Saferide Conl'"”dlr,,mP"c Public safety officers are cur rently being directed to keep their motor vehicles off 13th Avenue except in the case of a medical, fire or other emergen cy. said Marjorie Bigelow, public safety sergeant and com mittee member. "I'm really worried about liability on 13th. There have been some real near misses with bicycles without lights. .. We're going to have to look at liability." she said. Bigelow added that 13th Avenue should be used for what it was designed — pedestrian traffic. However, she did not vote against the proposal. The vans will operate with emergency and interior lights on to alert pedestrians. Meehan said. They also will operate on ly at night and at set times so pedestrians who frequent 13th Avenue at night should be aware of them, she said. The van escort service on 13th is not an answer to all the problems, yet it is a step in the Motor city rock THAT DOESN’T ROLL OFF AN ASSEMBLY LINE THE NEW GENERATION OF DETROIT ROCKERS THE DEBUT ALBUM FEATURING "EVERYTIME I RUN** “LOOKING FOR YOU** ! and D'tlnbulad RCA R#tc*ds ^ 1 Tofcy R#dd it A TfMtomaiii »****%| * *H'*C «C A A'-O* >ntr'»W«n* Now available at: THE RECORD GARDEN 2160 W. 11th 344-7625 right direction to providing in creased safety for women at night, said Steve Nelson. ASUO president. There is very little lighting along 13th Avenue, and especially in the Johnson Hall parking lot. he said ••What changes here is the perception of safety. I think having a van on 13th will be perceived as being more safe." Meehan said. Additional information about Project Saferide is available by calling Meehan during the day at 686-3724 or by calling the Of ««S®S3“ sr £&■•** 2$ Mt* ReMte nSS&SSs's®*^ -rLgffflafifiag ®sr —-r^TV1 KSS\ttr\i i»*«*^*$ ficc of Public Safety in the even ing at 686-5444. The subcommittee also ap proved recommending to University President Paul Olum that the University's procedure for impounding vehicles be clarified. The committee also approved a recommended proposal of a schematic review for the redevelopment of 13th Avenue. The proposal will provide a framework for development along 13th Avenue as the op portunity arises. Rowe said.