t Continued from Page 10 'Love production but continues on to the private live* of the characters, t ie manipulates rela tionships and emotions to ob tain the performances he's after, but the entire production is staged for reasons only he knows The conclusion of the play is kept secret from the players themselves until near the end of the performance, enhancing its Enigmatic nature for us and throwing some light on his suspect intentions for the performers and the eavesdropp ing audience. Playful and puzzling, "l-ove On The Ground" is a study of characters and relationships as they move through variations and permutations, rather like a mind game player! with people. Rivette’s structural and visual approach emphasizes the exac ting nature of this “game Ultimately the film feels more spontaneously energetic than anything else, yet the pieces of the puzzle fit together so well that there is no doubt that Rivette has worked out every element in minute detail. Like the best Hitchcock (to name another great master of detail and structure), this film con ceals its formal structure with good ensemble acting and close attention to characters. "Love On The Ground is refreshingly fun and intelligent, a pleasant puzzle of a picture with endearing characters and a story that always keeps you guessing. Plays Tuseday through Thursday only at Cinema 7 Bet ter hurry if you don't want to miss this rare little gem PICK UP OUR 16 pg AUDIO A VIDEO BUYER S GUIDE A T ANY GOOD GUYSLOCA T'0W T; T T: ■ ■ - ■ ■ 1 .— COMPACT DISC PLAYIR SAW *120 NOW! COMPACT ,(DL_ ■ DIGITAL AUDIO (3 HITACHI VM* VCR WITH HQ A WNtlLIfS EVENT ' 14-DAY TIMER • *4 r function wiretess remote 107-CHANNEL CABLE READY ELECTRONIC tuning • VISUAL SEARCH- SPECIAL EE EECTS • HO * FRONT LOAD DESIGN • RETAIL *S4» MNOTI CONTROL f ONKVO HOMtTITn $ 988 \ .*n CONTMOl • no WATT lMTfQ*AT«DAMP OUAAT7 OTOITAI TOWC* WITH 1* mCMTt SCAM TUMlMG-HKiM S»flO 0*iOHMO CAM* TTt WITH AliTOftf VtftM • AUTOMtTUMM TOMMTAOil WITH CANT • 14 A A HO UAAAMK rOOAUZin • 1) «MCH > WAV MOMtTOA *#f AKCMS • WWtllSftftCMOTf COMTWOi • A WOK) HAC* • W TAM. §1*00 Hit H-m t-U4 /nc/i I I 1 liMSWITK* I K>Wt* PROWONDCR VHS CAMCORDKR iNf A AM O AUTO 9 OCUt • CONST**! WMlTt BALANCt * I LfC thonic VI«w MMOf N- 3 *AV POWfHO^f RATION @ HITACHI 13” ftlMOTI CONTROL COLOR TV . RANOOM ACCESS CARLE-READY TW ING WITH ME RAWED REMOTE CONTROL * SIGNAL TRACKER SYSTEM •CHANNEL A VOLUME ON SCREEN OISRLAY* QUICK START • LAST CHANNEL RECALL • OEE TIMER • 10-2 1 WARRANTY /NEC *499 MM. TUN STMSOCOUM TVWCOVW Homroa •FULL FUNCTION UNfflEO REMOTE • MTS' SAP STEREO AUDIO • 08* NOISE REDUCTION* combfilter. BUHT M 5 WATT AMP*MULT»>tC MONITOR INPUTS ft OUTPUTS*ON SCREEN CHANNEL DISPLAY • RET *Mh» \ /KENWOOD —« MJOLBY B+C I CASSKTTI DICK • SOFT-TOUCH LOOK CON TROLS • OWtCT PROGRAM SC ARCH* DOLBY S*C HR ' fB**1 couRtfifor •ONVTM c VIDEO TAM "CHRISTMAS Ct 1 •«M«G *OU» 9 AMU. ▼ TO OU« COAVAiUf 0*» VAtLl T »IVf» STO«t THIS SUMO AT MrWtCN 1-4 » f* AND Wf U MAMf A MIM VIOCO CMMISTMAS CAMO TOSfMOTOTOUM Mft ATlVES SA-X90 $2.50 r&TDK | VIDEOTAPE • T-120 HS • L-750HS • T-120 EHG • T-120 HI FI $7.M . BUY 4 AND GET A S3 REBA TE FBOtA TDKI / KENWOOD A>m M6ITAL AUTO REVERSE CAR SVSTDI T-Ut Pit DIGITAL TUNPA* CLOCA • 11 PM M T S • *i f * • l OUON* M • P AD* A • U»MT( UUI TMH.I -MfTM. CAPAALC • AUTO-M V* AM • PIU* K(M WOOO DUAL -COM (Pf AKtAt • AtTAIt *378 Cf) PIOIMCER $ AM/FM AUTO-RE VIRSI CAR CASSETTE PICK m • jama-taw QOAAO-MJTO I icvtw lOUOMfU HOMO tTlMO* RCTUIM Am ^•AUTOA UTO MCURITY *Y*TIlP > auto a MANUAL ARMING • PROGRAM MABLE SECURITY COOING • ( •HOCK NOME SENSOR • AUTOMATIC REARMING-EMERGENCY ALARM SWITCH _ 2 79 • - • — PtiCfl val'd thfu D*c *9 AH ilam* »fl Hmrtad quantiiiat and similar to Wnalrttion CUCKNK WALL*V RIVIR STORB *>*» Cg MOM f Ml *■» S»TU»D»* »9 1 SUMO** n 6 [_jtOUO»i **0u« ——* EUGENI CAR CENTER ’tr- 4 J4 5 6'14 MOM Hi »■<> SATUR04Y »> ORDER BY PHONE) CALL COLLECT: 344-2956 rGD Good Guns Stereo & Video Discounters WEST EUGENI j >40 * *’>•• 1*2 2129 MON TRl 10-S SATURDAY '0-6 SUNDAY 12-6 CORVALUS }l» t W»lNuT YSTOSO0 MON FRl 106 SATURDAY 106 SUNOAT 12-6