Foreign students stay here for holidays By Tonnie Dakin 0( Ih* Kmrr.M For most University students. (Christmas is a time to travel home and he with family and friends. For foreign students, who often are unable to go home for the holidays, there are other options available. Most foreign students stay in the United States during Christmas break, said Margo Ramsing, a University foreign student adviser. There are pro grams set up with networks all over the United States that allow foreign students not only to spend Christmas with a host family but to travel to other parts of America while doing it. she said. Most often students pay tor their own transportation to and from their host family's city, but once arrived, they are hosted by the community. Ramsing said. There are also church groups that cater to foreign students and place them with host families around the country, she said. Students who wish to stay in Eugene may be able to spend the holidays with their “friend ship family." Ramsing said. “A friendship family is just what it says, they volunteer to be a friend to the foreign stu dent. and sometimes they will invite the student to spend time with them at Christmas.” she said. For some foreign students. Christmas is a religious holiday, but for others it is simply a break from school, she said. “To most Europeans, the holidays complement ours.” Ramsing said. “But when you talk about Asian and Eastern countries, they may not have the same feelings about the holi day that Americans do.” At the International House, a cooperative living situation for foreign students, none of the students are planning to go home for Christmas, said Hiroshi lnoue, president of the house and a graduate student in Willamette Center For Sex Education is ottering classes on per sonal sexual enhance ment/education beginning January 23rd, for in dividuals or couples. Format includes: ‘Use of a workbook with at home exercises •Film •Discussion call 741-4581 or 343*1 739 FOR OETAILS KERNELS Watch for them in Spectrum EVERY THURSDAY! cultural anthropology who is from |apan The house, located at 560 E. 11th Ave.. is owned by a church and most of the students living there are Christians, lnoue said. To celebrate the holiday the students will decorate the house, go Christmas caroling and have a Christmas party, he said. "We’re trying to follow the American example of Christmas." lnoue said. Many of the 14 students liv ing at the house plan to travel or visit friends, he added. Tausif Kahn, a senior economics major from Pakistan, did not go home for Christmas last year, he said. Instead, he traveled to San Francisco with some friends who also were not leaving the United States, he said. Most foreign students who don’t go home to their native country do leave Eugene. Kahn said. "If I stayed here I think it might bother me because all of my friends who I hang out with would have left." he said This year. Kahn plans to travel to Seattle or Vancouver because "it's just like a holiday off." he said. IMFAMT CCMTCR 8 ■""security first"! 11 i • QuaKy Care n the Downtown • U of O Area J • HomeUhe 5ettmg Bright & • Clean 2 • indMduaitted Schedulrig and * Care ® • Open 7am to 6pm ■ 1677 Pearl 345-0756 ■ e ALL MAJORS WELCOME ESCAPE Field Studies Program is now recruiting for Winter Term Coordinators. You will gain valuable leadership training and experience, also 3-5 upper division credits. Slop by M 111 EMU or phono 686-4351 Ask lor Diana or Doris SALE SALE SALE ^ 10%-30%Off BOOTS AT LEAST 25% Off BINDINGS ^ 20% Off MENS, LADIES & KIDS TURTLENECKS ^ 20% Off Kids Accessories JK ULLR SPORT SHOP Across from Valley River Canlar In Dans Village 1011 Valley Rl*«< Of In* 683*1977 SALE SALE SALE DECEMBER SALE Haagen - Dazs Alta Dena Honey Kgg Nog $179 ONLY JL N.Y. Slurp Cheddar Wax Orchards Mincemeat reg S3.M Sale $2.99 Ginger'Walnut < ..users ex rcg S.V99 Sale $3.29 Miutr with V1 Merest 1981 White Riesling Huhtrr iompItM. nmMtjt. Glen Creek 1986 Nouveau Pino! Noir Mff* thi* frrtM. firm wtm Shafer Ptmrt Noir Blanc rcg $3 95 Dry. elegant amum of a blush sale $3.95 Alpine 1985 Riniing rcg $6 75 Sale $5.50 He si vet from Alpine ■ crisp, spnisy. apple toned Prlcr Adaim I9B2 Pirn* Noir.Only $8.95 Hare value in Oregon Hi not elegant. Burgundian ( halrau Benoit Brul Mrlhodr l hamprnoksr rcg $12.25 sale $10.95 t itk^. .u prMrN itmMigh Open H-11 daily ut 24tll 4$ llnrmhrr, iir while .uppilr. U.4 lIlKurd • 343-9142 r ■ Coupons in the Emerald save you money. I Check every page, every day. It pays. __ luirry lefty Gomwv 344 2242 Dt*n* Kirkpatrick 344 6013 Nawii*> IjwMom 603 5343 Um K«rqu4 404 406k Cory £>•• 603 3635 NORTHWEST rAnnUi wl PmiI Su»«m. lugm Closed 24th & 25th Open again December 26th poppi/ GRILL HOUSE LUNCH • DINNER A Variety of Shish Kabobs and Burgers Imported Beers Guinness on Tap Wednesday night is foreign language night Open lls00am-2!00am Closed Sunday 1225 Alder St. • 343-9661