Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 11, 1986, Page 6, Image 6

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    Hair Styling
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Eastwood defends macho image
in new film 'Heartbreak Ridge'
("lint Eastwood's films of the
last decade have alternately
built and sustained his screen
image and played off that same
image. "Heartbreak Ridge" is a
Eastwood plays hard
drinkin', hard fightin’. foul
mouthed. Gunnery Sergeant
Tom Highway, a professional
soldier lost without a war — a
field man in a clerical position
who wants nothing more than
to get back doing what he does
Review by
Sean Axmaker
Highway is an anachronism.
The films opens in a jail cell,
where he recounts war stories to
a wide-eyed youth and then
"defends his honor" by beating
the hell out of a fellow cellmate,
a huge brawler who takes the
first punch when Highway's in
sults top his own.
Highway was sent to his
clerical purgatory for insubor
dination and things don't seem
to have changed much. The
drunken antics that landed him
in the brig are not something
new. Is them a place in this
man's army for the likes of
Damn straight, jack Like a
gift from above. Highway is sent
i>ack to a field unit, when) he is
placed in charge of a motley
crew of disrespectful, un
disciplined soldiers making up
the reconnaissance platoon of
an unprepanxi base
The CO. one Major Powers
(Everett McGill) up fmm supp
ly, takes an immediate dislike to
field veteran Highway, who's
been fighting since Korea
Discipline and anonymity are
the keys to surviving in this out
fit. No one bucks authoritv.
Guess again. Major
The story is familiar. A
hardened veteran takes a sloppy
bunch of misfits and turns them
into a lean, mean, fighting
machine. He earns the respect
and admiration of his men and
gives his uptight GO heartburn
by giving the traditionally
passive recon unit the
capabilities, and the drive, to
show up the "number one" unit
on base.
In the meantime. Highway
spends his off hours attempting
to court his ex-wife (Marsha
Mason), who works as a cocktail
waitress in a local club. To
these ends Highway pours
through women's magazines
trying to find where the mar
riage went wrong ("Did we
mutually nurture each other?”
he asks her).
In a time when tough guy
films are defined by the vehicles
for Stallone and Norris,
Hastwood's pictures are a
welcome commodity. His direc
tion is taut and effective, his ac
ting is getting better and his
stories are. at the very least,
entertaining without being
A gentle sense of humor
keeps the film from knuckling
under the macho values of
Highway, and well-directed ac
tion keeps the film moving at a
good, if not terribly fast, pace
(at two hours, twenty minutes,
the film surprisingly doesn't get
All those cliches we expect
from films like these are pre
sent: the obligatory fight with a
subordinate in the outfit, the
obligatory fight with his GO. the
endless training exercizes
where Highway teaches his men
to “Improvise." the eventual
admiration of his men. the
slowly-developed camaraderie
paralleling their transformation
into an effective fighting unit
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and. finally, the fluid test
The climax is. of all things,
the invasion of Grenada.
As is appropriate for the film,
the politics of the maneuver is
never addressed. The logistics
and the battles are all that mat
ter to the field soldiers.
Yet even here there are
moments where the audience
has to stop and think. Not
much, of course, and not so we
don’t enjoy the professionalism
of the final assault and the ex
hilaration of victory, but
something to show the edges
that define Highway.
“Heartbreak Ridge" isn't a
political film. It's a tough-guy
war film starring Clint
Fast wood and a good (not great)
film as they go.
And I suppose it's about time.
Now that we no longer have the
likes of Don Seigel and Robert
Aldrich making films like these,
it’s nice to see that someone still
knows how to make macho
driven-male-action pictures that
aren't filled with racism, sexism
and sadistic violence.
It's machismo and
Hemingway-esque values that
define the characteristics of the
genre, of course.
Professionalism, duty and
honor are key attributes and
success is the measure of one’s
value. The ultimate moment is
the professional deployment as
an elite fighting force.
If mythically-proportioned
macho crap like this turns your
stomach, then this isn't the film
for you.
If, however, you do find en
joyment in this mythical world,
then "Heartbreak Ridge” is the
best of it's kind in quite a while.
Sure, Clint takes it all serious
ly, but if every film were
"Tightrope" or "Bronco Billy,”
then what would he have to
play off?
Continued from Page 1
streets, and sewers for the pro
ject. lie said; the David Carley
Capital Croup, the developer of
the park, will finance the
buildings in the initial stages.
Moseley also reported on the
Advanced Science and
Technology Institute, a joint in
stitute with Oregon State
University to promote local
economic development and
research. Robert McQuate has
greatly increased industry's in
terest in ASTI since becoming
director in May.
In other business, the Senate
passed a resolution supporting
the sending of two student
representatives to El Sa'vador
■Wc Crsutr
• Resumes
• Flyers
• Menus
MOE 13th
■naf. iW)
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