Santa Continued from Page 6 opens. Adams said. While on the job, they need to know all of the reindeer’s names, and they need to encourage children to be good, she said. In addition. Santas are never allowed to say. "Ho. ho. ho." because it frightens small children. They always refer to •‘folks" instead of "parents" because it is a broader term and encompasses more lifestyles, and they never make promises to children. Adams said. It is helpful but not necessary for a Santa to have a background working with children and "you really have to like kids. . and of course you have to believe in Santa." Adams said. "The true belief is in the magic of Christmas, if you don't believe, it's pretty hard to fake it." she said. Etal. MEETINGS The Asian/Pacific American Student Union meets today at 4 p.m. in Room 101 EMU to elect officers. INTERVIEWS The Human Dancing Com pany Inc., in collaboration with the Fine Arts Department, is looking for athletes, dancers, martial artists, body-builders, amateur breakdancers and other people in good physical condi tion for a multi-madia stage show Auditions will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. in Room 275 Ijiwrence Hall For more infor mation. call Andre Carpenter at 342-7f»39 MISCELLANEOUS The Foreign Students Organization will sponsor an •International Christ mas” to day from 4 to ti p.m. in the Inter national Lounge. All foreign students are invited A Concert for Prayer spon sored by Inter-varsity Christian Fellowship. Restoration Cam pus Ministry and International Students Inc. will bo held Satur day in the EMU Forum Room from 7 to 9 p m All community members are welcome to attend. Handel’* “ Messiah” will be performed by The University Singers and the University Chamber Players Sunday at 4 p m in Beall Concert Hall. Instruction PLAY THE PIANO Classes for Non-Music Majors Beg/Inter Levels 2 Credits Extra Fee $45 information 666 3761 12-12* BEST ELECTIVES ARTS 4 LETTERS AMERICAN STUDIES ROCK MUSIC HISTORY OF ROCK MUSIC I Blues Elvis Berry • Holly Slones Beatles Who WED 183021:00 HISTORY OF ROCK MUSIC II 60's meet the 80 s Dylan Hendrix S F Sound Soul Motown Punk/newmusic THURS 15:30-18:00 MUS 199 Register Music Non sequential Add this course 8322 12-15* Personals NEED WORK OVER X MAS break? Con earned about toxic waste? Join OSPlRG S campaign staff and work to enact a state superfund to clean up tox ic waste Develop communication skills Earn $l50 25(Vwk Call for inter view 686 3214 on campus or 1 222 1350 in Portland 12 12 Personals PROBLEMS? Crtsis Center U of O telephone notlme. 24 hours 7 days Strictly confidential Ceil MMUt._3144 Ifn BRIAN LAIRD HAPPY 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY (looking forward to ne*t year) LOVE JENNI AMY, We've been good triends since the start, let’s stay that way. Lambda Chi Alpha JOHN D.G.’S Did you enjoy it? Lambda Chi Alpha ___12 12 WADS Have fun and I'll miss ya! Love. NINA P S Will you miss hts buns? 1212 STEVE 8 Hops 1o see you bach on the court leal soon (And It'S not only because you look great in shorts) Love. "A FAN" 12 12 Happy Birthday Neesh Love. Amber. Bens A Cathy _12-12 Congratulations Theta Chi John and Chi Omega Michele on your engagement! CARRIE ~~ HAPY BERTHDAE Frum Yore Illiterate Riting Pals JEF AND KORI IRfVOfl • 'ti.i- 1 is nice Ihis lime ol year Are you sure you don I want to go to PSU? Think about II. cause III miss you 12 2 ANNE STEEN In case I haven't lold you in a while you're a great friend1 Good luck on finals and remember. I II be cheering lor you From the other awesome blonde German _w Personals PREGNANT? WE WANT TO HELP Free Pregnancy (•sting Confidential Bir thrtflht 667 6651._3(62 f COLLIERITES! Good luck on tlnals and Happy Studying! DEBBIE. AMY. SUSIE. AND MICHELLE: Good luck with finals and hava a giaat Christmas I'll miaa you guy* ovar vaca tion You i* all vary »pacial to me BRIAN _ mi TO THE GIRL who look my Principle* ot Public Relation* book Plaasa raturn it to 1680 Aldar ASAPlbator# final*) 12-12 Dear Santa, All we want for Christmas is a Christmas carol from the Phi Psi’s! Love, The Chi O s 1212* DEAD WEEK Lost&Found Sale EMU Rec Ctr *3711 THURS & FRI 9-5 __12-12* Lost & Found LOST Beautiful blond, female. 21 yrs, recently pinned. Lost on a rainy day in mid-November. Must find you again. Call at 726-5949 LOST BlacK male, long hatred kitten with white ears l ost on Thursday Dec 4 in the evening on High Street near (3th Avenue Please call Sarah at 344 6320 or 666-5611 or 343-7566_12-15* J LOST DECEMBER 4TH Gold Ion* Cham link Ladias Necklace PLEASE RETURN Sentimental Value REWARD OFFERED Call 343 8331 686 5591 ot 342-6056 12 15 Lost a Found FOUND FEMALE BRITTANY SPANIEL Call 485 5945 Typing WRITING SERVICES Word proc#»»ing IwgWwnMI |o*j». Adding FREE olck up (Jpllvary t>udg#t »ne#d 8SB 3T 88 1114 JOURNALISM STUDENT typM/Mdl Fr## pick up and Irrionry 343-0614 __ IMS TYPING 954/PAGE Snm# day aarvica 18 yiani taparMnc# High quality won Royal ataclromc lypawrllar 484 252« IMS AUGUST WEST WORD PROCESSING 6 TYPING typariancad Raaaonabla Iasi Call 484 • _ PROPESSIONAL TYPINGIED4TING FAST ACCURATE REASONABLE IBM SEIECTRIC 344 MM _ 1M2 $1 TYPING 686-0817 _ TMS WORD PROCESSING SludanI papart and raauma* Gradual# work waicom# JoAnn at JACINR T4T 7156 12 1? WORDS “R” US Brandy 444 #044 Shara Naa M3 TOM Quality typlng/word processing Papers (iiumit. editing tape transcriptions manuscripts. tn*s«s>dis*#riatt<>na, Grad School app yd IBM compatible 5710 tin PROFESSIONAL WOAO PROCESSING Editing/Dish Storage Colleen 344 7040 1 9 pm Ne«t day service 7H4 tin Dial-A-Typist 683-7777 7**> t tin WORO PROCESSING SPECIALIZING IN Theses Dissertations Manuscripts Grad Sch Approved 5 Blochs to UO Jennifer 485 3883 7S89 UWHF EDITING WORO PROCESSING. WRITING consullalion PhD F« penenced with foreign students Call Gary 4BS-129B TYPING/EDITING Call Sara 68b 0739 Visa A Matarcard Accepted 4'.#*>'» MUHf PROFESSIONAL TYPINO/EDITING Fail, accurate Disc storage Call Grace 747 6140 1?*J5 WORD PROCESSING/T YPINO Affordable • Excellent Free Spelling Chech Ruthann 3440438 12-15 Typing PROFESSIONAL TYPIST/ EDITOR. IT years enpettence Wo*cl processing Graduate school approved Near cam pus Rohm M4-07SS._«209tln TYPING & WORD PROCESSING Tfw*«*/di*M<1altons. papri •dtimg. graphic* law paptr* mumti & mat* mattings. Or ad Sch approved WorrfMH * TypaScrtpl* CINDY 444 MM BRANDY 4B4 4044 4440 If n ! Wkr LVt TtAH2> kXKt HltNtt C4M JO THE TYPING PRO 6430044 UWHF - OUAIITV TYPING WORD PROCESSING 7^ Cat'oly 'ri's (‘Spf‘ciallit'£ • Ruth Profact* • Specialising in ns Thasts farm papa* *. r**uma* la I tar* L arolyn v » Utlitll 3447231 For Sale TRIUMPH ADLER SATELLITE II ELEC TRIC TYPEWRITER enlh daisy »h»i callying casa ribbon conaction lap® l too OI best oiler Call 686 4293 Lai n ring_12-12 CARVER TX II FM Tunei MOO Call 343 8419 _J*R TWO HUEY LEWIS Biuce Hoinsby ll> lo 12 17 shoe 34441870 12 12 ROWING MACHINE MO 9 RCA BAW TV *50 344 1412 allei 3pm 12 12 SKIS X COUNTRY MAW plus bools ester bed single ellh everything 3VI couch 8 lecenl uphoi ST60BO *396/ 12 12 GUITAR FOR SALE Conn Acoustic parted condition ettb case Ashing $148 OBO 184 7223 Shaun (keep Uy mg) 72*12 LEAVING TOWNI Have to sell my eatorbed (e*o headboardl $100 All the accessories included Also a sola love seal and coltee table combo dull sal. used/ lor $76 Call evenings 7 10pm SOON'343 2821 '2 14 SALOMON 447 BINDINGS Nee* in bo* $60 OBO 344 8447 12 12 LEATHER JACKET $M> OBO 344 4344 (4-7 lopmi Turtleneck $360BO 12 12 FX 7000G graphic programmable calculator. 2 months old. $64 Tschmcs SA 290 slsrso receiver $100 OBO Study tabu* and sida table $10 Call 144 4193 12-1S Computers LEAOING EDGE COMPUTE* Model D 640K 11.243 242 2882 TAG 8531 12 I* Cars a Cycles WANNA SPREE? CALL ME Clean 1985 1500 mtles LIV) 345 1328 Of 344 4813 _IMS FOR SALE 1822 FIAT X 1/8 *17*> 42 000 mile* new lire* escellent con Ollion Call 998 8361 Altai 3pm wkdays anytime wliend* 12 15* GREAT BUY! 78 VW Rabbit Giaal condllion Vary economical SI 830 888 4253 _Jt2 12 IMS AERO 50. 1425. good condition low mileage 343 8208 call evening* 12 12 85 HONDA AERO 50 Low miles. Black 8 Red, $450 683 0778 _ 12 12 23 CONVERTIBLE VW BUG Yellow Rtm» graat Bargain $2,000 48f» 322S 1975 AUDI FOX N tMiimgi. valve job and new fluid* AM FMcaualltdlck $695 663 1096 <2 1$ HONDA AERO 50 Low Miles, Ex Cond $450 343-2397 __1272 Whoa Dude Dudettes Oudafis like rad red Aero 80 lor sain Under 2.000 miles 1230 347 2315 345 1942 12 15 Must Sell 22 Kawaski KZ850 4 cylinder low I miles new eihausi II s a rocket I Call 3448114, laava numOer 12 13* | 85 SPREE. Red 5300 OBO Call 344 8808 '? '2 «3 HONDA ACCORO IX 2DR lull op Ilona Call 1444393 ’ 1 Bicycles 22*) IN TREK TRl SERIES A«ro» Shimano 600 ealra* $400 OBO U4 4669 even 12-12 TUNE UPS *12 CAMPUS CYCLE SHOP 345 7369 12 12 Christmas Special Offering: Acrylic Nail Visible Light Bonding Liquid - Cure Gels Sets $30 through January 15th 18th & Jackson 343-6248 Call for appointment f f Closed 24th & 25th jfl[ M Open again December 26th GRILL HOUSE LUNCH • DINNER A Variety of Shish Kabobs and Burgers Imported Beers Guinness on Tap Wednesday night is foreign language night Open ll:00am-2:00am Closed Sunday 1225 Alder St. • 343-9661