CQPQ Continued from Page 1 pie. or 10 separate people have any grievenc.e*. a hearing may be scheduled. The comment period closes on Feb. 2. Children are admitted to the child-care program based on a point system. The first admission priority is assigned to student families, and then University employee families based on seniority. Community families are third on the priority list. “The first priority of the point system is to be able to con tinue child care for student parents whose children have already bean admitted to the program.'' Reynolds said. "The point-system rules were drawn up to assure that one. students maintain first priority for enrollment in this program, and two. to make sure it was done in an objective man ner where no one on staff or parent council could bend a rule because someone was a friend." Reynolds said. In the past the child-care center had bean over-enrolled; however, at the beginning of fall term there were still vacan cies. Prior reports about how hard it was to get into the child care center may have discourag ed many people from applying. Reynolds said. “There seems to be an im pression that it is impossible to get in here, and I think we end ed up with people this fall who were so convinced they wouldn’t get in that they did not even try," he said. Although there are still some openings available for cer tain programs and times, the number of people using child care has since increased. Reynolds hopes that the rule changes will keep the cost of child care down; however, keeping the costs below those of other agencies in town is becoming difficult, he said. “We maintain a level where we are competitive with other preschool programs, even though our costs are higher for our lead teaching staff." Reynolds said. The University child-care center's teaching staff are union employees who are paid more than minimum wage. Still Reynolds believes the staff is both underpaid and under valued for the quality of teaching. The higher staff costs are balanced by employing work study students to assist at the centers. "I think we provide a better program at lower costs than other programs in Eugene,” Reynolds said. The University’s child care is an EMU program that receives incidental fees to cover administrative costs. 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Pal Methany. and Georg# Benson Lear* how lo build an improvised line Develop your own style lead lines applications ot ap propnate melody to harmony, com monly used chords in progression and thematic development will be discussed Class is open to all instrumentalists volcaHsts and non instrumentalists as well Knowledge ot music theory would be helpful, but not necessary ALEX ZEDICOFF INSTRUCTOR For more Info call AAA-97A1 BM3 19* Instruction Want to Learn GUITAR A EARN EXTRA CREDIT? Quality Group Instruction for an affor dable price0p120sl1220n ly S2-S3 per hour BEG. GUITAR 1 MuE IN TWO SECTIONS MW 3 30 4:50 * UM 2 30-3:SO Beginners only team to read music accompany songs play melodies and understand what you're doing INSTRUCTOR DAVID CASE 342 6426 PREREQUISITE FOR FOLLOWING BASIC CHORD FLUIDITY ROCK, JAZZ, BLUES GUITAR MuSIM TUES 3:30-3:20 Lead guitar improvisation, rhythm styles chord techniques Clapton Gar cia Hendrix Bee* Metheny, Benson and many others INSTRUCTOR ALEX ZEDICOFF 464-0523 CONTEMPORARY ACOUSTIC GUITAR MUS 199 3 30 5 20 M Featuring fingerstyles. flatpiching ac compamments solos, slide Joni Taylor. Beatles voung Dylan Kotthe Cooder Watson many others INSTRUCTOR ALEX ZEDICOFF 464 0523 ALL COURSES 166 FEE 3 CREDITS 8364 19 tall 11 500 (Moplo you naad a nda to Portland? A: wltti an ODE CLASSIFIED ADI Instruction OCT FUNKY WINTER TEW*! HISTORY OF FUNK • FUSION E«p*ore todays "fusion’ musics Metheny Davis Jarrssu. Sanborn Win cjhan Hill more Taught by C»rl Woldeck of KLCOKZAM No musical knowledge required Mondays 6 to 9 pm MUSIC 1M TIN S3M 3 CREDITS 1M FEE 17 GUITAR KEYBOARD. BASS. LESSONS l asm YOUR tavorile songs All styles all agas John Sharkey 344 5530 K years teaching e»perlence MS The Northwest Institute tor the Creative Arts Therapies 33 E 20th Ave Fugene OR 97406 503*83-4483 WINTER 1987 Adult Art Therapy (LSS 410GI Wed 1/7-3/11 0 30-9 30 pm $135 Art Therapy Theory or Practice (LSS 410GI Th 118-3/17.6 30-930 pm, $135 Art Therapy Process Group (LSS 409G) Mon 1/12-3/10,6 30-9:30. $135 WEEKEND WORKSHOPS Dreams, >m*g«ry & Personal Symbols Sal Jan 24. 10 am-4 pm, $35 A Creative Ptayshop w.‘Linda Spangler M/Muslc Sal Feb 7 10 am 4 pm, $35 An Therapy in the Classroom Thors March 5 6 9 pm and Sal March 7. 1041 pm $55 plus $24 credit meets SO SC, Ashland Leigh Files ATR 663 4463 $10 Non refundable deposit for each registration UO credit and financial aid available For Sale STUDENT 0ESK (Maplel 4 drawers $45 Walnut stereo cabinet, $75, lamps $10 $20 Vintage solae and chairs (need face tills) 485 3891 10 Bicycles 13 SPEED C ITOH. line naw, encellant condition Ask tor $80 or best ottar 4846794 evenings_10 LADIES SCHWINN 15 Speed brand new 8 month warranty $250 OBO Lenore 4845818 1-U Books 100.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All Selling 40-S0% oil Mai prides •TsalbooAsaClitt Notas«Magszlnes> USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLO SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 700 Eaal 13th _ 4973 tin SALE ON USED BOOKS. 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Come on down1 MF 7 30»mSpm