The University of Oregon Continuation Center sponsors with •College of Human Development & Performance •Folk & Ethnic Studies Dept • Women's Studies Dept •Clinical Psychology Men & Masculinity Symposium This year's theme is “Men and Power." Stimulating questions and issues will be examined, explored and dissected by fascinating keynote speakers; by panels of men from business, military, politics and religion; by psychologists, lawyers, elected officials, pacifists and men without labels. Through workshops, men and women will have added opportunity to understand and experience expressions and consequences of alternative definitions of power in the world, in relationships and with themselves. When: March 6: 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. March 7: 9:00 a m. - 10:00 p.m. March 8 10:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m. WTiere: UO campus, EMU Fee: UO Students $30 CPSY 408G 1 credit P/NP Eyes On the Prize: a PBS-based telecourse Eyes on the Prize, a comprehensive history of the people, the stories, the events and » the issues of the civil rights struggle in America, is a major prime time PBS television series and television course. Focus is ► on the period of American history I from World War II to the present ■ with instuctor Calvin Harris contributing expertise on the labor movement. The media formal, combining prim and video, makes this course a unique learning experience. The feelings and events of the Civil Rights Movement, which transformed me face of American culture, come alive through this series. Six television broadcasts on Oregon Public Broadcasting begin January 21 and end February 25. Airs Wednesday nights 10:00 to 11:00 p.m. Repeats Thursdays at noon. Two on-campus class sessions: Orientation held January 14, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m., 138 Gilbert. Final meeting to be announced. ES410G TLN7622 3 Credits UO Students $55 Self Hypnosis Learn to induce a state of self h\pnosis for •relaxation •habit control •stress management •increased creativity * dream awareness •improved study habits •i mprovedconcent ration •self actualization When: Wednesday evenings, 7:30-9:30 pm January 14 - February 25 Where: UO campus, 117 Fenton Instructor: Ronna Friend Fee: $35 Sixth Annual Health and Fitness in the Workplace Conference February 19 & 20 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EMU All those interested in promoting health and fitness in the workplace are urged and invited to participate in what promises to be an extraordinary two-day Conference. This year’s program examines specific corporations' fitness management programs and offers concrete suggestions on development and practical applications for fitness management. Expats from industry, social service organizations and research institutions bring together the latest information on what health management practices can mean to everyone in the workplace. Topics Include: * Health Promotion: The Rut or the Horizon * Employee/Employer Liability Issues * Women's Health issues at the Worksite * Employee Injuries Common to the Worksite * Program Planning in the Workplace * Medical Surveillance at Spectra-Physics HDEV 408G * TLN 5890 * 1 Credit, P/N * UO Studcnts:$25 Imagine That! A fun experimental, noncredit class dealing with: ‘creative visualization ‘affirmations ‘reprogramming ‘goal setting Blending instruction and theory with individual and group exercises, the course is designed to give students practical experience in applying the above techniques in literally every facet of life. For example, if you would like to.... be more relaxed, attain more self confidence, stop smoking or lose weight."IMAGINE THAT!" offers you an opportunity to focus on your goals, while sharing the support of a group experience. When: Thursday evenings, 7:30-9:30 p.m. January 15-February 26 Where: UO campus, 117 Fenton Instructor: Nancy Hopps Fee: $35 Women Writers' Workshop Women writers at all levels will increase their discipline, scope and acuity as writers. Poets and prose writers are welcome to join the workshop and share the benefits of friendly, constructive criticism from the group under instructor’s guidance. A variety of subject matter will be covered. When: Tuesday evenings, 7:00 - 9:00 pm Throughout term Where: UO campus, 184 PLC Instructor Cecelia Hagen Fee: UO students $35 WST410G ILN 7613 Icrcdiis For more information on these courses call the Continuation Center at 686-3537 or stop by 1553 Moss Street