International Soviets say no to drugs MOSCOW (AP) — More than 4,000 people were arrested in a sweep called Operation Poppy 86. Pravda said Tuesday in a report indicating that narcotics are the latest target of Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev's war on social ills. The Communist Party daily said drug abuse has increased significantly in the past five years and 46,000 Soviet citizens are classified as addicts, but the extent of the sweep suggested a greater problem. Interior Minister Alexander Vlasov, who is in charge of the nation's police, castigated the practice in previous regimes of calling drug abuse a capitalist phenomenon that did not exist here. Narcotics join alcoholism, prostitution, corruption and in efficiency as targets of Gor bachev’s attempt to stamp out problems that hamper advancement. Hotels to be inspected SAN JUAN. Puerto Rico (AP) — Puerto Rico's fire chief said Tuesday every hotel on the island would be inspected for safety violations, starting at once, to head off any repetition of the Dupont Plaza Hotel disaster. The New Year's Eve inferno at the 439-room luxury hotel, officially called a case of arson, killed 96 people and injured more than 140, many of them American tourists. I* ire t.mei Aureito l.opnz Rivera told The Associated Press, “Today (Tuesday) and tomorrow we are going to take out the inspection reports (of all the hotels) to determine which should be reinspected im mediately. And then we are go ing to extend the inspection to the other hotels” in this U.S. commonwealth. Most of those killed at the Du pont Plaza were burned beyond recognition, but a forensic ex pert reported 80 of the dead were identified by Tuesday. National Probe panel approved WASHINGTON (AP) — A new Congress formally chartered the first of a pair of Iran-Contra investigative panels Tuesday, while Attorney General Edwin Meese III pledg ed Justice Department coopera tion with an outside counsel's quest to get to the bottom of the arms-and-money scheme. "Our first duty in this new Congress is the restoration of public trust in the formulation of American foreign policy," said Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., the majority leader in the new Democrat-controlled Senate, as the body opened for business. Senators voted 88-4 to establish an 11-member panel that is expected to begin holding public hearings in mid February into the allegations that proceeds from clandestine sales of U.S. arms to Iran were used to benefit the Contras. New budget sets record WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi dent Reagan proposed the na tion's first trillion-dollar budget on Monday and ran into im mediate congressional skep ticism over his plans to trim the deficit and cut dozens of domestic programs while still adding billions to Pentagon spending. The $1,024 trillion budget for the 1988 fiscal year — an in crease of 0.9 percent over estimated spending for this year — offered a renewed attack on the soaring budget deficits that have bedeviled the country dur ing the Reagan presidency. But Reagan held firm against any general tax increase to reduce the red ink. Rep. Jim Wright, D-Texas, who will become speaker of the House, last month proposed increasing taxes on the wealthy to combat the deficit, but found little support. Israeli power reviewed WASHINGTON (AP) - Statements by a former Israeli nuclear worker have led U.S. experts to conclude that Israel has far more atomic weapons and that they are far more powerful than previously believed. According to Mordechai Vanunu's account. Israel has exploited an experimental reac tor. secretly built for Israel by the French in 1957-1964, to pro duce 88 pounds of plutonimum a year, enough to build 10 bombs. The plant uses much more advanced technology to extract plutonimum than methods used by other nuclear powers early in their nuclear programs. Vanunu, 32. is charged in Israel with aiding an enemy in wartime and of espionage because of his interviews and because of 60 photos said to show the Dimona nuclear facility. Vanunu's assertions have not been denied by Israel. Regional State targets lawyers PORTLAND (AP) — Oregon leads the nation in the percen tage of lawyers facing claims for negligence or malpractice, state Willamette Center For Sex Education is offering classes on per sonal sexual enhance ment/education beginning January 23rd, for in dividuals or couples. Format includes: *Use of a workbook with at home exercises •Film ‘Discussion call 741-4581 or 343*1 739 FOR DETAILS bar officials say. About a fifth of the 5.000 at torneys practicing in Oregon, or one in five, are facing a lawsuit, said [oan Johnson, loss preven tion director for the Oregon State Bar Professional Liability Fund. Oregon, however, is the only state that requires attorneys to purchase liability insurance to practice. F.ach will pay about $2,000 next year to receive $300,000 coverage for defense and liability costs. The number of claims filed against the professional liability fund, the only such fund in the nation, climbed from 76 in 1978 to 565 in 1985, lohnson said. The number of claims fell to 450 last year, but the decline is con sidered only temporary. Counties stand to lose PORTI.AND (AP) - Oregon counties could lose more than $70 million in federal timber receipts under President Reagan's proposed new budget, based on timber income for the most recent fiscal year. Reagan, in his budget issued Monday, recommended a change in the method of sharing federal timber sales income with counties where the timber is located. The change would have the federal government deduct its expenses before calculating the counties' shares. That would increase federal revenue and reduce payments to counties. Spokesmen for the US. Forest Service and Bureau of I.and Management said they couldn't immediately deter mine what exact fiscal impact the proposal would have in Oregon because they hadn't seen details. •GOURMET BURGER BAR Help yourself lo Bubba's Condiment bar with our giant Vs If) or Vi lb burger • BUBBA’S STEAK Hoi Charbroiled New York strip steak served with our own fries $5.95 •SATISFYING SOUPS Tasty and comforting homemade soup BUBBA’s • 1249 Alder Mon-Frl 7am-mldnlght Set Sam-midnight Hair Styling and Tanning Salon for Men & Women dicuhadA $10.00 Cult by ssfscfsd ponortnol, mctudM s/iampoo I blow dry Tan Grt* Mr tontmut IIMAMct MS-1202 with Phillips Solarium System « sam • to K mtn MUMni U JO MCA • AMS' Si tocwhon 1M1 19th St. 484-2S6S 2833 Willamette 686-1490 r i I HH ■■ I COUPON■ ■■ ■■ PHOTO SPECIAL 35mm. 126. ami 110 Develop and Print C-41 2nd net ol prints developed and printed 1 /2 price I ECONOMY SERVICE LUSTER PAPER nix,.*1.97 24 Exp.*3.97 M Exp.#5.97 REPRINTS 6 FOR 11 6L0SSY PAPER «Exp.*2.95 U Exp.*4.95 M Exp.*6.75 REPRINTS 5 FOR *1 I I I Cou^ow ^li W%. onm Eip*M w*mr OREGON PHOTO LAB On Cmb|mm South Wlllunrttr 1231 AI4m * 6*3-2500 2805 WllUmctt* * 344-1224 WMUnno Man Of ii tuinOt 10 2 pm I BH ■■ ■■ I coupon! ■■ ■■ Hi I J IBM Compatible Computers K^s995, including Collogo WORD PERFECT **•* Sharp, Atari, and Amiga PCs I and a lull Una ot computer accaaaoriaa. 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