For Sale CARVER, TX 11 FM Tune. *400 C.»ll W»H. _Mn LEAVING TOWNI Have To Mil my weterbed t'wto headboard). *100 All the tccessones included Also a sole leva Mai w MAINTENANCE PERSON. Winter farm approximate 2 hra pat day. flexible hour*, apply Oregon Daily Emerald front desk 300 EMU Building Appii. a lions taken through 12 17 06 The Oregon Daily Emerald is an Equal Op portunity/Affirmative Action Emplover For Rent SUPER SOPHISTICATED 2 Bdrm duplex on Man/anita $386 Call 343-5743 12 15 BLACKSTONE MANOR 1750 Alder St (mgr apt 1) Fully furnish ed 1 bedroom apartments m quiet com plex Laundry facilities Off street park ing and much more $269 plus deposit Call Casey 687 0684 IPM Co . 1111 P»wl MS UU tfn LARGE. VERY CLEAN Vary quM1 2 bdrm apl. 1 block from campus Frl 5-7 pm Sal A Sun all day 6838919 __ M LIGHT. LARGE. NICE. unfurm bedroom apt near campus Garden area. soma utilities 1260 343-2331 _8049 12 15 NICE FURNISHEO 1 BEDROOM apt naar campus Soma utilities. parking, laundry 1240 343-2331 CAMPUS 1 BDRM $229 Unfurnished apt vary spacious naal and claan Nica carpais Hot water In c paclad Wlnfat and Fall Tarm* Marram couptaa and tlngia paranta aligibla Call UO Housing AM 4277 for inlorm* Hon. raggiln CAMPUS LARGE FURNISHED I and 2 badionma I24VS400 Olllca 1240 F»rry 4«*> 2S2J 7»40 tin 1 BDRM $195 Spackh**. uflfumtahtti apt Parnmg taundfy balcony No p#t* CM cMkJran It00 dapoatt 2045 W»»lam#»t« St 345 798? tin AVAILABLE JAN 1 \I I attractive hoiwi Everylhtno INm« Great deal $190 pAyl Ml Mature only 343 5360 12 15 Roommates MALE OR FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to share 2 bedroom ar« V* rent A utilities Only 2 blocks Iron) camput Nice Apartment! Interested7 Cali Kimberley MS 5848 1jM$ 24VEAROLO MALE «Mks p roommat* J bedroom house with »n deck Jacui/t *n West Eugene Call leave message1 «2 15 PARALEGAL PROFESSIONAL U Student seeks room or house share lo rant winter spring, must have enclosed yard for German Shepherd Ptaasa call Montgomery 619296 5850 or write 3924 v> Pe,h Btvd San Dwgo CA 92109 IMS WE NEED A ROOMMATE For a 4 txJrm house WAO 1** bath dishwasher etc St40 par month plus utilities Non smokers preferred Some pats allowed Plus it s close lo campus Cali 4854759 12 15* GREAT VIEW! Female roommate wanted to share 2 bedroom duple > 1 Vy bath off IN 201 h Si30 month plus utilities and deposit Enjoy your vacation! Store your fur niture after the 19th end move in Jan 1st Call 342 5018 evenings weekend days I? JS GREAT HISTORIC HOUSE 5th St area I room available Reserve tor January $127 50 405 5039 12 15 Quads CAMPUS COURT OUAOS. fully ed all util included Private 1 (2 bath $169 MS-4490 _ 8064 tfn WOOOSIOE MANOR 1810 Harris Furnished quads with shared or private bath Util paid Covered parking and laundry facilitias available From $146 Call for more details Mgr 344 266J Bennett Mgm! Co 1143 Oak 4856991 NEWER OUAO $109 per month util paid 1# block from campus 1866 Mar rts 342 4261 tfn Dorm Contracts DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Will p.y l(2d*posll CaIIB»I««85 96»4 12 15 SELLING DORM CONTRACT Terms negotiable Call Michelle _ 12 15 SELLING DORM CONTRACT A'.II ly deposit Call Anne 464/029 evenings 1? 15 SAVE *150 DEPOSIT rerms negotiable Musi sell contract Apt ne«l lo campus 343-4101 eve or 6/2 1566 wknds DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Term* negotiable Call Oon 485-9623 12 15 2 DORM CONTRACT lor sale 465 962/ ask tor Jon Jim Brent or Eric Stocking Stuffers MLAOKYS CHRISTMAS TREES Cultured u cut Douglas Fir. Scotch Pine all sizes *10 Pleasant Hill Highway 56. Enterprise Road 1/2 mile /46 0135_ J6 CABER SKI BOOTS Women s size H . powder blue Iron! entry Used only once *50OBO PANASONIC MULTIPLEX SYSTEM (no speakers) Including turntable, receiver, cassette In one unit Good condition, works wonderfully need holiday cash *50 Call 343-4144 12 15 Stocking Stuffers srmncr rociutjn uOUnncT ICE CREAM Gift Certificates tramr Euphoria Truffles trotm Christmas lea Cream Cakes and Pies trmrv Candy Stocking Stutters tm 13th & Hilyard ortn th motorr 861 Willamette OTfn Tit 6 (TfUOAY TH lot) STOCKING STUFFERS 10 3M DISKS DS/DD 100% ERROR FREE Lifetime Warranty $15.95 [ — EMU GROUND FLOOR Food & Drink I t (.1 M 'S FALL CREEK BAKERY fUVWWWUWWWWUV NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE Have Lunch or a Light Meal with us! TODAY'S MENU: • Ham ft Clwra HIM crolaaanl • Broccoli TIhm Chaaaa crottaanl Straight trom tha ovan 11 00 am ME 7 30 6 00 681 E nth Saturday ftl <84 166? I 1 «.1 ..VI S FALL ( REEK BAKERY vwvvwwvwwwwvi NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE NEW HOURS CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST $1 7 30 1000 FEATURING Croft&ant Of C»aam chwt-»« pantry and coIIm or (»a MONDAY FRIDAY M F / 300 00 861 f 131 ft Saturday 8 3 484 160? I Enwhtainment mnmanHWfm 4W I IM •»!<« MUST END SOON im if Mil pmi A itny comady and al'actionala po* at tfvi oppnstt* *«« Molly Maafcatl VOQUF "A Mimt of oonamlan and bourgao<» manna** a *r*lly and playful movia David Don by NV Maga.nn« Son Thu*« 0 30 A 8 30 FrlSal 7 15 A 8 25 Sun Bargain Matinaa 4 pm S3 Gan adm |J 7VSlud#nl* «/t0 83 25 Mud Mon tl'Fraa popcorn Toaa STARTS DEC 26: a ***uoi»*i.y **xy C6MtVy Irrnai»taftiy anjOV•*>•* A l*^'Y .•o«*4 comady Sp«Hi» t «*> bringn a chaiga of comic energy lo *Kat h«‘* doing that da//ta« tfH» audience Omni Oonby N V Mag A.'me iTl iu,, Late Nile ^•(T at the BIJOU lit bMlIMi on the t»o tcnmn lain Ml niifMlI I I llili I Rat'd R tot lar^oatja iiownca ai ciuclalino tanaion falloaod only toy Haiti loriot tntraptd *i#wat MUMC Of HiAmromM ' / iwr 0vrm*TMux warn, dnts/fane «nt ttmrmi bcr an act CMtrs n me hou l mu .Mt CArr smt wn nus m 7h*r wvn m*f v fifrm mn/v <*f a inf mmtoMM* ism WMYHlf 'COW,