Rentals Higher Education The total cost of attending a public college or university has risen 34 percent in the last four years, according to the Student I.oan Marketing Association Comparitively. the rise in con sumer prices has been less than 20 percent over the same period S.A.D. News Everyone knows that too much sun can cause skin cancer, but now researchers say there’s something to worry about if you don't get enough exposure to sunlight The National Institute of Men tal Health says they have demonstrated a strong connec tion between lack of sunlight and seasonal affective disorder (S A D ). Commonly referred to as ‘cabin fever' or the w inter blues,' symtoms of the ailment include an inability to concen trate. lethargy and depression Future Shock In his 1419 booklet. Pro phecies of Eugene's Future A.s They Arc Written in History. author Sam Rugh wrote that Eugene was "a city morally and physically clean, whose in habitants may worship God under their own vine and fir tree; according to the dictates of their own conscience without the slightest odor from a blind pig " Changing Times The values of college freshmen on careers and hie in general have changed over the past 20 years According to an ongoing study being conducted Cartoons Continued I rum Page 5 year Marjorie Taylor, assistant professor of psychology at the University, says tie ms can con fuse children. There is some evidence that children under the age of 7 can pick up some cues that help them differentiate between conimcr cials and shows, she says But “to the extent that these cues are reduced such as when you're using the same character in the show as m the commercial it’s quite likely they're not going to be making the separation bet ween the commercial and the content of the show And research indicates preschoolers generally have pro blems distinguishing between what is real and what isn't, she savs Before the age of 7, most children lend to accept everything they see on television as fact, she says "Until second grade, they really don't understand about I V economics at all,” she says, "and pari of understanding TV economics is understanding commercials " For instance, preschoolers don't understand that actors arc paid to be- in com mercials, she says. Children aren't the only ones affected by the practice Parents are the ones children pressure to buy the toys "I think it's really hard on the parents especially when these arc the toys that tend to be over priced.” Taylor says And even though buying the toy legitimizes toy makers’ use of tie ins. the answer isn't as easy as simply not purchasing the toy It's easy to say. 'Don’t buy that toy,’ Taylor says, but when that's the toy your child wants, it's hard to say no. As for changing the FCC's view of tie-ins, Charren has resigned herself to waiting out the Keagan administration, which appointed the FCC's cur rent administrators "This administration has in dicated that it divs not care," she says She also says parents can make the best of the situation by picking the best of what s available, knowing when to turn the television set off. and by helping their children unders tand what they're watching. - MICHKI.U BRKNCE by Cooperative Institutional Research Program at UCLA. 25 percent of 1985 freshmen said they plan to major in business, compared to 14 percent in 1966. ()n the other hand, those who said they intended to teach at the elementary or secondary school level changed from 24 percent in 1968 w ho said they would to on ly 6 percent of 1985 freshmen Old News Twenty years ago. the front page stories in the Oregon Daily Fine raid covered the new rating system for faculty positions, construction of the "new com puter center across from the bookstore and the State Board of Higher Education was consider ing raising tuition to SI25 a term an increase of $ 13 at the time In the classifieds, a new Volkswagon with only 4.800 miles was selling for $1495, cof fee was 69C a pound and “The Virgin Tammy” wished Jim a Merry Christmas. Christmas(.... day of Advent, and I tried to get people aware of the fact that they do need to find the real purpose of what Christmas is about And I told them that it's kind of impossi ble to go against the grain of what’s happening around them, but I kind of suggested ihings like. "Think of the per son first and get something, if you have to get something that will benefit that person For those concerned with the direction Christmas has taken in 20th century America, there is hope that the meaning of Christmas can somehow survive and be retained “The important thing is for every person to decide what is important about the celebration You have to be kind of disciplined about that, you need to set aside some time, be quiet, fantacize about the perfect Christmas, something that will let you look inside yourself to what it is you need and want from the celebration." Robinson says. "I think the trick is always to make ourselves aware that there is something else going on here And while the com mercialism isn't bad in itself, if it becomes the only thing, why celebrate Christmas? People need to discover why Christmas is the way it is and let it go through the rest of the year." Rustia says. EMU GROUND FLOOR 683-7355