World beat International Rebel serenades MANILA. Philippines (AP) — A rebel commander serenaded thousands of people in a provin cial town and other Communist leaders addressed crowds in Manila to mark the start Wednesday of the first nation wide cease-fire in the 17-year insurgency. Thousands of people rallied for hours in the main square of Bacolod, 300 miles south of Manila, where four Communist leaders obliged residents by autographing fans. T-shirts and scraps of paper. Nemesio Francisco Demafiles. regional commander of the New People’s Army, took out a guitar and played for the crowd. Wiesel awarded OSLO. Norway (AP) — Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, an American writer and human rights advocate, received the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize Wednesday and said the honor belonged to all survivors of the Nazi death camps and their children. Norwegian Nobel Committee Chairman Egil Aarvik gave Wiesel the gold medal and diploma at ceremonies in Oslo University’s Aula Festival Hall attended by 800 people, in cluding King Olaf V and government leaders. The prize also includus $390,000. National Strikes confirmed WASHINGTON (AP) — Reagan administration officials confirmed Wednesday that Honduran jets struck targets in side Nicaraguan territory last weekend, but denied charges by Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega that Honduras carried out the raids at the request of the United States. U.S. officials, who asked not Send poinsettias ■y-McrryChrif is glowing color. Mr fam* putnMrttiuo in nil m/o to gladden hofid*% henrlv M«kr uh uwr headquarters for fWttl itifis this ( HrhtiMh. < M m slop in ludm. linn- is grot* mg short. fkjeiUwiie, “The University Florist'’ 610 E. 13th (At Patterson St.) 485-3655 to bo identified. said the ad ministration had not taken a position on the propriety of the Honduran action. The Honduran government denied again Wednesday that it had undertaken any raids inside Nicaragua, but Sandinista military officials showed reporters craters and shrapnel in the town of Wiwili that they attributed to Honduran bomb ing runs. Casey testifies WASHINGTON (AP) — CIA Director William Casey, in five hours of sworn congressional testimony, denied Wednesday that he knew the profits from U.S. arms sales to Iran were be ing transferred to Nicaraguan Contra rebels, lawmakers reported. But Rep. Dante Fascell. D Fla., chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said Casey did offer specifics "with regard to a lot of information which we did not have on the record before” concerning the unraveling scandal. Casey testified as Republicans and liemocrats sparred over whether congressional commit tees investigating the Iran Contra connection should grant immunity from prosecution to key witnesses who have refused to discuss what they know. Evolution debated WASHINGTON |AP) - Teaching creationism alongside evolution in public schools was attacked as an attempt tu "give God equal time” and defended as true academic freedom in a lively Supreme Gourt debate Wednesday. The court is to decide by July whether lower courts were right in striking down a Louisiana law that required the teaching of evolution to be "balanced" by teaching creation-science. Regional Pack wood spent SALEM (APJ — Sen Hob Pack wood raised nearly $7.7 million for his re-election cam paign and finished the cam paign season with nearly $1 million in the bank, campaign finance reports show The Oregon Republican rais ed and spent more than any other candidate ever has in the state, and he exceeded the com bined spending total of Neil Goldschmidt and Norma Paulus in the governor's race. The $6.75 million spent by Packwood translates to some $10.28 for each of the 656,317 votes he received to win re election in the Nov. 4 general election. Next to Packwood, the most expensive campaigns in Oregon's history were waged by Goldschmidt, who spent nearly $2.9 million on his successful campaign, and Paulus, who spent about $2 1 million. Trees spiked GRANTS PASS (AIM - Siskiyou National Forest of ficials said Wednesday they received a letter warning old growth trees outside the kalmiopsis Wilderness have been spiked with granite core samples to prevent logging Forest spokesman Warren Olney said it was the first time he has heard of trees lining sabotaged with rocks instead of metal spikes, which have been driven into trees to prevent log ging other old-growth timber stands in Oregon. MONEY? 1 We BUY used . lothes' ' l .ill M. miiriqs lor Appt 344-7039 ; 10-6 Mon.-Sal. i 360 E I Ith htftwt'rn Mill V MkjIi * GIFT CERTIFICATES Give a hot winter's soak to family and friends They'll love you for it! One hour for two 10 (X.) 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Her poignant, crisp, yet easy style draws the reader into the realms of dieting, newspaper column writing, student advising, scuba diving and a series of related stories dealing with courtship, mar riage and child rearing in severely modern times But, victims Each story has a female protagonist with goals of personal fulfillment in the face of unexpected twists of fate The desires of the characters to do good and to do right stand as this volume's most attractive feature Gilchrist's characters are complicated, intense, con templative and spontaneous In essence, the real thing Example — “I figured it out once It goes like this. The brain hunts for something it wants. It sees something If it can have it, well and good, then it hunts for something else Always searching. If it can't get what it wants, it speeds up a little bit, the libido works a little harder, the blood pumps, the face gets tight On and on, more and more, until it gets what it wants " With "Drunk With Love," her fourth book, Ellen Gilchrist, a past winner of The American Book Award, con tinues to produce fiction that enlightens and absorbs her readers This volume of stories is highly recommended reading, as are her other volumes. "Victory Over Japan," “In The Land Of Dreamy Dreams' and "The Annunciation ” Book Views “Drunk With Love” by Ellen Gilchrist — Reviewed by Kerry Paul May — General Book Department HARDCOVER $ 15.95 6M4331 13th & Kincaid M F 7 305 30 SAT 10 00 4 00