CHRIS. MATT ERIC. KEVIN. AMY MANCIN. JULIE ANO MOST OF ALL DENISE BELLOTTI for bemp bom i JEN LIZ WOLFE How many t read Joy of Sen? BONK KING looking fcifW4Krt lo «no «***•' jrvt» (r«« with you and Chubby*»*oy# my buddy XOXO book book book lh# BSW MUNDO Merry Christmas honey I love you more than words can say I hope that this Christmas is on ly the second of many more with you at the top of my list Piggo ST NICK You bfighten my day' MERRY CHRISTMAS' JENN R$ You re so JEANNIE BEHRNDT You re the best awesome tdoncle Get man frtend anyone could have Neve* forget Search conquer destroy retreat *• out.*, ANNE S M A Merry You've made me the happiest person »n the world! I love you very much M E H UNIVERSITY OF OREGON WOMINS XC TEAM Thanhs tor a fun and enter taming season" Merry Christmas and Happy New Year1 DMS TONY BALONEY ? being with you Over var Can t *dit Lovf SHANNON TRACEY "SCREAMING 0" BERG III m{»» our lata night chats and daap d»sh cravings Mava a grrat two-waafc nap KATHY MICHELE I'm »ur# sorry I mat p*f!y MfRRY CHRISTMAS' Lov* AlyfcQn TOM: OITTO YOU* StC*fcT ADMlHT R FIRM I'm cptng lo miss you* HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS* Thank* for being a great roommate' I love you SWEETIE' HI U Y JOE. OAVIO l oved frakkmg to find biQ ugly harry triends and Aliena Mom January Have great holiday*' E T MERRY CHRISTMAS CHERl KAREN KIM JIM THERESA GREG, at al Mr,I* Its been real' Love you al forever 0__ AEG ALS CAF.KEO AND SSC thanks tor ail your love and friendship' You re the heat friends' Merry Christmas TED DRACULA You ra • he greatest parson and room male I H miss you nenl term lei •* gel together for chocolate binges Merry Christmas' COURTNEY Please give me • « « before vacation starts ADEM 14'lWt'M leave message P S Have a Happy Holt day' Aon FIJI JOHN BOVES Tharps ' » l i t weekend but no more spaghetti sauce •« > CHRISTINA MONSTER* You »e b«wch wilt miss and be thinking of you unit You don t believe it** Then git sum o thee/* Get off in BH Use those leapers big shooter love ya. live only eray I know now non SENSITIVELY DAVE T V» You party animal Who loves ya Babe ’ Have a merry >mas* sac CHRISTMAS VAMPIRE Thanks lor the card Party on Wednes day of Thursday* I'll tall you Many Christmas' YOUR EX LAB PARTNER BOPPLES You are the greatest roomie someone with no brain could have Don t forget we have a date with Danny on Saturday Call me Merry Christmas! love ya SMELL EDDIE if l could only t>e one of Sen!4 s • yiniHwf I d fly right ove# to aee you T. rnmco lento Spe»o di vedem net'enno proetlmo T«n|i t>e»:n» • ef>t>raci Tl AMO!! KELLI ALYSON T^*nh* to* lh* Have a good I imt in l.a*e T ahoe Don l eat any yetlo* snow* ft a been tun *01* tng *»th you Are ** having fun yat? KCU.I CHRIS Ot AN I got you babe and you have my SUPPORT anywhere you go* Vou re th* boat and I miss you already dartin' Have a Merry X mas don I be a stranger1 Love Ml ALLEN if I ever der ide I want a boyfriend that s got control of his body tunc lions tor a least excuses himself) cleans the toilet and can ta*« charge of any situation can I call you** DARREN VLAHOVICH I II miss you n«M qu«ft©r It * t>««n grtfdl (©von th# Slav© rninul«»'l Hav© a *»id Alaskan Christmas i! h what you NCED'lovA SHAN BRETT What a man' Thanks for being SuCh a good friond <* k refreshed And ready to work on Jan S' Thank* lor being such a hardworking reliable civw You all dtd a GREAT job' Thanks MICHELE ROSS Pal Many ChrisUnas' Remember rn© when you to « country skiing in Norway while I'm waler skiing in San Dingo JACKI MICHELLE H. I'll tradtt you 2 tm*» »nd « humbug for 4 a QOoS®' OS. STILL HIDING FROM COMPUTERS? CIS 199 Problem Solving with Microcomputers (using the Apple Macintosh) An introductory course in the personal and professional use of computers. Topics in clude word processing, presentation graphics, spreadsheets, and other common applications. For more information, consult the Com puter and Information Science Department 64 PLC, 686-4408. poppi/ Closed 24th & 25th Open again December 2tith GRILL HOUSE LUNCH • DINNER A Variety of Shish Kabobs and Burgers Imported Beers Guinness on Tap Wednesday night is foreign language night Open lllOOiim-ZlOOum Closed Sunday 1225 Alder St. • 343-9661 J