Herpes Continued from Page 5 For now. herpes is incurable There are several drugs that act to minimize the physical discomfort during outbreaks, according to Roger Rohloff, a salesman for Burrow-Welcome pharmaceutical company. Acyclovir is a drag that requires a prescription but has been shown to shorten the duration of lesions of first outbreaks. After initial outbreaks, the drag does reduce pain slightly, Rohloff said. There are several other drugs "in the mil!” that may reduce the pain and frequency of out breaks. But once a person has contracted the disease, there is no cure, said Health Center practitioner Bailey. The medical community hopes for a herpes vaccine to hi? out within five years, Simon said. There are several groups set up locally and nationally to help people come to terms with the emotional and physical aspects of herpes katy Babcock is the director of research and program development at the Herpes Resource Center in I’alo Alto. Calif "We distribute information and education in the form of a hotline, newsletter and pam phlets and audio visual equip ment." Babcock said. The center also sponsors sup port groups throughout the United State's. Research and updated material is aquired through a network of herpes researchers throughout the United States and a medical advisory board. Habcnck said For more information about the disease, contact: •Herpes Information and Sup port Group. Sharlene. 683-2095 or Carolyn, 343-3013. The group meets the first and third Thursday of the month from 7 to 9 p.m. in (Conference Room 5 Main. Sacred Heart Hospital. •Herpes Resource Center, P.O. Box too. Palo Alto, Calif. Phone (415) 321-51.14 or 328-7710. •V I) Hotline. 1-800-227-8922 (toll free) for information and referral. •U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Com municable Disease Branch. Venereal Disease Branch. Atlan ta. Georgia. 30333. PICK UP OUR 16 pg AUDIO A VIDEO BUYER'S GUIDE A T ANY GOOD GUYS LOCA TION! <■ ^ ^ t w ' r— ONKYO • 16-SELECTION RANDOM PROGRAMMABLE • DIGITAL FILTERING • 3-BEAM LASER PICKUP • MULTI-FUNCTION DISPLAY • RETAIL S3M COMPACT DISC PLAYER SAW *120 NOW! n1-' w COMPACT DIGITAL AUDIO 7 4-EVENT/ 14-DAY TIMER - 24 ~ FUNCTION WIRELESS REMOTE 107-CHANNEL CABLE READY ELECTRONIC TUNING • VISUAL SEARCH- SPECIAL EF FECTS • HO • FRONT LOAD DESIGN • RETAIL S549 HITACHI VHt VCR WITH HQ A WIRELKSS REMOTI CONTROL $ 348 I /oNKYorr'' l r 988 • 210 WATT INTEGRATED AMR • QUARTZ DKMTAL TUNER WITH It PRf SET*. SCAN TUNING-HIGHSPEED 0U8RING CASSETTE WITH AUTOREVERSE • AUTORETURN TURNTABLE WITH CART • 14SANO GRAPHIC EQUALIZER* 12-RICH. 2-WAV MONITOR SPEAKERS* WIRELESS REMOTE CONTROL • AUDIO RACK-RETAIL SI»00 rrnr44444 , Vint \ VMUtl Maori •^CONTIOi n ■ PROWONDER VMS uLfm wmt i «»i»CABCORDIR ItCJl iUUH I r UVUB • INFRARED AUTO FOCUS• CONSTANT WHITE BALANCE• M ELECTRONIC VIEW A FINDER • S-WAV V ROWER OPERATION ^ - * • 13” REMOTI CONTROL COLOR TV •RANDOM ACCeSS CABLE READY TUN ING WITH INFRARED REMOTE CONTROL « SIGNAL TRACKCR SYSTEM* CHANNEL A VOLUME ON SCREEN DISPLAY • QUICK START • LAST CHANNEL RECALL • OFF TIMER* 10-2 1 WARRANTY i ..,. 20 IQ, Tv/ii 8TVRSO COiOft TYMC0VIII • full function UN*IEO REMOTE • MTS SAP STEREO AUOtO • DBX NOISE REDUCTION* COMBFILTER* BUILT INS WATT AMP • MIATIPLE MONITOR MPUTS A OUTPUTS*ON SCREEN CHANNEL DISPLAY •RET $S90 1 KENWOOD DOLBY B+C CASSKTTB DICK •SOPT TOUCH LOOtC CO* TROLS'DIRCCT PROGRAM SC ARCH • DOLBY B-C NR VIDf0 TAM ^ "CHRISTMAS CARO" fV 1 \ •»H*G »OU* 9 AlfH » TOOO« CO«V Alllf 0« VAllf * N»Vf » 11 o*t t*s »u*o a V If rwi IH MD«f UMUlt viovo CMntsriaAS CABO TO SIMO TO VOil# Ilf l A fives y CASsrrras I BLANK AUDIO . > 090 $1.29 •SA-90 $1.79 ^SA-XW $2.59 (Hmit 10 fNw cuilomtr) t t'OTT FI &TDK J VIDEOTAPE • T-120 HS • L-750 HS . T-120 EHG 9*.4B • T-120 HI FI S7.M • BUY 4 AND GET A S3 RCBATlfROtt TDK I <0 H H KENWOOD AM FMDtOJTAL TUNC A • CLOCK • 12 F*f MTt • MtK •LCHiONt gt*’AOCA* Sf PAftATf IAIII TMMI'MCTAI CAPABtf • AUTO At Vf AM • PIUS KCM Aim DIGITAL AUTO MVmUCAMYSTia • Rf TAIL S378 wmW249 CO PIOMEER ft/k 0 AM FM AUTO-REVERSE t'(PJK CAW CASSETTE DECK i t If • FAX# AT A#* GUANO-AUTO mn*u lOUOMIM * HOMO tTVRIO «TAAU«I Pnc«t velid thru Dec 19 All items m limned quantities end similar to illustration KUGKNC VALLEY Riven STORK S( losil'omw S.»sife"l1 HON FRl 9-9 SATURDAY 9-9 SUNDAY 11 6-> »U* LOCATIONS eO*0«Nl«Tlw>fD HOutflthOU«S KUGCNK CAR CCNTKR *tr> A Al jsn.r'Aloi' JA5 6 ’ )A HON FRl 9-6 SATURDAY 9-S —; ORDER BY PHONE! CALL COUECT: 344-2056 rm&mii GPGood Guns WEST EUGENE }' JO # 1 no JAJ J1J9 HON FRI 108 SATURDAY 106 SUNOAT 116 CORVALLIS ilf 4 «HNuT TS* OSOt HON FRl lOt Stereo & Video Discounters SATURDAY 106 SUNOAY 116