Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 15, 1986, Page 5, Image 5

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    Student leaders to visit El Salvador
By Sarah Kitchen
Of I He Kmeraiti
Two student government
members will travel to F.l
Salvador next month as part of a
national student delegation
Randy MacDonald, Student
Senate chairman, and Lisa Lov
ing. editor of The Record, were
selected by the United States
Campaign for the University of
El Salvador in Washington,
D.C., to )oin a delegation to El
Salvador with students from
campuses across the country.
MacDonald and Loving ap
plied for the delegation in
November and heard at the
beginning of December that
they had been selected. The
delegation will leave Jan. 11
and stay in El Salvador far five
days. Both loving and Mac
Donald will attend as members
of the Sister University Project,
a University project to establish
ties between the University of
Oregon and the University of El
MacDonald said he hopes to
achieve four goals as a result of
the visit: to take earthquake
relief to the University of El
Salvador: to witness what is
happening within the country,
particularly at UES; to educate
students at the University about
the conditions at UES; and to
develop deeper bonds between
the University and LIES.
Loving said she believes it is
important to keep the ASUO
aware of the issues within Cen
tral America
"To me. and to a lot of others
on campus. Central America is
important because if a war were
to start In Central America,
there is a good chance that
students would he called on to
fight.” she said.
However, the main purpose
of the delegation is to gather
news and information on LIES'
status since the earthquake,
Loving said.
"This is a critical delegation
— the situation in the country is
possibly at the highest crisis
state it has been in for years,”
Irving said.
“Some guess that maybe a
popular revolution could suc
ceed now because one of the
factors that worked in the
revolution in Nicaragua was the
earthquake destabilized the na
tion and especial ly the
military," she added
The ASUO Executive is
donating $300 from a fund
raising account for medical sup
plies for El Salvador.
"We hope to take as much
earthquake relief to the Univer
sity of El Salvador as we can."
MacDonald said, in addition to
the ASUO's donation, the Sister
University Project has raised
money by asking University
faculty and staff for contribu
tions and by holding bake sales.
And response has been good.
MacDonald said. “At the
bakesale. people would offer to
pay more than we were asking
for the food we were selling.
Also, we had a lot of donations
from local companies and in
dividuals for the bake sale.”
MacDonald said.
The delegation will focus on
UES, but the delegates also will
meet with people who aren't
related to the university as well
as visit hospitals and other
buildings off-campus. Mac
Donald said.
When MacDonald and living
return, they plan to give slide
shows, make presentations and
discuss their trip through the
media. MacDonald said.
“We will share our ex
perience here for the pur|>oses
of raising the awareness about
the UES. and to start a long
term fund-raising c ampaign so
we can send supplies to the
UES." MacDonald said.
Loving hopes to help
establish more UES project
committees within the state
when she returns from El
Salvador, she said.
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In addition, she said she
hopes to encourage faculty, staff
and local union representatives
to visit El Salvador in future
"It is important to have infor
mation available for those who
are interested, and also to have
it available for those who will
become interested when
something happens In El
Salvador; it is inevitable that
something is going to have to
give when the United States is
supplying $t’/i million a day in
military' aid." Loving said.
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