Services on campus Tanning SunShower on campus Sun Sale 10 visits/$25 SunShower MS-2323 iC •74 E. 13th mut to Ktokom Mir conditioned X_ ' T" Auto Repair FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY FOR STUDENTS & FACULTY wzstside FOREIGN AUTO Meimtwnct and Rspair f ltONW 3nf \»/4*«W0_ Rides a Riders FROM CORVALLIS TO EUGENE. Car pool rides/riders needed 1 753-4917 nights 1-14 Opportunities AIRLINES NOW HIRING Flight Alien dents. Agents, Mechanics. Customer Service. Salaries to WOK Entry level positions Call 605-6874000 Ext A 9642 ter current BtHina._1-9 GOVERNMENT JOBS. $16,040 $59.230/yr No w Hiring Call 805-667-6000 Ext R 9642 for current federal list 119 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: GUIDE TO GREENCARD From F/J/H Visas For details, send $1 (PAH): Immiara tion Publications, P O Box 515991. Dallas, TX 75251_1-9* WOMEN: SAFERIDE NEEDS YOU If you are interested in driving the Saferide van two hours a week please drop by Suite 4. EMU or call 686 3724 and ask for Shannon Meehan 1-13* EXCELLENT INCOME for part time home assembly work For info, call 504641 8003 Ext 8887 V7 FEDERAL. STATE A CIVIL SERVICE JOBS $15,414 to $58.785/Year, Now Hir ing CALL JOB LINE 1-518-459-3611 Ext F 1408 for listing 24HR 113 INTERNSHIPS Apply now for limited number of openings in professional p-r office during winter and spring terms Develop skills in journalistic writing media relations, and/or marketing Academic credit available Applica tion deadline 19 UO News Burea 6863134 16* STUDENT GOVERNMENT EXPERIENCE Th* ASUOh** INTERNSHIPS lor credit evetlabt* • Vo ' FMilbM •clMduM* • Chore* of actMtMt • Specific or garmral matgiu • Valuable *ap*rMnc* • Great fun For more Info, com* to the ASUO Ofle*. Suit* 4. EMU. or cMI MS-3724 1-14’ Help Wanted IT IS UNLAWFUL for any ampiovar or employment agency to print or cit cuiate or cauae lo ba prtntad or dr cuiairM any atalamant. advertisement or publication or lo uae any lorm or ap EX leal ion lor amploymanl or lo maaa any inquiry in connaction with proepec Ilya amploymanl which aipraaaaa directly or indirectly any limitation •pacification or dtacnmmatton at to raca, religion color, eei age or national origin, or any infant lo maka any auch limitation, apacllication or Olacrimin* lion, uniaaa baaed upon a bona tiOa oc cupattonal quallltcalion iORS 859 0301 ••LIKE WORKING WITH PEOPLE?" Stu Pant Racaptionist in Academic Advia Ing and Slodant Samoa* Work atudy poaition #15 houra/waak Inquire at 164 Oregon Haw14 CLERICAL WORK STUDY ASSISTANT winter and eprtng larma. approi 8# hra/wk. SVhr Apply al Ottice ol Student Advocacy. Suita 334 EMU through January 12. 1987 OSA la an Equal Op portunity/Afttrmatlve Action Employer 1-9 THE ASUO ia accepting appltcatlona lor the poaition ol Aaaiatanl Setende Coordinator Deadline la January 9 1987 Job deecnptiona and applice lion* are avanabia in Suita 4. EMU The ASUO ia an Equal Opportum ly/Alltrmatlva Action Employer, mlnorlliaa, dillarenily ablad etudenta and woman are encouraged lo apply la HELP WANTED! Law school seeks work study student with background or training In library work Flexible hours Call 686 384? 19* LIKE WORKING WITH PEOPLE, stu dent receptionist in Academic Advising and Student Services Work study post tion. 6-15 hours per week inquire at 164 Oregon Mali 19 YMCA NEEDS REFERREES for Youth Basketball League on Saturdays, now through March Flexible hours. $4 per hour Contact Tom Hatfield 686 YMCA 18 S4.25/HR Seeking bright, energetic end per sonabie student experienced on IBM PC tor entry level clerical position with potential for writing MUST BE WORKSTUDY Contact Amy *3960 19* Roommates HOUSEMATE WANTED, wonderful large home. 10 minutes from LCC Call evenings 747 7244 1 9 CONSCIOUS. RESPONSIBLE roommate to share contemporary house with progressive male College Hill Woodstove, $165 Mark 4652291 evenings. _ 18 ROOMMATE WANTEO to share beautiful townhouse with female sales representative WAD. 2 bdrm. 2 bath fireplace Valley River Center Area, car port close to bus route, rent negotiable Prefer law student or grad student Call 344-6261 1 14 § For Rent FAMILY HOUSING APARTMENT LIVING. UO Westmoreland 1 bedroom lurmehed Slli/mo, 2 bedroom furnished. |t44fmo Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom SI20fmo Future openings e> peeled Winter and Fall Terms Married couples and single parents eligible Call UO Housing MS4277 tor informa tion^2M»t«n BLACKSTONE MANOR tTSO Aider St (mgr apt t|. Fully furnish ed t bedroom apartments in quiet com plea Laundry facIHtlee Off-street parti Ing and much more S2SS plus deposit Call Caaay 687-0684 IPMCe-. tttt Peart 4K4MI Ifn LAME. VERT CLEAN. Vary quiet 2 bdrm apt. 1 Nodi from campus Frt 5-7 pm Sst S Sun. from 4-7 pm EESEE1Etsitl* For Rent CABIN WITH RIVER VIEWS lor root to student with vehicle E12S including Ulilllteft 833 24W ftlte- T 14 t SR BASEMENT APT |l». 4*& 3891 i mil# from campuft (downtowm I8 20th • AIDER 3 BR wood Moor* firaplaca stove lease S4M I S ITS# ORCHARD 2 Bedrooms targe studio yard S3S6 faasa Open house Sal noon _ JB BE TOUR OWN LANOlOROSluOents Cooperative Association no* reserving lor Winter T#rm S C A la a «» « dynamic process few understanding you' innerwQftdt Many exercises wtll be given which art M hefp in c mat tv# pioWtm toivmg growth in Pwereness and harmony in living Presented by Stud#nta of ECKANKAP 17* Health Yourself *87 Crisis Prevention Conference SAT JAN 17, EMU Hat IS workshop# to hetp you deal with the street m your Me Your ticket to the conference is the conference packet which car. be pur chased for ItO el the U of O Bookstore t unit of credit can be earned by enrolling for CP*y 199 at the Dept of Counseling Psychology. i78t Alder by Jan 18 t^te Oittly Otstvr 18 Meetings RUGBY Practice starts Wed Jan 7 4 pm Meet behind Mac Court 17 Food a Drink s miner fflCKLtift C >'rV GOURMET ICE CREAM All January ALL 5UMDAE5 $1.25 Including: Hot Fudge, Euphoria, Chocolate, At Strawberry 13th ft Milyard ortn m mohur 861 Willamette ofw n. e (Faioav nt iot) EUGENE'S FALL CREEK BAKERY NUT TO UO BOOMBTOM Have Lunch or a Light Moat with ual TODAY’S MENU: • HM a ChMM MM CftiWMl • Bi.b8.II nm C.B8BB wlunl trmm Bw MW IINm M F T XU 00 sat E 13«oo 68i r i3th Saturday 8 3 484 1662 •Thick, Creamy Shakes •Juicy Gourmet Burgers •B«g Hot Breakfasts •Criay French Fries •light Tasty Salads •Homemade Soups •Beer & Wine s*124t Alder*M4 1M0 EH 7 am 2 am Sat • am 2 am Iranian Films For Rent (VHS) Soma arttn Enpliaft auMIHM CaM Maaoud 4S4 MTS I » Entertainment FUNK! The Reason Why Thurs Nile. $1.00 BLUES! Chris Cottrane a The Blues Blaster* Sat Nile, $2 MAX'S tttti S PMknii BIJOU mnm m»hii MUST END SOON A HKtOU+LY >*xy COt She'S mV IrroaistaMy onjoyatoa A }*/,ry And :au*al m« comady Spiha Im bring* « Charga ol comic anargy to wti«l ha • doing that S An Mb ff Tix AFHCTm son. Mr SON m -\f 4«flD», 7 U 1* % m xx/Ke ursnKML oo' no penmen _ com. I uiu ' wMoump. HtWT so OmHY \ pnm mo iwf. SAM6 I X> HKf KAftCt' 'ViWy r»'