(( lot k»*ise from top left) Dillon is a yelloyy -iia/X' Knot/on parrot oho likes to mimic humans and play pomes. Here he plays dead alter beinp "shot” by his owner. Jeff Olson, co-owner of I he Hop House in Sprinptield: Melissa Schwartz says her seven-month-old lerrel. Sikolai, lias a liahit of borrow inp under her bedspread and slealinp her roommates sin ks: I sii is file weeks old. Inn will In- worth up to SJ.000 as a ( hinese shar-fiei show ilop. Ills lull name, I sti fu te fu mu. means "tin wealthy soil of one's father.” I yen the bottom ot hi % feet are u tinkled Photos By Elizabeth Asher pels "Ten to 15 years ago you used to see a lot of hig cats and monkeys and chimps as pets. Now there are mostly ferrets, anti a few people have snakes "I’m glad to see people aren’t keeping these other animals anymore just because I think they can be dangerous. Wild animals are wild animals, and they will always be." Danclski says He remembers that many people kept raccoons lor pets in the past '“They all had to be let go or put to sleep. " he said “There used to be an elder woman who hail a chimpanzee, but as it got older it just got too strong I think she ended up giv ing it to a circus One of Danelskt's unusual pa tients is .1 mountain lion that often occupies the hack seat of its owner's black corvette. Fhe cat is the seventh generation in its family that has lived in cap 11\ its Danclskt speculates that this is wh\ the animal is so docile l.xotic btrtls and fish are in deed exotic lis'kin; however, the word exotic means only that the species are not native to the t nited Stales according to Jet! OisOt co ownei iif Ih Dii; Ha si u is thfe tvo-.id water ot wise known as tin wrinkled lion’s Stic has two neat adult does, Tien Kune !c, II months, and Mocha Mine Vun. a chocolate shai pci with a SJ,0n a flexible schedule to acc omodate you Become a blood/plasma donor Once o< twice « wwe* visit the nearby Hyland Donor Center Donating plasma is simple and sate In fact the donation process called plasmaphersis removes from the blood the only element it needs the plasma Other whole blood elements, the red cell* are returned to you Want to Know more'* Need that cash now'* For an appointment call 683-3953 HYLAND PLASMA DONOR CENTER 40 E. 10th ON i Y $4-*> DOWN,.. There's no cal*.h...under ^44()tl ■ DUNHAM YUGu Vehicles for ovury hudyrt with (.udilluc trout ,it in i rxtru i tin rye VALLEY KIVKR • EUGENE • 345-1511 • » 4-1 iti 'mi '.*« t Dili l*vii nr. ■<*>*>* 4H«I mi* Mi iMtnwul* I.' * ■' m l Im l.twill epfKUVa «*r II mg* ' •»*»> M'lluiul • »**> If pM ml ' •* *ltrtl> ip hmttfo ODE n Daily hn*Ti i ODE ' jwn trolly ErrwraM ODE i ODE V.i ODE ' : ODE ■rt-j : ! 1. v F'T ■ r v f ODfc j n i i .ly i- r: < ■ > ! ODE ' 'ti I'.i. f Kft.«Tvii i ODE / ■. nmly’T^TSicTBJHF :r**jon Daily Emerald ODE 1 )r**jon Daily Emerald OPE