WHOAM H«y Don Lot's slooow down and an|oy tha ho4Kj«y» I lova you AHCMilE__ HI RUSS You may tw pon* but your faaand litas Nappy Holidays MiCHiil _ USA 6 rout SifiHt t *> fidghl won t you no*d trm cioaa tonfpbt? 1 banks for a gr<**! month. Marry y mas JER BEAR MIKE. *t»o doavi'l uht> to g*W» ClfM presentation* Marry Christmas and good luck on hnaU Sa# you In Ut KAREN MARK. KlRSTlN. SUZANNE ANO RON Than** for txring there mhen l naadad you Vou re the greatest* Merry Christmas Lo»« SHARON SNUQOlf BUNNY: Car I ptoaaa i bafora a m«? tuv CHIP A OALC O0#r It c& CONGRATULATIONS Law School Soc lion At Mow a oondortul Clutalfna* vocation Ttwi ono » to* *ou NIU' • A1YSON You v« bean to sweat' Than* you »0f *n your help and suppon m«s« last two weeks I hop# you have a restful emj stress fra* holiday Thants MICHELE ROSS CAPTAIN tmc Arm you (Ml lying wound ir>« com*|i B*wn down wm] SEE ME b»to>« your lournwy hom« YOU* FELINE FNIEND _ MR PORTER I hope you haw a wonderful. beautiful, me<»elou» Chou mat but Be tut# you don I *tct anything out o' get! l o*» MONA JAMES CARMIN I’m trying to r»ach you through the pagea through the pie luree pa*t the tteehe itowty frn trying MA ANANO MELISSA. NATHAN. CARL With you I CM really feel ALONE but it % FINE (with emphasis) TRACK TOWN RtZZA *i#he% ail a Marry Christmas anti a Happy New Yea?' Do«i forget to p*ck up you? gift cef tific ate* to? everyone cfe The sisters of the Psi Alpha Chapter of Chi Omega wish each and everyone a Merry Christmas and fantastic New Year! MIKE ESPEY Work all night sleep all day I know whet you doing PEGGY SUE Everyone should have a hobby don | you think "> Have a nice « maa m sunny southern Cal Don't pick any tads hands or anything with blonde ban Miss you* CLAYTON SCROGBUSTER ALERT: Jett McGraw 'Where have you been ail cfe MARK Chriatmaa In Spokanr. and hallway through law achoot1 Swawwat1 Mopa Santa* good lo you TA_ On lha 1?th waaK ol dorm Ufa lh- wild woman ol 2nd Moor ga*a to ua I. morn lb* M itaraoa blaring. 10 monalar maahart 9 lloor partia* * oul-ol atalar* 7 hour* of atlanca. 6 daad Hah. 5 dummy cnppta*. 4 gum droppara 3 apar glaaaaa 1 hour* ol alaap I man In lha ahowar Marry Chrtatmaa1 Loa*. BABS *N0 PICKLE T ORIRONI You vodka poppar you Hava a grant Chnalma* and a hopptn Naw Yaar* 1 NNNNOEEI Urva ya lot* Bf 1SIRONI CHUCK SO TOAST: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! MERE S TO Big whaala. tkiuraacani pan* Tang Draam butt obaaaaiona. galling th* maid* and you Lu*. JOE L. SHAWN DEAREST Thanhs BUNCHES to* th« frabjous shopping aipedtfions and constant compantonship Let s go shi! Love, Kisses K Hugs YOUR MAINSOUEEZE MAMA DENA You're tho b*>( btg >1* In tho world' H«i * supor nmo in How on Morry Christmas' "A" and LEESE Hoy boOwi who ore you’ Wo mull gol togothor bolore voeolion Good luck win (mots' Coll us MEL AND DAUBS APASU Members! Have • wonderful end safe Chrtatmas breah DINO! Don't bo c nosing odor tho girts In PSU Wo will miss yo' Hoy. Ibo pictures turn od out pretty good Stop by tho otttco ortd soy HI " APASU SCOTT K Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and ThanKs for the Mono' Love SLO _____ BILL ULLMAN Y ■; < • » lvr *' MERRY X MAS FRANCIS! I m ai *r»o forward tc many Happy New Years with you' Glad you II be home' I love you JOANN Classifieds Personals PROBLEMS? Cntis Center U of O telephone hoflm# 24 hour* 7 days Strictly conlidentutf > .HI 6M 44M 3144 |fn FREE AND WITH CARING Pregnancy tjjliWQ St Birthright 687 86?) 1 316? M HAPPY BIRTHDAY WENDY Yeh You made I he P«wiK>nal» Good luck with (mail Love. USA _ i? tg Susan, you are embarking on 7 days of ecstasy. Ask your love for an early gift. __HIS BON VOYAGE JANINE! We hop# London is ready for you but don i tor yet us ai »n Eugene We il miss you ton** You v# been a great roomie* t owe HEIDI HARRlf ANO LESLEY u 15 TO OUR FAMILY OF ADVERTISERS: Wishing you Happy Holidays! Oregon Oaily Emerald Advertising Classified & Display I_ 121ft* MICHELLE You re a very special lady Affectionately ERIC i? 15 DEBBS Hey you Hu goddess You ve made all my fantasies tome true Good luck on finals YOUR PARTY DATE 1? 15 Personals TO THE FELLOW TREE SNATCHERS Good luck with finals and nav® a graal . . ONE OF row EDITH FERRELL Marry Christmas ami thank you lot ba mg my roomia’ Mopa you gat tha taiga and handsoma package you dasarva ' N <» A AXO BUFFY HAPPY 21 Let’s Celebrate in Mazatlan! Love, ESTHER 12-15 AXO ESTHER HAPPY 20th Let’s Celebrate in Mazatlan! Love, BUFFY _ 121ft TO ALL MY FRIENDS Kov, E.P. 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