Tia* JJVC Cc*r*a Cv2.ce a» j-ciiaaSefi if tie iMtcuttt Stiiteats cf tte Dii**nty tf Crete** »t« is castratvtec tttfc terv ntitr ttrt), free »l tur(t it tie ueaeersatjr ccse txatjr. Slice ti« tttrtt ttttrntictt * re * titte* t| EofC trcfester* * ieta lor litt rrtt t 1st c n*e tit*. Tie Cctr te Cvate 1 .tic reqvarec rt*c;cit, gr* »>/»<•* o'M» W*B j •». sct. LIB 199 L1B1AIT SKILLS PCS UfTEttATICBAL STCDEBTS (1) Larnwell, 17*-A LIB KELTS: feb. 16-Karch 9; 9:30-10:50 Ufc, 2fc1-A Lit F0IJA7: Lecttre/Liscussion/Lab AVEIAGE CLASS SIZE: 15 PFE1ELC1SITES : Bestncteo to International stucents. EVALIATION: To be ariTiOuccec DESCRIPTION: This course will provide a general introduction to the U of 0 Library systen, with ecphasis on basic library research skills for International/Foreign students. COENENTS: Hay be taken for credit or as P/NP. LIB 199 BOS/EGOa REF. SOURCES (3) Christensen, 2E4-A LIB HEETS: 9:30/12:3C EhF, 133 LIE FORhAT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 35 EVALUATION: 33S-Kidtern; 33*-Final; 33J-Cuizzes DESCRIPTION: This is a lower division course to enable stuaents to take satisfying use of the UO Library's business and econoniic t-aterials, to heir students to