Cydocross Continued from Page 8 hazardous." Allan got into the sport two years after graduating from Portland's Benson High School in 1981. during a 4,300-mile bike tour of the western states. He saw some events for the first time and got hooked. "I just decided this was what I wanted to do," he said. After two years at Portland State University and several races against the Oregon club sport team, he decided on a change of scenery. ‘Td raced against most of them (on the Oregon team) during the past.” he said. “Through that I found out that 1 had a pretty good op portunity of getting involved in architecture and cycling at the same time.” The club sport cycling team, which he is now a part of. has played an integral part in luring him here. “They’ve financed most of what I'm doing,” Allen said. The bikes used in the com petition are 10-speeds in design, but feature different shifters, brakes and knobby tires. "It's different complete ly,” Allen said. Each race consists of doing laps, usually through a public park, for an hour plus one lap. "They take 7 to 8 minutes per lap, where on the open road 1 could do it in two,” Allen said. Looking ahead to the national championships at hand, Allen felt as though he was in a good position to make the world team. "I’ve had a really good fall (for practicing),” he said. ‘Td like to go to the world meet at the amateur level." Competing at the world level, though, has not been a strong point for Americans. The best Repairs • Buy and Sell STEREO WORKSHOP 1«0» Main. SprtngHsM 741*1597 1 4 1966 Elizabeth Taylor won an Oscar. Mark Hatfield was governor and Jerry opened up an incredible fair. The Book Fair is celebrating its 20th k anniversary r Unique and unusual 'r old books, pamphlets, : prints and magazines The Book F 1409 Oak St 545 50& .... U.S. finish in the world cham pionships was by former Eugene resident and national champion l-awrence Malone, who finished 33rd in 1978. Allen, however, holds hope for the future. The professional cyclocross circuit, which has yet to be indented by an American, is an outside goal of his. "If I improve over the next couple years, and then get my act together, who knows?” '——-COUPON———l outfitters -IXD. PRE-SEASON TUNE-UP $5.95 With Coupon Includes edge sharpening, minor base repairs and base grind. $25.00 VALUE TYPING s Advanced Word Processing s Guaranteed s’ Fast and Reasonable Debbie Blanchard 461-2798 • Is an M.B.A. degree right for you? • What are admission requirements for the M.B.A. program? • How much will it cost to get an M.B.A. degree? • Is an undergraduate business degree required? • May I attend part time? • What majors are available for study? Come get the facts about the University of Oregon M.B.A Program It will be an informal session for you to got information about the M.B.A. (Master of Business Administration) program and to meet students, alumni, and faculty members. It's a great chance to get help planning your future. Refreshments will Im; served. Presented by the Graduate School of Management. TODAY! December 11, 1986, 4:30 p.m. Chiles Business Center, Burlington Northern Room Great thinkers- come check out our Philosophy section. One of the greats ihc University Bookstore. In the Book Dept. First Grads: Sixth Qrads: Twelfth Qrads: Freshman Yr. College: Later: t4* 1. 'J uwnt jbr ht KdftpM onA mokt jMk o|morau . I want to succeed in the business world. ci ce»t. rdovfu'^i'Jtea)1) ftLCoWoVc SOMETIMES, COLLEGE LIFE CAN BE ADDICTING.*. ‘ 'r*. 1 * „ • *\ i ’ *V .but it doesn't have-to be. i-it - - - - - —-- • » •--» *-««* * A possible alcohol or drug addiction pro blem can be sowed, but first you need to understand it PROFESSIONAL COUNSELORS ARE AVAILABLE TO U Of O STUDENTS AT NO COST OR OBLIGATION jf you Qr someone you'care about » - i .mrght/f^ve a drug or alcohol addiction Qroblem,. you will have^Questions that , n^ed to be answered v . . r WtMn does drinking^Or drug use,, i. • become a (KoBlam?-* • When i» treatment (Meded? • How do I help a friend who needs treatment? { .' Bw-ar .j.i.i. Calling or meeting with someone that can answer your questions will either ease your mind or be the first logical step in solving a difficult problem Whichever one it is, it can only help Day or Night. Completely Confidential. » Call Lois or John a( Serenity Lane. m SERENITY »* TRfAJMENT CtNTlB foe AiCOHCn a wakv. abusi mtywi. not fda motn 616 E. 16th Icomw ol llth and Pal'aiton)