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FRI. 10am - 5pm RM. 167 EMU RESUMES Give youi resume a professional too* by having it typeset at the Oregon Daily tmeiakJ Giaphic Services Department 300 t MU Men Continued from Page 7 * ing. feminine side and all that, while women were developing their masculine side with asser tiveness and logic,” he said. “That's all fine and good, but now the problem is that it went too far They became so-called ‘feminist men' and lost some masculine faculties in the pro cess, like their natural assertiveness. "The feminine man became a wimp — a nice reassuring boy. which women were thinking they wen; preferring to a natural brute.” he added. "Many still do think that Hut many women also walked out on their wimpy husband in the last 10 years with lines like. ‘1 don’t want to be your mother.’ " he said. “At this point in time, you have the feminist females and the feminist males, and masculine females and masculine males," Carpenter said. "There’s a whole range. All the possibilities you can im agine. Hopefully everybody is trying to get to their balance as individuals." Hut Petersen said that hoped for "balance as individuals" is not at all a goal ot the feminist movement. •'Feminism is an i. me. mine’ sort of lobby, the same as the National Rifle Association is a lobby." he said The feminist lobby and the NRA lobby are similar in that both are "vocal, cloaked in righteousness and hold a nar row. limited view. And like any lobbying group, they want everyone to dance to their tune." he said. Criticisms such as Petersen's are "an overreaction on the part of men." McGowen said. "It's like blaming the victim When all of history has seen the exclu sion of women, it’s a peculiar thing when the people who have had the power turn around and blame women for taking some power. "The women’s movement still has a long way to go," he said. “The feminization of poverty is one clear symptom of the real inequalities women still suffer under." Petersen applauds the much needed advancements made by the women's movement, he said, but believes those ad vances were rooted in the prin ciple of individualism set forth in the novels of Ayn Rand; prin ciples that were very popular ...YOUR "MARK" OF REAL VALUEI WE’RE CLEANING UP ON SAVINGS FOR YOU! Rainbow Paper Towels 391.^ ■n GIFT IDEAS 51 We have BUDWEISER MUGS collectors Items $Q59 ONLY J limited supply Shop our large selection of Oregon & NW Wines at everyday low prices! HOLIDAY SPECIALS Full selection of meat, cheeses and snack crackers for holiday parties Buttarball FROZEN TURKEYS 77,S Celebrate finals and Christmas Andre CHAMPAGNE *2.29 Don't go empty handed to partieal We have Fruit Gift Baskets & Cheese Gift Baskets Christmas Trees i-sii00 all sizes Hllyard Store Only Check us out for Christmas Cards Gift Wrap Garland Tinsel . and Lights. / I Prices Good Through December II, 1MI y/i• • • your “mark" of real value! WE MAKE SAVING SIMPLE! /X-Za . K REMEMBER: YOU DON'T HAVE TO MARK YOUR OWN PRICES ANYMORE! * FOOD * STAMPS Muted All mi ilvms I to stock on hand No Joater sai*s EUGENE tS7$W nt* *n EUGENE mi mtf»rg among men and women in the late 1960s and early 1970s. He doubts the women's movement can be successful with its current basis of sexual separatism. "What the women’s move ment has done... it has narrow ed its goals to such peculiar, symbolical, meaningless acts that they have become an irri tant and not a collective force." Petersen said. "What they've done is turn the movement into victim politics." he continued. "Tak ing the role of the victim is a very active organizing principle — if you portray yourself as the victim you remain pure. You make the other sex the bad guy; you remain good, but it's a pret ty shortsighted role to play. Their definition of women is as oppressive as any definition in the past 20 centuries. They've just changed the location of the pedestal.' ’ The "victim role" is inap propriate because women already have control over much of the power and wealth in the world. Petersen said. Men relin quish that power and wealth to women because "we do what it takes to get laid," he said. ASSIGNMENT NH*L TEACH INA CULTURE WHERE CHILDREN DESPERATELY WANT TO LEARN. Here is your chance to develop your profes sional skills by teaching children eager to learn More than 45 countnes are asking for Peace Corps Volunteers in almost every field of education Math and Science. Primary. Voca tional and Special Education and lndustnal Arts to name only a few You will take on respon sibilities that would never be offered you in a start ing position in the United States Educational institutions, international firms and government agencies value Peace Corps expenence 25 wtnolPEACE CORPS The toughest gab you'll ever love Call Now! Andrew B Foster Peace Corps Coordinator Career Planning & Placement Services Room 244 Hendricks Hall 686-3235