EMU night managers enjoy diversity at work By Colette Doudin Of IwtiM Many University students know the Erb Memorial Union as a comfortable place to relax and study. But ask Anne Wyatt, and she’ll tell you. "It’s in tense. but that's where it's at." Wyatt is one of four graduate teaching fellows who work as EMU night managers. The posi tion is coordinated through the office of the EMU director. After EMU day managers finish their weekday shifts at 5 pm. the night managers con tinue the authoritative positions of their daytime counterparts, said EMU Director Adell McMillan The GTE position of EMU night manager was originated in the early 1960s. McMillan said. Prior to that time, the |ob was filled by full-time employees when the EMU was about one-third the size it is now. Though McMillan considers the position of night manager an “absolute neccessity," she also believes the system works very well and is quite en thusiastic about working with the GTFs. “They do an ex cellent job. and they always have." she said. Besides Wyatt, the other night managers are Cara DiMar co, Debra Westvang and Tony Pickering. Their shifts rotate between weeknights and four shifts on the weekend Routine tasks of the night RESTAURANT The only place in Eugene that offers AUTHENTIC SZECHUAN CUISINE. SZECHUAN TERRACE 652 E. Broadway □ 545-5477 11-10 Mon. -Fri; 12-10 Sat.-Sun. II managers include closing the building and main desk at 11 p.m.. setting up meeting rooms correctly as well as getting necessary materials for par ticipants of meetings, and ac counting activities. DiMarro said. Hired for the position in fall 1982. DiMarco is now the senior night manager. Her job differs from the other night managers because it involves more scheduling and training duties, she said. She enjoys her job because it is always different, she said. Hecause night managers are not working under any direct supervision, the job teaches them to cope with the unex pected, DiMarco explained. "We're the ones who make the decision to call security." she said. Though the EMU is open to the public, it is primarily for students, and the goal for night managers is to keep the building a comfortable and safe place. DiMarco said. DiMarco finds most people who use the EMU are cooperative, although they tend to be less so when finals week approaches, she said. For exam ple. more people wish to remain in the building at closing time, and the EMU has responded to this problem by extending its hours at the end of each term. DiMarco said Behavior problems both with students and transients are "not super-prevalent. People care about the building, and van dalism doesn't seem to take place here," Dimarco said. While the main desk makes announcements that the building will be closing soon. DiMarco said people sometimes are unwilling to leave the pinball-arcade. Other potential problems arise when beer garden crowds get a little too rowdy, she said. Although Wyatt said she had been "blessed with quiet shifts." she did have to deal one evening with an apparently in toxicated man who expressed confusion over whether he was the son of Christ or Martin Luther King. |r.. and bothered nearby students. The job offers several benefits. DiMarco said. She in tends to earn a doctorate in counseling and learns valuable administrative and communica tion skills, such as conflict resolution and needs assess ment as unexpected events hap Active Wear See our selection of frames that are good looking, light weight, and durable ELASTA FRAME Spring Hinge Temples flex and come right back Metal or Plastic 7M E. 13th Av# • 343 3333 Tony Pickering pen, she said. Though occasionally frustrated, DiMarco said the autonomy of her position outweighs the problems. McMillan is a good role model of a female ad ministrator, DiMarco said. “As one person, as a female, you're running the entire building.’’ DiMarco said. “Typical women are not taught they have this capability.” Wyatt also enjoys working with McMillan as well as the responsibility of decision making and diplomacy that go with the job. she said. Wyatt has grown more at ease and more confident in her own judgment since she was hired as a night manager in winter 1986, she said. Pickering was hired last month and spent his first two weeks being trained by the . tVc Create E - •Resumes • Flyers • Menus •Newsletters FASTI! saOE 13th • 144-3944 MW 10th ♦ 344-3SM Klnko s Copies Open 7 Days other night managers, he said. He had worked previously as a student manager for the Univer sity Housing Department, and said his decision-making ex perience with the housing department has helped him to feel at ease in his new job. Working as a night manager has helped Pickering appreciate the different services the EMU provides, he said. “Not a night goes by that there’s not a major event here." he said. Pickering said he also enjoys the chance to work and con tinue his education, and the op portunity to work with everyone in the EMU director’s office. Though Pickering said he has not had to deal with any serious emergencies so far. perhaps his most interesting evening was the night he locked the keys in side the vault. 9 ARCADIAN FARMS N.W. | Horse Kidinx Lessons i|j “An Alternative Kwitiw" K wrliunw new I of O rifter |/V\ Mary kurlinikt § Coupons in the Emerald save you money. * I Check every page, every day. It pays. s