Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Fti. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 Special Malaysian Hot Dish Laksa *350 Serving for lunch CHINA BLUE , Rnliunnl ■ 879 E. 13lh. 343-2832 \t*«r m the VO Bonk store. up*i4irs Come Explore The Crystal Kingd om Quart:, Amethyst, Citrine, Selenite. Tourmaline, Topaz, CRYSTALS & CLUSTERS / Spheres, ' Massage Tools, Errs, r jm Pyramids CRYSTAL REFLECTIONS 1159 Taylor Street, Eugene Tun Sll. 115:30 • 484 7014 RESUME ANSWERING SERVICE A A A A FAST-LINE COMMUNICATIONS T.A.S. 344*1244 Profession^ Resume Answering Service « 2U Hours A Day • 7 Days A Week No Calls Missed • No Phone Necessary • No Waiting By The Phone 510/M0NTH \SK ABOUT OUR 800 SERVICE COMPLETE SECRETARIAL SERVICES • RESUMES Bonded A Injured ^ 4 4 * 1 2* 4 4 Photo bv Shu Shinn Chon Members of the Oregon Wind Ensemble practice for upcoming performances. The ensem ble is just one of many groups that perform in Beall Hall during the year, Beall Hall showcases performances by more than 20 student ensembles By Karen Engels Of the Kmrralri Beall Mall is continually alive with music. "Concerts run the gamut from 14th century music to Jelly Roll Morton jazz to Spanish Choirs,” said Bernard Dobroski. dean of the School of Music. "You can sit in Beall Mall and listen to the centuries passing. The variety is Incredible." Nearly 200 performances are given each year in the Universi ty music school concert hall by performing student groups, faculty artists and guest performers. "This is one of the finest schools of music in the United States." Dobroski said. "The variety and quality rivals the top conservatories in America.” Gary Martin, associate dean of the school, said people do not realize the quality of the performances. Martin, who also teaches music literature courses, said he emphasizes the importance of concert attendance to his students. "What other time in Holiday Special Kaypro Expansion Unit Plus • 265 K RAM • Green or Amber monitor • 19 CPS, daisywheel • $75 for 640 K • $99 Hercules Graphics • ONLY through December 31, 1986 *1,395 COMPUTER & SOFTWARE EMU “ 683-7355 life than in collage do you have the chance to be exposed to this much quality music?" he asks. A large percentage of the con certs are free to students and are held right on campus. Quality, diversity and availability are the noteworthy characteristics of the concerts each month, said Steve Stone, community relations director for the school. "A lot of people know it's a good music school, but aren't aware completely. It’s our responsibility to let them know. ” More than 20 student perfor mance groups make up a large number of the Beall Hall con certs each year. These groups include the Oregon Wind Ensemble, the University Sym phony Orchestra, the University Singers Chamber Choir, Jazz l-ahs. Symphonic Band. Sin fonietta. Men's and Women's Choruses, the University Per cussion Ensemble and the Vocal |azz Ensemble. These groups and solo per formers compete well with students at any comparable school, Martin said. The variety and quality are enormous, from ancient music to jazz, gospel and modern styles, Martin said. Compositions by music school students also are sometimes performed "Part of the education of the students takes place in the con cert hall," Stone said. "Perfor mance is the outgrowth of their education." The Percussion Knsemble. led by Charles Dowd, associate music professor, is one of these groups that show the variety the school offers. "People come away from their concerts very impressed. They use dozens, sometimes hundreds of in struments in a performance,” Martin said. These performance groups are also open to non-music ma jors, although some require auditions. Many outstanding performers from campus who are not music majors are regular performers in these groups. Stone said. Turn to Music, Page 9 Have dinner brought to you while you watch Monday Night Football tonight. \<0 THE I PIZZA ANSWER » Ml t HHivHO by THE PIZZA ANSWER s4.25 for any ! 1 item 12" 1 pizza + 1 free * 32 oz. pop 1 Off*! *>pi>** Dk is, 19U 1 I- -1 ■ phona ___ | one coupon per pizza ' j good Mon. only 687-8000 I 1432 Orchard • Eugene £ Pepsi, Diet Pepsi. Dr. Pepper. 7-Up or Root Beer OPEN FOR LUNCH „