Travel TIC* t T EUGENE SAN FRANCISCO San Omo Portland Eugene Ferwal* 3'96 13-IS, 14 call Ann 3*3 55*8 13 10 3 R/T EUCENE PHOENIX lor aaM 13 30 lo 16 Cali Barbara 485301? _13 13 AIRLINE TICKET iiom Orange County lo Eugana Ok 29tfi 389 4*4 9802 __ __ 13 15 RT'TICKET EUOENE DALLAS WtcMIa TolM Iv 13 19 ral 13-36 3398 3*44139 I3'5 EUOENE TO RENO. RT S'MI l »*>•» 13-19 return* 15 Call Maathar *85-965? leave maeaaja 1212' SF-EUQ ONEWAY Jan 5 am 3*34490 399 OBO __ _ _ 13 11 RT AIRLINE TICKET Portland OB Portland ME Ok 18 Jan 3 3330rot!*i Call K Knchfco 343 3000 weakly leava maaaaga. 3314975 «rwU-»» 12-H TICKET FROM LaOUAROIA a.fiKvi NY to EUOENE (via Dalian tamale Sun day Jan «ffi S126. 3*4-9810. 13-15 TICKET FROM EUOENE TO LA RT 3198 Laava* 13-18 ratum* 1-5 Call May 3*58861 ’313 Opportunities AIRLINES NOW HIRING I light Allan danla, Agantt Mac name i Cualomar Service Salarlai lo 350K Entry laval poalliona- Call 60S 68?-6000 Eat A 9642-_HI GOVERNMENT JOBS $15 040 3 59 3 30/y r Now Hiring Call 80588? 8000 Eil R 9642 10' current tadarN Hal_1-tS STUDENTS EARN 3* ten approy 1.-3 hoar R«s«ai-;h p«|e*T need* s>ug)Kis from certain loreign country** Cali 341 1218 TWUr* 4-7pm 1?-H Help Wanted BARTEND COCKTAIL Start U to U 50 Benefits RED ROOSTER LOUNOE Call Donna Waakdays 2-4 pm only 345 3606 12-15 RESEARCH ASSISTANT Egyptian *r chitecture, History Religion Language Writs "Egyptian Rsssarch, ' Soils 132A. 907 Rivsr Road Eugene OR 9740a 12-11 THE ESCAPE FICLO STUDIES PRO GRAM IS looking tor a coordinator rsaponsibis lor dssign and implemen tation ot fund raising actlvltiss winter and/oi spring term Very influsntial position tor a motivated parson All mators welcome Contact Anna 8884351 or stop by MlH EMU121I MATURE. DEPENDABLE graduate stu apartment and evening meal Requires one year commitment beginning January 1 Call 342-8077 weekdays. 9-4 tor appointment. 12-11 JANITORS Immediate openings, part time to full time Must have janitorial experience Send resume to; SWEEP. 2821 Augusta. Eugene 97403 _12-12 X MAS JOBS Earn $150 250/wk Clean up toxic waste Develop communications skills Work 2-4 wks In Portland Call lor Inter view Emmett Williams. 988-3214 or in Portland 222-1380 OSPIRG _1211 WANTED PSYCH *82 Statistics Tutor* Applications available In Psychology Peer Advising Office (141 Straub) Proll clency In statistics needed It's an aaay way 1e make antra money.12-11 CLASSICAL RADIO ANNOUNCER for Portland station Send tape, resume to PO. KYTE-FM. 2040 SW Pirst. Portland 97201_12-18 MOHT PASTE UP. The Oregon Dally Emerald Is hlnng a news paste up per son to start January 8 Must be available to work two nights a week Irom 8pm midnight Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday or Sunday (nights very) Worksludy preferred, but not required Applications available at 300 EMU Applications accepted through 12-1298 The Oregon Dally Emerald is an Equal OpportunilyiAffir matlve Action Employer 12-15 Wanted WANTED ROOM ANO DO A MO >o> two a'udanl* In •i. nno* for cook mg and housakaapmg Call Jo 343 3403 For Rent FAMILY HOUSING apartment living, uo vyaaimoraiand I badroom lumianad 3'lSimo 2 badroom turniahad fl««/mo Amazon unlurntanad 2 badroom 3120rmo Fuluna opamnga aa PKI«I Wtn'ar And Fall Tarm* Marnad coupiaa and »mg»a paranli aUgtwa Call UO HoiraMg 444 4277 tor mfotma (ton 78»HW CAMPUS LARGE FURNISHED ' and 2 badroom*, 324VS*00 Olflc* '230 Fatty *43-2823 _7S40tWn 1 BDRM $195 Spacious, unfumiahad apt Parking, laundry, balcony No pal* or ctiUdran t'00 dapoan 2043 Willamalla SI 3437987_M" AVAILABLE JAN Ui f i.mahad room in al'raclira noma Evarvlfunglbar* Graal deal 1190 pay* all Malura only 343 3380_'2 SUPER SOPHISTICATED 2 Bdim dupla* on Manzanlta IDE Call 343-3743 12-13 BLACKSTONE MANOR 1730 Aidar Si imgr apt 1) Fully tumlab Ml 1 tiadroom apart mao'* In quiat com plax laundry lacililla* Off al'**'park ing and mucb mon 3269 plus dapoan Call Casey 687-0684 IPM Co . 1111 Paarl *434232 tin FURNISHED ' BEDROOM « l. ' walk 10 campua oft atraal parking 3230 3432331 avanmgs 1211 Roommates HUUMMA 11 HtrtnnAL Professional screening and matching Quality homes available suitable room mates Call 6378213 7976 tin MALE OR FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to share 2 bedroom apt V* rent & utilities Only 2 blocks from campus Nice Apartment! Interested7 Call Kimberley 343^5848 <2-15 24 YEAR OLD MALE seeks platonic roommate 3 bedroom house with In deck Jacuui. m West Eugene Call 348-1321, lease message! _ 12-15 PARALEGAL PROFESSIONAL UO Grad Student seeks room or house share to rent winter spring, must have enclosed yard for German Shepherd Please call Montgomery 619 295 5850 or write 3924 Park Blvd San Dtego. CA 92109 _ 12 15 2 ADULTS TO SNARE 4 bedroom house. 2 baths $182 50 ea per month. $125 ea deposit 559 East 14th 486-2T7T. ask for Mymar - 12-12 HiMJSrfb sAMf VmWJr*affW '»• pus Coburg Rd area Big yard for pats Living room, washer/dryer, fireplace, woodstove Car or transportation necessary $150 a must plus utilities 687 0183 12 11 WE NEED A ROOMMATE For * 4 bdrm houaa W&D 1V, bath diahoutw. ate 8140 par month plu* ultima* Non *mokara pratarrad Soma pat* ailowad Ptu* It * cloaa to campu* CM! 486-4789_1215 MALE OR FEMALE ROOMMATE wantad to ahara 2 bd apt w/20 r otd mala 2 v> block* from campu* Star par mo Intaraatarff Call Slaw an 345-4228 12 12 ROOMMATES WANTED. January 1 Larga houaa naar campu* Bttt or Kavtn. 4A4-ytaaim» GREAT VIEW! Sharp 2 badroom duptai, tvy bath oft W 28th 8130 month ptu* utllltla* and dapoait En(oy your vacation! Stora your tumltura attar tha 19th and mow In Jan 1*t Call 342 5018 avamng*. waakand day* 12 IS CAMPOS COURT OUAOft. fully tumlah ad. all utM Includad Prtvata 1/2 bath tW. 348-4480_8084 tfn WOODSIDE MANOR 1810 Harris Furmahad quad* with Mtarad or pnvat* bath Uttl paid Covarad parking and laundry tacilllia* avarlabta From 8148 Call for mot* datail* Mgr 344 2851 Bannalt Mgmt Co . 1143 Oak 4850991 _ _ tin NEWER QUAD *189 pat month util pard 1/2 Mock from campu* 1888 Hat ft* 342 4281 tfn Dorm Contracts DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Deposit negotifttf* M M, rn 48543/1 12 12 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Can Jeff 3452711 Mm me*»age 12 12 00 YOU LIKE TO PARTY? W* will give you a COM of bMi 0*u* If you buy out dorm contract* Pleas* call Sandy at 485 9280 nr Jodi *85 9788 Of 3433038 Leave a message a* II can been 17 14 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE A 1/2 deposit Call Bern 485*594 WILL PAY DEPOSIT DORM CONTRACT for sale CALL KRISTIN OR SCOTT 343 7454 _ tan SELLINO DORM CONTRACT Term* negotiable Can MIc belle 4859885 _ _ _12 IS SELLINO DORM CONTRACT AMI pay deposit Can Ann* 484 7029 evening* __ 12 15 WILL FAY DEPOSIT Su.-ann* 4H5 II J2 i*N m Hat n » SAVE »1S0 DEPOSIT Term* negotiable Must ten contract Apl neat to campus 343-4101 eve or 672 1566 wand* I21i~ DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Deposii negotiable Call Jo* 485 9704 12 17 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE negotiable Call Don *85 9823 12 15 Ul DORM CONTRACTS lor sal* Call Alisa *864030 or Send, 6868001 17 12 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Call Brian 4858548 12 12 Ul CONTRACT Cal! Jim before 9am or allot lam 888 8005 12 12 /MEETINGS LACROSSE Women s Team Mating FRI DCC 12 4 30 Beginners welcome and encouraged EMU Century E Sponsored by Club Sports _1M2 Men’s Crew Team Meeting Fti Doc 12 at 3pm EMU Room IC» W# Will bo Piacuaamg wintot wortuxits Events IT'S HERE!!!! The EMU Chrtstma* Craft Farr Today tomorrow, and Friday Dec 10. 11 and 12 Room 16/ EMU Handcrafted a i f t s great entertainment fascinating craft demonstrations free hot cider' 10am 5pm 12-11* - —««rrsuer* - r m» e -rtm FOLK ART SHOW from Mexico HOLIDAY CRAFT SALE Craft* from Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador Give wonderful holiday gifts that support human rights THURS FRI 1236 Kincaid Latin American Cultural Center Sponsored by Council loi Mum»n Blohtl ol L«m - Events Oregon Prinlmaktrs Studio Christmas Clothesline Print SALE *1 M aorta Awn* Art Cantat IMA and Villard Oacambar 12. 13 and lOnm 5pm GIVE A UNIQUE OIFT THIS CHRISTMAS Ortflln«l EtcAinga Lithootapn* Card* Lino and Wood col fnnl* NOTHING OVER E2S Oymok if** cottaa and cookiai all 3 (M.. Food a Drink HlT.F\rS FALL CREEK BAKERY KMIWUBWVWWWWI NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE Have Lunch or a Light Meal with us! TODAY S MENU: • Torkay * CImh ttllad cioitaanl • SpmacA k Cham IMad croiaaanl Sir aighl horn I ha o*an 11 00 am ME f 300 00 A*' E '3th Saturday S3 *8« tSW n (.I NKS FALL CREEK BAKERY fWWWWWWVWW. Nf XT TO UO BOOKSTORE NEW HOURS CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST $1 7 XM0 00 FEATURING Cro*«*4nt cm cr»»m ch««M patliy. And ( 0»lM cm tea MONOAY FRIDAY M F 7 JOB 00 «H1 E I3lh Salu«d*y 8 3 4A4 1682 Council to# Human Right* In lalin America pretanlt HARD TIMES LUNCH Thurs 11*35-2 GREAT LATIN MEALS MENU IfuMUw Btook Imh Sot/p MM Of Voglt Lott ot Froth Stitt StM Froth FnaM Ortnk. Oootort. CoMoo boo ONLY $2.50 LATIN AMERICAN KITCHEN previously The HARD TIMES LUNCHES EAT WONDERFUL ETHNIC FOOO AND SUPPORT HUMAN RIGHTS 1236 KINCIAD 464-5667 Ptllo Dlnlng/Ttkooult Food a Drink TONIGHT 25$ Gourmet HOT DOGS t»th i 14*1 ( Entertainment FRIDAY BEAT SOUP 8 PM 14M E t»?>> \T SOUP A w HM* A Aoete n THE BIJOU • m t < jtr. “• J4*‘>; must end soon MM ly torn tarm A iwiy comopy And AltoclionAlA poo a) mo opposite m« Molly M*»k.ll VOC.UF . -A Min ol DononwAn and boufgaois rnmnart . A *rllty And plAylul movia " DavkI Donby. NY MApA/mA too Thun « JO • I JO Fit SaI MS * » 2S Misor Mon U/Fim popcorn Toot NEXT SHE* OOTTA M A VEIT KT^% 1 Late Nila tha BIJOU fi t tmttt oo ihm bta term* W si night!i_ H ' [ NS taMRlp cncMiif roSou or KiAropM Mo non may i Ioaa aOool holt a pound t Fit Sat M:N KH NEXT IQMETHIHfl XflLIl Stocking SrufFBts DIANETICS Tha Modem Science of Mental Health R«ad if ow«f imw, giw It to • frtond Boohs and Fraa P#f»ooBlity T«»ts Tu Dec 9 Th Dec 11 Fishbowl Annex 12 11 SHARP SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR I l fhOOP lets that 1 /•*' old 120 34S-03S3 STOCKING Stuffers MLADKVS CHRISTMAS TREES Cuttuiad ucul. Oougl** Fif. Scolcn Pin* Ml »l»s *'0 Pl****n) Mill Highway SB Enl*rpn»* Road 1/2 mil* ?a*0iJ5 CABER SKI SOOTS Wom*n a sir* 8 . powder tllu* Ironl *nlr* U»l only OHO* 180060 X4Q8.-1 l2-»! PANASONIC MULTIPLEX SYSTEM (no speaker*) including lumiabt* r*c*iy*i c*s**tt* in on* unit Good condition works wond*rluity n*«d holiday t*»h »S0 Call 3434144 ONLY 2 MORE 8MOPPINO DAYS III nod NOTTS appear m ih* Oregon 0* ly Emerald* Spread • mil* Chnalma* Cheer* 20 word* lor |u*l 12 SO* non NOTES cap o* placnd al an IP* usual ooil»l» or us* you* Vita or Maeletcard and call 6S6 484:1 12 11 STOCKING STUFFERS 10 3M DISKS DS/DD 100% ERRORO FREE Lifetime Warranty $15.95 ' miner iDauutt rv GOURMET ICE CREAM Gift Certificates mrvv Euphoria Truffles trtrtm Christmas Ice Cream Cakes and Pies nnvv Candy Slocking Stuffers wr 13th l> Hliyard or*n ni mmin 861 Willamette oren t* • (o«oav m ion Pay for 2 days Get the 3rd day FREE All Itcws listed la Stocklag Staffers aiast be priced MO or ^ Ads caa be placed at UO Bookstore rstU Mala Desk or 300 EMU. Or ase your Visa or Mastercard end call A34S. BLOOM COUNTY FANS! Clip today a cartoon with this ad and receive 2 FREE Medium Drinks With a B min purchase TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin Blvd. 484-2799 Expire* 12/16/86 HOLIDAY SPECIAL DUCK PACK-10 10DS/DD Disks Disk Box 100% Error Frse 31/i” Disks $2795 Save S5.00 EMU Ground Floor 683-7355 by Berke Breathed —-—11 i BLOOM COUNTY am mm. wmxA son 'toun A VWKJfiN. aim out Of wurtmu sonbimM f . x4l UH~ m Mr ne chorus- may r r A SHORT I tcrmvr. ' ’Ltn Muon*. t/uuorm mmww Mtu>n* um»* AHV tvr (<*W*1A H m sour ■ \ li xmnMf n now. set., our into me ifHtMom Hnmmxr CONTtTT. 9MWY t \