• i. //.a* •«»■» H,,D STUFF IT AN h \ II RY M . »m. it».«,]< f iNk1 • K« J'onjl'l. I ’r »v « ' I Vnur • I 'ininn 1219 Alder SI 343 3062 ALL MAJORS WELCOME ESCAPE Field Studies Program is now recruiting for Winter Term Coordinators. You will gain valuable leadership training and experience, also 3-5 upper division credits. Slop by M 111 EMU or phono 686-4351 Ask lor Diana or Doris High Quality COPIES All Day ★ Every Day Collating Binding Opan • 304:10 M f 104 Sal. apm-Spm Sun Print America 519 E. 13th 485-1940 5f**jori U<»iiy Emarald )r«9on Daily Emerald ODE ODE ODE Oregon Daily Emerald Oregon Dmly Emerald Orwjo,, l‘«ii|y btWffljj Ode ODE 2EL Oregon Daily Em**rald i I Mi, y hmf»M«si am ODE ask Cosmic strings might explain mystery of irregular universe By Stan Nelson OftfMbnraM Astronomers have tried unsuccessfully for years to answer the fundamental question of why the universe is unbalanced, with some regions of the cosmos crowded with clusters of galaxies millions of light-years across while even larger bodies of space seem to be empty of matter. Experts initially believed the condition was a result of irregularities in the big bang that formed the universe roughly 18 billion years ago. However, through the use of radio telescopes to measure relic radiation from the explosion, it has been found that the blast was uniform and would not account for the lumpy nature of the universe, said Robert Zimmer man. University phvsics professor and member of the Institute for Theoretical Science. The answer may be found in a new theory presented by two Princeton scientists, Jeremiah Ostriker and Edward Witten, and graduate student Chris Thompson in November of this year that combines two in dependent physics theories as an explanation for the non-uniform nature of the universe. In their report, the team suggests the pressure from electromagnetic radiation, created from dense hypothetical entities of pure energy called cosmic strings, might be responsible for making the universe non uniform. The strings are believed to be thinner than an atomic nucleus, as long as the universe is wide and so dense that a mile-long segment would weigh as much as the earth. The pressure from the field forces matter outward, leaving voids of matter in space and causing the formation of bubbles of matter along the outside edges, according to the theory. At the edges of the bubbles the con gregated matter would allow galaxies to form. If correct, the theory will change the knowledge of physics as significantly as the study's transition from classical to quantum physics. Zimmerman said. The theory is important as it combines cosmology, the study of the origin and struc ture of the universe, with elementary-particle physics, the study of the elementary forces in nature, he said. Both fields have acquired a tremendous amount of knowledge, and if the theory proves true, it will allow scientists to combine the data from both fields to explain other celestial phenomenon, he said. A new idea develops in elementary particle physics every 10 years, and a new idea develops in cosmology every 20 years, Zim merman said. The big bang would have created a high enough level of energy to break symmetries in nature, and when that occurs, imperfections in space and time occur. Zimmerman said. When the cosmos began to cool, a phase transition occurred analogous to the surface of a pond freezing, he said. Just as chunks of ice forming on the sur face of a pond develop fractures before solidi fying into a solid sheet of ice. so might the universe have developed flaws in the form of strings. Zimmerman said. The strings also would have the potential to act as superconductors that could have the effect of a giant magnetic field and sweep clean entire regions of the galaxy, pooling the matter into bubbles around which galaxies are often found. Zimmerman said. Cosmology has no exact definitions for particular phenomenon though ideas that ex plain the phenomenon might be widely ac cepted. said James Isenberg. assistant mathematics professor and ITS member. The theory is still in its infant stage, and most of the calculations are not well defined, Zimmerman said. Before the theory becomes a reality though, there needs to be direct obser vational proof, he said. This could occur with the observation of the gravitational lens effect, where light is bent around the opposite sides of a cosmic string. introducing the Blazer AT STANDARD FEATURES • 80286 Processor • sVm; 8Vmj swifcf'ODt# c'DO speejs • i MegoDv’© c •8 O e«pons:on slots • • 3 er"T r ” r » r 3 • „; • "efCc. es v ■ oroDa''P e ^oooc hrcvpe graphic s * • {'gonom-cativ Sesgned monot mon *0' ' t •,* ve Pose }L<\ orge' sc'eer' ,r,Qr P*»* v 20 Meg Hard Drive System S $2695 OPTIONS: • 30 40 to 60 Meg Hard Drives (40 ms Access Time) • BAM expandable lo 10 Megabytes • EGA monitor and adaptor Your hometown computer company. 323 EMERALD COMPUTER (International 540 OAK STREET • EUGENE • 343-9393 ^ Orsst advsnturs rt] Uniqus teaming V opportunity S3 Choics opportunity to rarn high dollars BE A NEW YORK AREA NANNY You'* live In with on* ol Now York’* top and moat respected lamlHas Caro lor warm, loving children Enjoy your own room, troo travol, froo board AH with out paying any tees What'a moro... 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Vice President |ohn Moseley will address the Faculty Senate today at 3:30 p.m. in 338 Gilbert on the administration position regarding the Riverfront Research Park. The public is invited to the EMU Christmas Crafts Fair Dec. 10-12 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Room 167 EMU. Hand made items by local artists and crafts people will be on sale. There will be crafts demonstra tions and entertainment by local performers and free hot cider. The University art depart ment will have a booth at the EMU Christmas Crafts Fair and student works in ceramics, printmaking, weaving and jewelry will be offered for sale. A portion of the proceeds for the sale will go to the 1-aVerne Krause Scholarship Fund, the lan Zach Memorial Award and toward the purchase of paper making equipment for the art department. Deadline for submitting Et als to the Emerald front desk, 300 EMU, is noon the day before publication. Et als are run only once. Events with a donation or admission charge will not be considered.