Letters Quoting Interesting that Brandon Shepard's quoting of scripture to his own ends (and out of con text) makes him a “surgeon” of the Bible, while anyone he disagrees with who does the same is a '•butcher” (ODF Dec. «) He would be well-advised to remember that the surgeons of Biblical times were barbers, farmers, and yes, butchers. In five different Bibles 1 find the word "abortion” not once. Looking at the passages Mr. Qr What’s better than a shot in the dark? A: A Resume from ODE Graphic Services! Shepard cites 1 find: Genesis ! says nothing about l.eah'8 hav ing been barren. Exodus 21 con tains. if anything, evidence that God regarded fetuses as proper ty and not persons. Assaults against people (excluding slaves, which were property) resulting in death were punishable by death. By con trast. the penalty for causing a miscarriage was merely a fine, paid to the woman's husband. Isaiah 44 and Jeremiah I offer evidence that, at best, blessed only some, not all fetuses. There is no evidence that all women of Sodom and Gomor rah were free from pregnancy prior to their destruction; in deed the reverse seems likely. Nor are we given reason to assume universal barrenness prior to the Great Flood. We are told, repeatedly, that Hod punished only wicked people: either He regarded the fetuses He killed as wicked, or He did not regard them as people. Whatever the case, they still d ied. We can't all be surgeons, and if a search for logical consisten cy is called butchery by some, so be it. Hiawatha Graduate, music Spirit The Oregon volleyball team and staff would like to thank all the fans who came to our volleyball matches this year. The supportive spirit of our home crowd was clearly the best in the Pac-10. if not the en tire country. A special note of thanks to the Green Garter Band and the •'Crazies” immediately above them as well as the in imitable Oregon Duck. As Dorothy well knew, "there is no place like home." Gerry Gregory Volleyball 1 Spectrum KERNELS EVERY THURSDAY! This Christmas The Present We Need Is Up Your Sleeve Donate Plasma Earn $100 EUGENE PLASMA 1071 OLIVE ST. • 484-2241 (tcroit from Kl»w Nrw Donor*: Bring tht* ad In lor $5 extra on your 1*1 donation Mon Thin* 7 »«00 Frl Sol 7 JO * 00 Approved Auto Repair • CLOSE TO CAMPUS • ASE Oftified Technician E P A I R Tune-ups • Brakes • Fuel Injection 1*17 Franklin IM. F.ug«n*,Or. *74*1 4SS SIU 11coupon! 4 HOUR PHOTO 3Smm. 126 & 110 l)rv<-lop and J*«lnl C -41 kodak Matt** Pa|»«*r CHRISTMAS CAROS 1 5 C*MJ\ A J8 99 25 imt * iMitam 5 1 2.99 50 «,wn»\ * lAttiofu S 23.99 75 cami * nftiom $34.99 )00uM)Tiiatno*ii $45.99 • Overnight GLOSSY OK 12 Exp. 2* Exp. 36 Exp. REPRINTS MAUI f'API K .S1.95 s4.95 s6.75 5 FOR S 1 Coupon mu»l bt p»#*»nt»d wb#n film !• brouQM in Otf#ff Expires January 7, 1987 OREGON PHOTO LAB On t ampuft 1231 Alder * 683 2500 >otill» Wiinmnu 2805 Wlllamrtlp * 344-1224 WilUmrlte •lot*' opvn n*tut««y | | COUPON ■ Holiday Time... ^ IZZA Time lor family, time for friends, Time for shopping that never ends. , Time for wrapping, cards and baking. No time left for dinner making At Domino's Pizza, no problem at all! Just pick up the phone and give us a call In 30 minutes, we guarantee Fresh, hot pizza, delivered free! Wiih all the things you have to do, It’s our gift of holiday time for you' DOMINO’S PIZZA DELIVERS' FREE! Call Us! Eugene 683-7325 1856 E. 13th Avenue Serving U ol O Campus 485-5675 2260 W 18th Avenue 461-0842 1610 Norlh Park 344-2904 1566 Coburg Road Sheldon Plaza Hours: 4 30pm-1 00am Sun.-Thura 4:30pm-2:00am Frl & Sal We accept checks Our drivers carry less than $20.00 Limited delivery areas. •1SSS Domino • Pur* Inc n Get $1.00 oil any pizza One coupon per pizza Expires: 12-31-86 Fast. Free Delivery" Good at listed locations Nmn— Late Night Special! Q*i $2 00 oft any pizza ordered after 10 00pm One coupon per pizza Expires: 12-31-86 Fast, Free Delivery " Good at listed locations Prion* ESPOO