Illllllliil Bicycles SIKES' Mir AT* Man s mountain 1275 NISHIKI WolWl 12 IPMD (ISO OBO Encaltnnt condition Call Robart attar 7pm 3454968 484 7380 12 12 Pets AFGHAN SUSS AKC Baautltul colort %ltbU> and tntalligani. »oild t oid«• i brand 12 50 tarms/tradat. will "old II" 1 ma* 747 7770 or 887 9741. Campus PO 3181. 97403 __ O-W FREE CAT Hwidaoma man Oousa cal yaw old Poking toi a horn* Cula and rfy a'laclionala Call Scon 3451950 Sound Systems LEAVING CIUS BIZ Mual tall PA aptaStr. 875 "lai S250) Eicaltanl condl non Paaray modal 112MS »"h noloma Control 8 OHMS Piaaaa call 342 5018. laava mattaga 'or Marta day* or a»aa 12 12 CASIO CZ5000 digital saquancing tyn lhati/ar Kayboard nr/stand. 8899 342 7088 days_»» SONY OISCMAN Portabia compact disc piayar w/phonat. ball pack. 8175 Jay 3*4 9186_ «« JIM’S ELECTRONICS STEREO REPAIR 1*57 VW 8th 343-7883 Monday thru Friday 9 am 8pm Saturday 9 am 4 30 pm 3148 HFM YAMAHA COMPACT DISC Piayar 8250 BROTHER Elactrlc Typaarritar. 850 PANASONIC 5VV B/W TV/AM FM radio 865 343 2731 12 15 Sekvices Newman < enter Homan Oilhodr (Aimmunliv at tin* l 'ntvrrslry of Orr#nn Worship with u» Workdays 5 15pm Sundays 900 am 11 00am 7 30pm 1150 E mar aid Si • 143 7 Ml ftOO'lKKS V / * MAi*» COMMNV • \£j HAIRCUTS $tO Oownmimirm tMV 484-0314 on campus Tanning SunShower on campus Sun Sale 10 visits/$25 | it % mmott IN end ol m# lecmf Now • tn# Um« to reatore you* healthy torn m#» glow* SunShower Tanning Salon 44*2323 474 f 13»h uotfm ne*r lo Htnkoa ■H M F 7 am 8 pm f . Wl4‘ Sal Son • am 4 pn * . 1 mr Con0Won+d [ _i_ FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY FOR STUDENTS A FACULTY west side FOREIGN AUTO O Maintenance and Repair toee A 3rd 404-4990_ Services COUNSELING FOR YOU EilwwcM in ratal ion ahip* gay*** taan Hum, lonatinm* cnoao counsal mg Fini **»»kj*> froo wm od RaMols l HortWfB MS call MS 9409 12 IS HOLIDAY SPECIAL OH MASSAGE '. cortlficoto* Room Rom. llconMd 6033034 _UH» w# ii g'r* mo worn* lo* $10 Hoirtul»Shompoo»Blo« Dry Km S* TAN .nm PtwtWpa Sotartum Syotom Groat lot Mntitivo akin tag AM»r»4»siiaa Travel 3 RET EUGENE 0HOENIY lor »alo 12 20 lo t 5 Coll BarMra 4BS2017 H I? AIRLINE TICKET tfom Of on go County to Eugono Doc 20th SS9 484 9002 _ 12 IS RT TICKET EUGENE DALLAS Wichita TulM L» 1219. rot 122* 1290 344- 0129 12-15 I EUOENE TO RENO RT EISA loovos 12 19. roturns 15 Coll Haathai | 48S 9061 Loom mosoogo 1H2* TICKET FROM LoGUARDIA oltpo’l NY to EUOENE (»I0 Oallaal lamato Sun day. J»»«W» E12S 344-9910_ 12 is TICKET FROM EUGENE TO LA RT 1100 LOOVO* 12-10 rotufno I S Can May 345- 8881_1M> ONE WAY SAN DIEGO EUG JAN 6 683-3296 Boacti cottagaa and atiMHoo. coupioa tamihaa. groups mMting room aan dy Mach toroat IS mi N ol Floronco 1030S discount Gilt coHlticotoa 54 7 3329 _«•«' ONE ROUND TRIF from Eugono to San Francisco Doc 23 10 Oat 30 E200 Call altar 5 7400687 12 15 BEEN BUMPED? Turn thos* Mrtin« tomp«n»#i*on voucfwn into cash CaH r?606U atk for Tom, 12-16 EUGENE NY RT TICKET 6338 Laav« 12 24 bock 15 Coil loy Soo 466-0299 12 12 Wanted WANTED ROOM AND 0OARO for two student a in occbongo tor chtnoM cook ino and boutokoopinfl Coil Jo 343-3405 12 12 Opportunities AIRLINES NOW HIRING Flight Altan danli Agents. Mechanics Cullonw S«nici Llvltl to ISO* Entry laeal positions Call wsbbtbooo Ell A 9642 _ *-* GOVERNMENT JOBS J'6 040 159 ?30/y' Now Hinng Call BOS6S7 6000 E«l R9642 lot cuttanl ladarallist ___* Help Wanted BARTEND COCKTAIL Start S4 to 14 SO Banahta RED ROOSTER LOUNGE Call Donna WaaSday* 2 4 pin only 345 3B06 ________ 12 15 JANITORS Immediate opening* pait lima to toll lima Mutt nave lanitonai *»penance Sand resume to SWEEP 2621 August* Eugane 97403 » B CLASSICAL RADIO ANNOUNCER 'or Portland station Sand tap* resume to P0 KYTf FM 2040 SW Fust. Portland 97201 >2 IS Help Wanted NIGHT MITE or The 0*00" Dally Emerald is hmng a news paste up per ton lo elwl January * Must be available lo work I are nights a week from 6pm midnight Monday Tuaaday. Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday {nights .aryl Worksludy pralartad. but not raouirad ApphceUons evaiiabis at JOO EMU Applications accepted through 12 12* The Oragon Dally E mar aid 1a an Equal OpporTunHyiATTIr motive Action Emptoyar _triS MAINTENANCE PE MON. Winter larm approrimata 2 hr* par day ttenble hours, apply Oragon Daily Emerald front da an 300 EMU Building Appttca Ilona taAan through 1217*6 Tha Oragon Daily E mar aid Is an Equal Op port unity! Aftirmatiya Action Employe^ Roommates ROOMMATE REFERRAL Professional scraanmg and matching Quality homas available suitable room mates Call *87*213 _ 707* Ur, MALE OB FEMALE BOOMMATI earned lo share 2 bedroom apt. vs rant S utilities Only 2 Mocks Irom campus Nice Apartment I Interested? Call Kimberley 343 56*6 «•** 24 TEAR OLD MALE see*a platonic roommate 3 bedroom house with m deck Jaru/n m West Eugene Call 3A3-132I. leave message!_1218 PARALEGAL PROFESSIONAL UO Orel Student seeks room or house share to rant winter spring, must have enclosed Sard tor German Shepherd Please call lontgomery 610 298 8*80 or write 3B24VS Park Bird San Diego CA *2109 12 IS 2 ADULTS TO SHARE 4 bedroom house. 2 baths *162 SO as per month *125 aa deposit 559 East 14th 4*5 2777 ask lor Myma 12 '2 WE NEED A ROOMMATE For a 4 bdrm house WAD. 1 v> bath, dishwasher, etc *140 per month plus utilities Non-smokers preferred Some pets allowed Plus it's close to campus Celt 4*54789 12-15* MALE OR FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to share 2 bd apt w/20 yr old mala 2V» Mocks from campus *1*7 per mo Interested? Can Stewart 345-472* __ _ _ 1212 ROOMMATES WANTEO January 1 targe house near campus Bill or Kevin. 4*47169 12 12 GREAT VIEW! Share 2 bad room duple r. HY bain ol! W 70th *130 month p?u* uHWtM and dapoan Enjoy your vacation! Store your furniture after the I9fh and move in Jan let Call 3473010 evening* weekend dey* t2-T5 OREAT HISTORIC HOUSE Mr. SI area t room available Reserve lor January *127 30 403 5039 12 15 For Ren t 1 BDRM $195 Spacious unfurnished apt Periling laundry balcony No pet* or children *100 deposit 7043 Willamette St 343 7907 _ AVAILABLE JAN 1*1 Furnished room m attractive home Everything there Great deal *190 pay* all Mature only 34.3 3360 _1213 SUPER SOPHISTICATED 2 Bdnn duplen on Man/enita *306 Call 3435743 '2 15 BLACKSTONE MANOR 1750 Alder SI (mgr apl 1) Fully turmsh ed 1 bedroom apartmenls in quid com plea Laundry facilities OH slreel park ing and much more S769 plus deposit Call Casey 687-0684 I PM Co . 1111 Pearl 4SS-S252 __ tin LARGE. VERY CLEAN. Very quiet 2 bdrm apl 1 block Irom campus Fn 3 7 pm Sat i Son. all day 683 091# _8330 1 9 LIGHT. LARGE. NICE, unfurnished t bedroom apt. near campus Garden area, some utilities *250 343-2331 _ 834912 13 NICE FURNISHED 1 BEDROOM ... near campus Some utilities parking laundry *240 343 2331 1215 CAMPUS 1 BDRM $229 Unfurnished apt very specious neat and clean Nice carpels Hoi water In cluded Parking laundry 730 E 10th 607 0205 343 7907 tin For Rent FAMILY HOUSING APARTMENT LIVING UO WaAtmoraland 1 badroom tumtahad *11 S/mo 2 badroom furnlahad *144/mo Amaton untotnlahad 2 badroom *i2Q/mo Futon opantnga a« pactad Wmlat am) Fan Tarma Marnad coup*** »nd amnia parAnta ailgibla Con UO Mooning 666-4277 lor Inlorma bon 7869Hn CAMPUS LARGE FURNISH* 0 * And 2 bAdrooma *24V*400 OMIC4 1240 Furry 485 2823 7940 tin Quads CAMPUS COURT OUAbS. lolly lumtah •d Ml utii mclodAd PtIoaia 112 bath *169 3454490 _SOSA Hit WOODSIDE MANOR 1810 Harris Fumiahad quAdt with aharad oi p"*ata bath OKI paid CovATAd parting And lAundry laciHbaa avaHaWa From *148 Call lor morA datNla Mgr 344 28SJ Ban nail Mgml Co 1143 Oaa 4848991 NEWER QUAD *169 pur month, util PAH) 112 block from cam put ISM Mai n« 342-4281 . Dorm Contracts DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE- Oapoail nagobaMa Call Kathy al 485-4371 12 12 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Call Jail 344-2711. Iaaaa matAAQA_1212 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Will pay 1/2 dapoail Can Bath 484 9494 12 14 SELLING DORM CONTRACT Tarma nagotiabla Call Micholla 4849484 _12-14 SELLING OORM CONTRACT Will pay da post! Call Anna 484 7029 avaning* 12-18 WILL PAY DEPOSIT Su/anna 484 9132 Ranaa 484 9442 <2 12 SAVE Sits DEPOSIT. Tatm» nagotiablA Moil sen contract Apt nail to campua 343-4101 oua or 67? 1SM nknda 12 IS' DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Dapoail nayRIaMA CNt -)OA 4849704_1212 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE. Tarma naooiiabia CaW Don 484-9623 12-18 Ul DORM CONTRACTS lot aala Call Aliaa 688-6030 or Sandi 8866001 12 12 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE. Call Brian 4848848_12-12 Ul CONTRACT Call Jim balora Sam or altar 1am 6868005 _}2_12 2 DORM CONTRACT lor aala 485-9827. aak lor Jon Jim Brant or Eric 8347 12-18 Events BEER GARDEN TODAY featuring EAGLE PARK SLIM AND BAND 4-7 PM EMU DINING ROOM FOOD AND ALTER NATIVE BEVERAGE AVAILABLE ID REQUIRED DU TO POPULAR DEMAND ONE LAST BEER GARDEN! _M2M2U Events Dragon Prinfmakers ~1 Studio Christmas Clothesline Print SALE «t Mauds Ham* An Canlar 15th and vmard Oacamba* 12. 13 and 14. 10am 4pm GIVE A UNIQUE GIFT THIS CHRISTMAS Original Etching* lithographs Cards. I mo and Wood cut Pnnta NOTHING OVER *24 Domes Ira* cotta* and coofcias all ] day*12 12 LAST DAt TOOAVI For I ha EMU Christmas Cratl Fair cosponaorad by lha EMU Cratl Cantor and Cultural Forum Room 167 EMU 10 am 5 pm Hand ci all ad gltts. cratl damos, Iraa amartainmant, Iraa hoi cidar Coma by and |oln lha fun! >366:12-12 WOMYNS CRAFT FAIN! Sun Oac 14 ) 10 »nA pm Tha A'ruim 10th and Oliva. 342-6114 tor Into_«•<>* I FOLK ART SHOW from Mexico holTday CRAFT SALE Crafts from Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador Give wonderful holiday gifts that support human rights THURS FRI 1236 Kincaid Latin American Cultural Center Sponsored by Council for Human RiQhtl Pf Lit in Aimflfii SSBZBnSBZS 4®2 E 13lh ••**«•* MUST END SOON A zany comedy and affectionate poe at tf>e opposite se> Molly Haskell. “A satire ot boNemlan and bourgeois manners, a witty and playful movie David Denby. NY Maga/me Sun Thues 6 30 A 8:30 Frt Sat 715 A 8 25 Sun Bargain Matinee 4 pm S3 Gen edm Sl7S/Student» w/ID S3 25 Miser Mon S3/Free popcorn Tues NEXT; SMS'S GOTTA HAVE IT Entmtainmcnt TONIGHT TIM First FHm Directed by Jack Nicholson DRIVE, HE SAID 1972) Directed by Jack Nicholson on IIm University of Oregon campus' Bruce Darn, Karen Black, and a host ol 1)0 graduates slar In this tale ol sltenated youth Made on the UO Campus' 7 9 9 PM mienrrencr SATURDAY SUNDAY RIDE LONESOME and COMMANCHE STATION In ClN emaScoPE <1959 & 1960) These are In my opinion Budd Boetticher's two flnasl films Directed with intelligence and style these existential essays number amorn the finest American Westerns ever Both star Randolph Scott and art presented in widescreen 7 PM ONLY 180 PLC *********** All Shows $2 Students & Adults $1 Children W „“ou Its beffer on the t»Q screen Isle el night!'_ A l ' F N S Ratad ft tor languaga. noMnc*. •« eructating tanaion raltairad only by start tarror IntropM ataurara may a« pact to loaa about halt a pound In aaraat. Sun Thura 10:90 Fit Sat 11 JSS2S0 _next something wild_ Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU you KNOW. Mi KB. TUB WATER ORimN60FFTf£CEJlMGRB MNPSMBOfWAlPtN fAMJ '■ ClO*e FOUR ERA. iOU CAN al most IMA6INB KJN6 ON THE PORCH AFTER A STORM' / . .ill WHY WHY. MR BEllOH*'WHAT BRlN&iYOUALL THE WAY OUT HERE1 __ / I THE. TORREN TIAL DOWN POUR !N THE BOARDROOM 14511 I CAN EXPLAIN, SIR. \ JT IUNDER SIANPUE'VE JOINED THE HOMELESS \ j-emu Fountain Court Cafe SALAD BAR SPECIAL Guess the Price of your salad within 5$ and its yours for FREE!