Liberties This letter is in regard to the man who lived in the Pioneer Cemetery toolshed. The basic issue at stake is one of methods, of how to work for the justified goal of allowing anyone the legal and physical right to walk where he or she wants, unmolested and without destroying a minimum of civil liberties for another. These basic liberites protect all of us from damaging, un proven accusations. We are all vulnerable to those who find our appearance, mannerisms, lifestyle or background offensive. If there was a justified com plaint against this person, that complaint should be taken before an impartial third party, allowing the accused an oppor tunity to defend himself. Only if one can present enough objec tive evidence to withstand critical analysis should action lie taken. To say the man is unstable and potentially dangerous is to make an accusation that is un supported by any evidence. To state that numerous charges have been brought against him. without specifying what those charges were or what action has been taken, is gossip. Challenging the city or University to take action without providing this man the right to defend himself is vigilante action. To use the letters to the editor, from which the man has no protection, is insidious by ef fect and vindictive by intent. Whenever we take our issues or causes so seriously that we forget the basic liberties and human dignity offered to vic tims of injustice we lose credibility. Michael Francisconi Janitor Contributions I frequently sec letters in the Emerald that deride the Creek system and fail to acknowledge the significant contributions that system makes to the Eugene community. I am writing to ad vise the campus community of such a contribution. The agency I direct. I.ane County Direction Service, is a free, one-step information, sup port and case management ser vice for families that have children who are handicapped. Overwhelming case loads (we're presently providing in tensive services to almost 500 Lane County families) and underwhelming funding has placed the agency in a serious financial bind. As a response to this problem, we formed a development com mittee to assist us in fund raising. One of the members of the committee. David Karp, is very involved in the Greek system and felt that fraternities and sororities would welcome the opportunity to be of service to the local community. He proposed that every member of the Greek system would give a dollar to Direction Service; this would result in a donation of over $2,000. Thanks to David's organiza tional skills and the generosity of fraternity and sorority members, the drive is well underway. We have received our first check, in the amount of $82.00. from the Omega Chapter of Delta Zeta Sorority and the rest are on the way! I am deeply grateful to the University’s fraternities and sororities for their lifesaving ef fort on our behalf. H. Marshall Peter Executive director MteUrtactw 1 —— CLIP COUPON — 1 FREE Soda plus 1 nrrT53iJlyT!iT»«rflT«l 6MI Or**ji>n Daily EmrraM ODE L^q»»v hm»raKi QPC HAVE YOU EVER FELT LIKE A MEATHEAD AFTER EATING A LOUSY BURGER? Well, come to Spagetti Warehouse and find your noodle! ALL YOU CAN EAT SPAGETTI DINNER Including crlap ulad. homemade bifad. Ilf cream, and a beverage ol your choice ’ as* your server about this special 484-1919 1st Ave.