Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 11, 1986, Page 3, Image 3

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    Insiders might have helped
in lab break-in, group says
By Sarah Kitchen
People with inside connections may have
aided the Animal Liberation Front in their Oct. 26
raid on University laboratories.
In a letter delivered to University officials
and laboratory researchers, the ALF claimed that
they had received inside help and will continue
to do so.
“We now have people on the inside, not only
here, but in other places as well. This is how we
are able to gain unrestricted access to the
buildings and labs. We intend to use these in
dividuals to our advantage, insofar as they are
willing to cooperate with us, whenever the op
portunity exists 11 read the letter, signed by the
ALF. Unit 5, Pacific Northwest.
The letter, delivered on Dec. 9, is the third
written by the ALF since the break-in. The letter
had a Eugene post mark.
Officer Mike Southley from the University
Office of Public Safety said there is no evidence
either confirming or denying that insiders were
involved in the break-ins. However, "the pro
bability exists to that being a factual statement."
Southley said.
There was no sign of forced entry into the
After investigations leading the police to
Nehalem and Portland. Southley said there is
some evidence that will be brought up in front of
a Grand Jury, however when this will happen has
not yet been determined.
One thing that puzzles the police about the
letter is the name signed by the ALF: "Unit 5.
Pacific Northwest.”
"We are a bit baffled about that, we don’t
know anything, or haven't heard anything about
that unit.” Southley said.
The letter also stated that the ten rabbits
discovered over the past few weeks were returned
to the University labs “due to unfortunate cir
cumstances beyond our control.”
However, the letter added that the total count
of animals taken is "well over 200." including 12
adult cats in the breeding colony, and W> kittens
(si-x more kittens have been bom since the break
in, the letter said). That number is 50 more than
the University'* original estimate of 150 animals.
According to a University-released response to
the ALF’s letter, the animals stolen were worth
Regarding the damage done to property and
equipment, which the University estimates at
about $50,000 worth, the ALF said it was "an ex
pression of pure, outright rage." because of the
experiments conducted on kittens.
In its statement, the University said research
will not be stopped at the University.
"The group's illegal actions will not prevent
biomedical research from continuing to be con
ducted at the University of Oregon, as it has in the
past, in strict compliance with the University's as
well as federal policies governing the ethical and
humane use of animals in research.’ the state
ment said.
John Moseley, vice president for research
stressed that all experiments done at the Universi
ty are strictly controlled.
“All of the research using animals at the
University is carried on under the highest of
ethical standards approved by the U.S. govern
ment for the health and well being of people."
Moseley said.
However, the ALF statement said, “with this
liberation, it was also our intention to
demonstrate our unwillingness to accept the
status quo of animal use and exploitation in prin
ciple, even when carried out in accordance with
established requirements of the law."
The ALF statement also said more than 400
color slides were found in the office of room 304
or Science 1 which they said would be released to
the press shortly.
The ALF letter concluded saying. "We see
our actions as small victories in the larger war be
ing waged by humanity against the planet earth
and all it's occupant life forms. We, of course,
have aligned ourselves with the latter side in this
conflict, which is no longer a passive struggle for
us. but has become a war of open and active
The University’s statement said the ALr s
letters to the news media about the break-in
should be “taken for what they are: the bragging
of thieves and vandals."
Students in Support of
Students are sponsoring
Alcoholics Anonymous
meetings every Thurs., 12:30 to
1:30 p.m. in the Koinonia. 1414
All-Greek Bible Study meets
tonight at 9 at the Kappa Kappa
Gamma house: 11 ‘
You are invited to a brown
bag luncheon sponsored by the
Older Women’s League today
from 12 to 1 p.m. in EMU Cen
tury Room E.
Women in Fiction: Writer,
Character, and Reader will be
the topic of feminist novelist
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Perspective The Reverend Doug
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rtute Matt a Matt
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Huneke will lecture on Wiesel's
being given the Nobel Peace
Prize at 7:30 p.m. tonight at
Temple Beth Israel, 2550
Portland Street: informal recep
tion at Koinonia Center, 1414
Kincaid. 3:30 to 5 p.m.
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