Streetwise What do you think of the National Organization for Women's plan to renew the drive to ratify the ERA? 7 like the ERA. but 1 cion't think it really is the time for it now... women have achieved quite a bit of etjuality now. . .so if they start pushing it, I think it will do more harm than good. Maybe if they tried some lighter tactics.’ — Lisa Reager, undeclared, freshman 7 think the whole thing is a good idea, in the general philosophy, but it's going to be almost impossible for them to do what they're trying to do. / can understand why they're asking what they're asking, but 1 think there’s too many concrete philosophies that they can't change. ’ — Peter Porter, general psychology, senior 7 feel they should because in the present society women are being subjected to inequality, and men still have a superiority complex. The women will be treated much better.' — Albert Lai. senior, economics 7 agree with it. And the people who are worried about separate bathrooms are confusing the issue. In our society we need laws to bring equality to women.’ — Victoria Shaw, resident potter, EMU Cralt Center 7 think that it would he wonderful if it happened, both in terms of legal and symbolic effects, but my fear is that the support won’t be there. I feel that we as a nation haven't shown what we need to do to create equality for women. ’ — Lynn Pinckney, graduate student, law 1985-86 ASIJO president 7 think it's a total waste of time because they've been hammering at it for so many years that it's obvious that the American public doesn’t support it. I think they'd be better off spending money on state and local issues. ’ — Bob Flynn, graduate student, economics TYPING s Advanced Word Processing ✓ Guaranteed ^ Fast and Reasonable Debbie Blanchard 461-2798 university SUNNY SERVICE Foreign & Domestic Cars Specializing in Volvo and Volkswagen • Major & Minor Repairs • ASE Certified Technicians 1905 Agate St. • 344-0869 Just a few blocks from campus on the comer ol Agate and 19th c o u p o N ^ SY’S NEW YORK PIZZA EREE DELIVERY AND STORE TAKE OUT COURON We'll stay open for the Holiday Season. s2.°° OFF ANY LARGE. MED. OR SMALL PIZZA PLUS 2 FREE LARGE SOFT DRINKS STORE HOURS 1130-Midnight Monday Friday 3 30pm Midnight Saturday and Sunday DELIVERY HOURS SpnvMtonlght Monday-Sunday 1211 Aider on Campus • 080-0598 Coupon Good Thru Jan. 6, 1987 c o u p o N Stocking Stuffer Oregon West -fitness —5— J SAVE NOW while prices are still low memberhip not required BEST HOURS • BEST PRICES 6am 11pm 7 Days a Waek 085 1624 147S Franklin Blvd Across Irom Campus J 'not | N/V I* IN' ITticF f. UNTM IN KABUV, U/VVTTfB^BJ < V/N^A^A*!.*-, »Nt><5