JH Economy Continued from Page 4 we move into 1987." he Mid. Comiumers are very op timistic; they feel it's a good time to buy and invert and things are definitely going to start happening." State and local figures for Oregon also indicated a positive economic trend. “Since 1982. the economy has been improving." Mid Ed Whitelaw. president of ECO Northwest and a professor of economics at the University. “An employ ment growth rate of 3.7 percent is predicted for Oregon in 1987." Duncan agreed. "Much of the economic stress that has characterized Oregon’s economy in recent years has run its course.” he said. "Efforts to diversify the state’s economy have begun to pay off in terms of both in creases in entrepreneurial activity and decreases in business failures." New business starts in Oregon showed a gain of 5.5 percent in 1986. especially in retails and services. "The increases in business startups in the services and retailing sectors are key indicators of the growing economic vitality in the state,” Duncan said. “They reflect higher levels of spending by both businesses and consumers.” Business failures had also decreased 10.6 percent over the same period. "The overall trend in business failures in Oregon is quite positive.” Duncan said. “Five of the nine major industry sectors showed decreases. Moreover, the gains reported in the remaining four sectors were not dramatic in terms of total numbers.” Personals PROBLEMS? CHMt Camar, U of O tataphona hot tin* 24 noun T day* Slrtclly conttdanflal Can MMM _ 3144.tfn MAKE MONEY! MAOS TO RICHES buy*, conafgna. and trad** aacondhand ctothtno for man and woman Ear aggt 144-TOSS MO £ lift 1S48UM BECAUSE PEOPLE CAME Fra* Pregnancy tatting Contldanttal Bit Ihrigm M7-SM131S2~H PLANNED PARENTHOOD ha* a pragnancy loat that HI 9S% accural* Can 144 9411 12 11 DEAD WEEK Loat&Found Sale EMU At* CM aSTt t THURS a FRI 9-5 12 12' EAST BEAN MARK Maggy BMMa* an Bw 24M FOROOTTEN BAM 1211 DAMON: Uaat m* at tha Craft Canlar laM* at th* EMU Chnatmaa Craft Fair batwaan 10am and 4gm KB 12-11 TO MV Btt BRO OP SMI CBS: "N*C* PAYNE" Happy balalad 2tat Counting your day* ■* ovar ¥> Vour littl* » i a I • r DCL __1211 SANTA: pi**** gt*a m* a Track loom Ptua gift cartitlcala Maiaad of th* now Bruc* Spnngataan album thta yaar Th* WartS Parnau* BB’s (Now currently on their Bodily Functions 88 TouO wish HEIDI LUTZ a Happy 22nd Birthday today and dedicate their next album to her _ia-n SAW KATHY Happy 19th t-.fHnl.sv Have a wild one' From another S.A.W ___1211 IAE BABYHEADS Thanks tor the Qreat weekend! Love. The Carson Duo and Mr Sea Lion __12-11 KAM You Are estra special and doing great Have a kilter winter 12 11 OOPS QUEEN Can wo talk... 2 point breakfast? Love the Losers REACH OUT AND NOEL NOTE SOMEONE! r Personals SCHMEG Whwr* would I b* without you? LOST I I knwyou Goodluck on KnM» IMI BOOBY Merry Christmas I I love you vory much! Thanks for staying with Lovo, Baby 12-11 MOLLY MULLEN IS 21 Best art that from I'M OaflM Farm Horn* lor wayward aid* __IMI SEND YOUR ^ H0£9DAIJ GR£€T9NG on Ooc 15th wMh OOC NOEL NOTES 20 words for $2.50 Try our ipaclal Hobday art lor lh« •aalitra touch I Plata your ad al any ol our comamant location' UO Bookatora. EMU Main Daak. or 300 EMU Or uaa your VlaWMaatareard and call MO 1111 IMI WAITING AN ARTICLE ON PBO iTlTUTlON and would aka 10 talk with anyona who hat aaar baan in ralvad with H Call Jolayna at M8-M11 Conlldanlitllty abaolUaly puarantaadIMI* NEED WORK OVER X MAS bra**? Con carnad about toilc waala? Join OSP1NG S campaign Hall and work to anacl a tlala tuparlund to claan up lo> Ic waata Davalop communication tklllm Earn ttSOIJOrwk Call lot Intar rtaw MS 3114 on cam pul or 1I2M350 m Ponland IMI Lost St Found f LOST Black mala, longhair ad kit tan with white ear* Lo«1 on Thur*day, Oac 4 In tha avarung on High Straat naai 13th Avenue Please call Sarah at 344 6320 Of 68S5S11 or 343-7BBB 12 15* LOST DECEMBER 4TH Gold tone Chain link Ladies Necklace PLEASE RETUAN Sent i men tat Value REWARD OFFERED Call 343 4331. 686 6601 Of 3424066 _12 16 LOST 7 KEYS El.»ki key ting MOUNTAINOUS IMPOORTANCE IS REWARD C«H 683 641J 12 11 FOUMO FEMALE BRITTANY SPANIEL Call 4Q6594$ ^ 12*16 FOUND MEDIUM BtACK MALE DOG neaf EMU White on cheat paw* Phone 486 9029 Ask for Jay 12 11 FOUND MONDAY 10am, 1 kny outside the EMU sign by the bike rack 3426682 UMRtjROBBWP 12 n FOUND GREEN WOMAN'S AU PRO BIKE with chroma fender* Call Bob dev* at 686 3996 12 11 Personals | TYPING A WORD PROCESSING Thaaaa/diaeenanona, sapfl adding grapntca iwupn /at as mailing#, Grad Sch aniroved Wii . a —-a - onunywi • ivpvocnpn cmov oiImi ■KANDY MIWU _ IMOIIn PAOPKEtlO AAL TYPINGIEOfTING. Feel, accurate Mac Malaga. Cat) Grace TC7S1C0. ___ H » WOAO PAOCESStNGFTYPING Affordable • EicaMani rree^Speltine C^act IMS WOAO PROCESSING Student paper# and fcaumca Graduate work welcome JoAnn N JACINK, 74771M_1M2 TWELVE run EXPERIENCE. CaH JO THE TYPING PRO MMOM UWMF * * * RESUMES* * * By a protaaatonal wntat and typtat leitet quality type Pteeaon drapMc* »*i-j » U — —. - — him --a— a-, ill nnlfrl RHOw mO»» •OtlJI ?0» III EDITING* * * TYPING 345*5536 WMTMO SERVTCEE Word proceeeing. large/email |obe, editing FACE pick up. deittery budget-priced BES-3T88 U TS STUDENT Free pick up and dal tea ry M34B1S IMS TYPING 95^/PAGE Santa day aervtce IS yaara eaperience High quality moth Royal electronic typewriter 4B4-2S39 IMS AUGUST WEST UFO AO PROCESSING * TYPING Eapartancad, Raaaonatila Faat.Cah 4MS1Z2. ., IS ~profxs4»onal TVptNa*Wi»G FAST ACCURATE REASONABLE ISM SELECT AIC Ml IMS DUALITY TYPING and s/- / WOAO i?. PROCESSING Caibly'ri's 0Specialties WORD PROCESStNQ/TYPINO Disk EdM*nafCo«v«fvonft Appl* IBM CP'M $ S SAVE I S S*l»-S#rV*CG W(|rd PrOt^tng (tew sorioo* * PnvAlt* OHifc* IBM ComfuHitil# PC 6up(H««» Low Moody Photocopy Binding S#nr*c« 2S9 E tSIh St» Blocks lro*n Compos the Woid Procdftting Spoctftltsls | Typing PROFESSIONAL TVPfBTT EDITOR. 17 years aipenence Word processing Gradual* school approved Naar cam pa* Mnn.wam_saoBtm WORDS “R” US ■randy *a«<044 Shan Na* SB* 70** Ouallly typlngiword procaaalng Papara, raaumaa. adltlng. tap* tranacrlptlon*. manuscripts, thasas/dissertettons, Grad School app ad IBM compel IbisSTtfttfo professional word processing EditingfDis* Storag* Coiteen 344 7040. l a pm Ne«t day eenrlce. _matin DialATypist 683-7777 TSSTTfn Vrta^raMWMMMiamw!!»MIM Grad Sch Approved 5 Stocks to UO Jannlfar 4883883 7S8BUWHF TVPtNO UNLIMITED. Grad School Ap prorad IBM CompallM* with Won) Partact/Word 3iar Optical char raadar. modam 345-3*14TSTOUWM ■ OITIMO. WOMO PROCESSING. WHITING consultation Ph 0 Es panancad with toraign students Call Gary, 4S6-I39S___13 15 TTPBiGWPmNG Call Sara BBS-0730 Visa S Matarcard Accaptad Buy * Sell THE BUY B SELL CENTER ■wy-SeR-Trade Musical instrument a. starao, tool*. Photographic and Backpacking Equlpmanl 361 W. 5th. | For Sale TRIUMPH ADI EH SATELLITE II ELEC TRtC typewriter with daisy whaal. carrying casa. ribbon, correction tap* ttoo or bast oltar. Call 68SS393 Lai it ring __ _ 13J3 CARVER. TX-11 FM Tuner 5400 Call 34 3 8419 Hn MOVING SALE Oak study desk. *85 chairs $15 and *5 Negotiable 484 1032 12 11 DOWN COMFORTER, Ouaan tin. oft while great condition, from Scandta Down Shop *170 or boat offer Call Sal ty 883 1175 1211 TWO HUEY lEWIt-Bruce Hornsby tu 10 12 17 show 344-6870 12-12 NIKf LEATHER UPPER Hi lop (man s 7vyj and WIMBLEDON (ladies 7) * *S.SUL _ 12 11 JACKETS Down *•>* Irene he oat danim. *lQ/|acket Aciytn sweaters 4 el *3 50 and wool swwaiers 2 at *5 U5 *>4AJ <58pm> 12 11 ROWING MACHINE *40 9 RCA B&W TV *50 345 1412 after 3pm _12 12 SKIS X COUNTRY MAW plus bOOU water bad. single with everything. *50 couch. 8 recant uphoi *75 OBO *3967 _12 12 GUITAR FOR SALf i - A, perfect condition with case Asking *150 OBO 484 7223 Shaun (keep try mg) 12 12 100.000 BOOK* M STOCK AM Soiling 40*0% oM Mol prtCM •Te»1bookt*Ciitl Notae*Magannet* USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 7SS (MUM) 0 O' Computer l