Tagfcart, BIOLOGY DESCRIPTION: How living things interact with each other and their environment. COMMENTS: BI 208, General biology Lab II, may be required for some najors. Check with your advisor. BI 222 HUMAN GENETICS (3) Cottrill MEETS: 12;30 MWF, 110 Fenton FORIiAT: Lecture WEEKLY READING: 1-2 chapters EVALUATION: 25J-Homework; 50J-2 Midterms; 25*-Final READINGS: Novitski, HUMAN GENETICS DESCRIPTION: Basic concepts of genetics, especially as they relate to humans. Discussions of related topics such as blood groups, iomunology, prenatal effects, genetic effects of radiation and other mutagens, biology of twinning. COMMENTS: This course is part of an approved science cluster. BI 292 CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY Sprague/Sistrom, 255 SC 2; 369 SC 1 MEETS: 10:30 MW, 123 SC 1 FORMAT: Lecture/Tutorial AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 160 WEEKLY READING: 10 Pages EVALUATION: 20*-Quizzes; 45* Kidtera; 35*-Final READINGS: Stryer, BIOCHEMISTRY DESCRIPTION: Structure of proteins; enzymes and how they work; how cells obtain energy control of chemical reaction in cells. B1 320 EVOLUTIONART BIOLOGY (3) Gray, 112 Quonset MEETS: 11:30 MWF, 30 SC 1 FORMAT: Lecture AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 50 WEEKLY READING: 30-50 Pates PREREQUISITES: Core biology or equivalent, or instructor's consent. EVALUATION: 10',-Quizzes; 20%-Paper; 30*-Midterc; 40%-Final READINGS: Dodson and Dodson, EVOLUTION: PROCESS AND PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: An introduction to evolutionary biology. The goal will be to develop an understanding of how plants and animals adapt or fail to adapt to their environment, how life originated, how new species evolve, and that help us to explain the patterns that are evident in the history of life. COMMENTS: This course is intended for both biology majors and students in other disciplines (e.g. geology, anthropology, chemistry, general 3Cier.ce, etc.), who desire a more comprehensive course in evolutionary biology than a freshman course fcr non-majors. fil 322 HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY II (3) Lombardi, 26 SC 2 MEETS: b:30 UH+, 123 SC 1 FORMAT: Lecture/Lab WEEKLY READING: 50 Pages or 1-2 Chapters; l.ab Manual PREREQUISITES: BI 321 EVALUATION: 30*-Lab; HOj-Kidterm; 30>-Final READINGS: Fox, HU AN PHYSIOLOGY; Lab Manual DESCRIPTION: Major human physiological systems will be discussed including the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, endocrine, and reproductive systems. Lab work will complement the lecture material. COMMENTS: This course must, be taken in sequence alter BI 321, Human Physiology 1. BI 351 ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY (A) Kuns., 337 SC 1