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Now you can save money and still get all the benet its ot owning an IBM I XT. Like IBM quality. And access to all the programs written lor the IBM K' family. We re offering our best price ever on a real IBM Personal Computer—complete w ith two diskette drives, monochrome monitor and adapter. And that's a real deal. Information Available in Room 105 of the UO Computing Center 1:30-4:30 M-F 686-4412 Among those ere rent, con sumer and school boycotts; strikes; protest meetings; com plaints about compulsory military service, and establish ment of civic associations and people's courts. Israel restrains press TEL AVIV. Israel (AP) - While journalists in South Africa are contending with ex panded censorship restraints for the first time. Israel's local and foreign reporters always have had to submit to the military censor's blue pencil. Surrounded by hostile Arab states and having fought five wars during it? years of ex istence. Israel says censorship is essential to state security. The army distributes a perma nent list of subjects that must be submitted to the censors before stories or photographs are published. The permanent subjects in clude military activity of any sort, soldiers' deaths, weapons sales and purchases, nuclear research or facilities, oil pur chases and immigration of Jews from enemy countries. The periodic additions include such events as the 1984 airlift of Ethiopian Jews. Sister makes plea BEIRUT, Ubanon (AP) — Terry Anderson's sister asked his captors Friday to free the kidnaped American journalist "in the spirit of Christmas.” Peggy Say made the appeal in an open letter published in Beirut's two leading newspapers, the independent An-Nahar and the leftist As Safir. Anderson, 39, is chief Middle Fast correspondent of The Associated Press. He was kid napped in Moslem west Beirut on March lti. 1985. and Islamic Jihad, a Shiite Moslem group believed loyal to Iran, claimed responsibility. The underground group, whose name means Islamic Ho ly War, also claims to hold American hostage Thomas Sutherland. 55. acting dean of agriculture at the American University of Beirut, and three Frenchmen. National Jury probes crimes WASHINGTON (AP) - Allegations of gunrunning and other offenses by Nicaraguan Contra rebels and by some American supporters are being examined by a grand jury in Miami, a federal official says. The official, who insisted on anonymity, said Wednesday that the federal grand jury in vestigation started last month, but refused to say who was the target of the probe or who had been called as witnesses The official also said the pro be is not connected — at least now — to other investigations under way in Washington into the diversion of $10 million to $30 million from Iranian arms sales to the Contras. Hostages get letters WASHINGTON (AP) — A volunteer organization is sen ding 50,000 letters to the American hostages in Lebanon, hopinR they will be delivered through a Shiite Moslem clergyman, a group spokeswoman said Thursday. The letters, written by school children in Buffalo and Philadelphia and Girl Scouts and C'ampfire Boys and Girls throughout the country, are be ing sent by “No Greater love,” described as a Washington based humanitarian, non-profit organization formed to help the families of terrorism victims. Regional Chain drops cards PORTLAND (AP) — A toy store chain no longer will carry Garbage Pail Kids bubble-gum cards and stickers in Oregon and Washington as the result of a one-man protest. Gary Kuhn, 30, of West Linn said Wednesday, however, that he still was encouraging a boycott of the Toys R Us stores until all Garbage Pail Kids related products are removed. “We’ve pulled the Garbage Pail Kids off the floor," Mark Haag, general manager of 10 Toys R Us stores in the Pacific Northwest, said Wednesday. “The decision was made partly from his protest and other let ters we've received.” GIR CERTIFICATES Give a hot winter’s soak to family and friends They'll love you for it! One hour for two — 10 00 Open noon-midnight Seven days a week 1653 Garden Ave. (off Franklin Dlvd.) 345-9046