infill For Sale TRIUMPH ADLER SATELLITE II ELEC TRIC typewriter with dotty wh**i carrying c«M. rtbbon correction lap* *100 or bail oftor Cali 686 S293 Lai n ring___12 12 CARVER " V *400 Call 343- 841*. __ _ _ (In POTTERY WHEEL *128 or oasi 6*3 4416 or 680 4941_«-t0 MOVING SALE Oak »iudy mn 18ft. chair*. *1S ar>0 *J Negotiable 484 1033 13 11 Bicycles •IKES' MIYATA Man a mountain *2TS NISMIKI Woman * 12 speed *1S0 OBO Eicellant condition Call Robert attar 7pm. 346 4956 484 7380 13 13 WOMEN S 10 SPEED PEUGEOT Hike new) upright handlebar* t130 OBO 4880614. keep trying 1210 22V* M. TREK TRISERIES kero* Shimano 800. antra* *400 OBO 344- 4689 ova* 12 12 Books 100.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All Sailing 40-90% oil Hal price* •Ta>tbook**CII11 Nolo* •Magazine** USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE T88 East 13th Auto Repair Ff«E PICK-UP AND DELIVERY FOR STUOENTS A FACULTY wzstside FOREIGN AUTO O Maintenance and Ftapalr 108B W 3rd 484-4930 Cars a Cycles WANNA' SPREE? CALL ME Clean 1985 1500 mites. 1350 345-1328 or 344*813 IMS 1977 FIAT 128 WMI maintained, tew miles clean Good mpg $800 689 5488 12 10 FOR SALE 1977 FIAT X 1* $1,750 42,000 miles, new tires, excellent con dition Call 998 8561 after 5pm wtedays anytime wkends 1215* GREAT BUY! 78 VW Rabbit Great condition Very economical $1 850 686 4255 12-12 1970 VW VAN Well cared for, old but reliable Must sell Asking $550 Call Mike 683 4176 12-11 79 BMW 320i 67K automatic, ps. pb. snrf. new tires, blue metallic, mint condition. $7,200 Susan 344-9934.12-10 1999 ACNO 89, $475, good condition, low mileage. 343-8708 call evenings 12 12 1979 VCSPA P200. Excellent condition. $650 OBO Call Jeff 683-1842 12-11 85 HONDA AERO 50 Low miles, Black & Red, $450 683-0778 12-1? 7* CONVERTIBLE VW BUG Yellow". Runt great Bargain 12 000 485 3225 __ 1215 1V72 PEUGEOT SEDAN Good condt tion Sunroof. 4 door $800 Call 345-1971 12 10 Pets AFGHAN PUPS AKC Beautiful colors, stable and intelligent, world's oldest breed. $250 terms/tradus. will bold till x-mas 747 7770 or 687 9741 Campus PO 3181, 97403 12 15 Sound Systems SONY DISCMAN Portable compact disc playar w/phones baft pack. $175 Jay 344-9186 12 12 ’ JIM’S ELECTRONICS STEREO REPAIR 1457 W 6th 343-7683 Monday thru Friday 9 a m 6pm Saturday 9 Am 4 30 p m Sound Systems LEAVING CUJI 812 Must MU PA soma* »7! |l*st S2SOt C.cariantcandi tloo Paaray now 112MS with rotoma control 8 OHMS PIMM call 1*2 SO IS IMW massaga 'or Marla day* or lr« _ 12 U KENWOOD STEREO RECEIVER/AMPLIFIER Digital mamory Eicaiiant condition 1 yaar old SacnRca 180 34*12886 1210 CASIO C2S000 digital saguancmg syn masiiar Kay board wtsland *699 342 TOM days 12 12 Services COUNSELING FOR YOU Espanancad in ralatwnstuoi gay 1*1 Man isauas lonabnasa. crtsas counsai mg First sassion traa with ad Patricia L Notbarg. MS call 34V8409 12 IS HOLIDAY SPECIAL ON MASSAGE i.'t carliltcatas Robin Rosa ticansad 8833634 12 IS Ma ll giva ma works lor S10 Haircut •Shampoo* Blow Dry Mas Sait TAN with Phillips Solarium Systam Giaat tor sansitlva skin 1239 Aldar*46S1202 Travel TICKET EUGENE SAN FRANCISCO S»n Diego Portland Eugene Female $196 12 18J8 CNI Ann342 5548 12 10 3 A/T EUGENE PHOENIX lor sale 12 20 to 1 5 Call Bat tiara 485 2017 12 12 AIRLINE TICKET Irom Orange to Eugene Dec 29th $89 464 9602 ___1215 RT TICKET EUGENE DALLAS Wichila Tulaa L« 12 19 ret 12 26 $296 34*0129 1215 EUGENE TO RENO RT 1158 Leaves] 1219. returns 15 Cell Heather 485 9657 Leave message 1212' | SF EUG ONEWAY Jan 5 am 3430490 $99 OBO _12-11 RT AIRLINE TICKET Portland OR Portland ME Dec 18 Jan 2 $330rotter Call K KrichKo 342 2000 weekly, leave message. 221 0975 weekends 12 11 Opportunities AIRLINES NOW HIRING FUght Alton dents. Agents. Mechanics. Customer Scrvict Salaries to tSOK Entry level positions Call 806 •87 6000 Eat A-—42._ GOVERNMENT JOBS $16 040 $59.230/yr Now Hiring Call 805-687-6000 Eat R 9642 for currant federal list 119 Help Wanted 8ARTEND-COCKTAIL Start $4 to 84 50 Benefit* RED ROOSTER LOUNGE Call Donna Weekdays 2 4 pm only 345 3606 12 t5 RESEARCH ASSISTANT Egyptian Ar chitecture. History Religion Language Write Egyptian Research. Suite 132A 907 River Road. Eugene OR 97404 12 11 THE ESCAPE FIELD STUDIES PRO GRAM is looking for a coordinator responsible for design and implemen tation of fund raising actlvitias winter and/or spring lerm Vary influential position for a motivated person All majors welcome Contact Anna 686 4351 or stop by M111 EMU 12 IV MATURE. DEPENDABLE graduate stu dent responsible for mgiht emergen cies. calls and building sacurtty for rafirament community in exchange tor apartment and evening meal Requires one year commitment beginning January t Call 342-6077 weekdays 94 for appointment 12 11 Help Wanted JANITORS MmttMi opaninga part lima to toll lima Must ha*a lanito-ial aipananca Sand i«un» to SWEEP 2*2! Auqutta Eu^vw 97403 <212 X MAS JOBS Earn $150-250/wk Clean up toxic waste Develop communications skills Wof* 2-4 whs m Portland Cat! fo* »o»#» *»aw WtHtams &96 3214 o* m Portland 727 1300 OSPIRG ■ ts-n WANTED PSYCH 302 Stat.ytlct Tutor* Application* anaitabl* m Ptychotogy Pair Advlting OttKO |141 St'aubl Pro* elanc y m ttalittic* naadad It t an any tray tornakaaitramonay _ 12 tT CLASSICAL RADIO ANNOUNCER Portland atation Sand tapa laauma to PO kYTEFM 2040 SW PlnM. Portland 97201 12 15 NIGHT PASTE UP Tha Ofatjon Daily EmaiaRJ i> hiring a naws paaia up pa< ton to tlart January 6 Mutt ba atallabla to aorii t«o mghtt a aaat Horn Spm midnight Monday Tuaaday wadnatday Thuftday o> Sunday (ntghta vary) Worfctiudy pratacrad but not raquirad A optical ion» avaiabta at 300 EMU Applicationa accaptad through 17 1286 Tha Or agon Dally Ematatd it an Equal GpportunityiAftti mativa Action Employt’ 12 14 Roommates ROOMMATE REFERRAL Professional screening and marc fling Quality Itomas available suitable room mates Call Mr 82 U 7976 ttn MALE OR FEMALE ROOMMATE warned to share 2 bedroom apt. v, rent 6 utilities Only 2 Nocks from campus Nice Apartment* Interested'* Call Kimberley 343 S84S 12 13 24 YEAR OLD MALE Otalonii roommate 1 bedroom house with in deck Jacuzzi in West Eugene Calf 343 1321 leave message 12 11 ROOMMATE WANTED Male apps 20 years old S110 plus utilities 746 7033 Of 7466678 12 10 PARALEOAL PROFESSIONAL IK) Grad Student seeks room or house share to rent vrinier spring, must have enclosed yard for German Shepherd Please call Montgomery 6192986850 or write 3924 vy Park Bivd San Diego CA 92109 _ _ . 12 IS 2 ADULTS TO SHARE 4 bedroom house 2 baths *162 SO ea per month $125 ea deposit SS9 East 14th 4HS. 27 77 ask *or Myrna 12 12 HOUSE TO SHARE S mile east ot cam pus Coburg Rd area Big yard tor pels Living room, waaherrdryer. fireplace woodstove Car or transportation necessary $150 a must plus utilities 6870183 12 11 WE NEED A ROOMMATE Fof a 4 bdrm house WAD 1 v* bath dishwasher *»tc $140 per month plus utilities Non smokers preferred Some pets allowed Plus it's close to campus CaR 486-4789_12 15* MALE OR FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to share 2 bd apt w/20 yr old male 2V> blocks from campus $167 per mo Interested** Call Stewart 3454 726 For Rent $2/0 Lovely furnished 2 bedroom 1H44 Kincaid No pets $300 2 bedroom, unfurnished duple* firepiece appliances No pets 2634 Harris Joy 686 1130 Lamson Assoc tin SUPER SOPHISTICATED 2 Bdrm duple* on Man/anita $386 Call 343-5743 12 15 BLACKSTONE MANOR 1750 Alder St (mgr apt 1» Fully furnish ed 1 bedroom apartments in qurel com pie* Laundry facilities Off street park Ing and much more $260 plus deposit Call Casey 687-0684 1 PM Co. 1111 Furl 4686282 _ tin 2 BORM APT NICE. 5 blocks from cam put $236 345-5605_12 10 FURNISHED 1 BEDROOM apartment walk to campus, off street parking $250 343 2331 even.ngs 12 11 For Rent FAMILY HOUSING APARTMENT LIVING UO Wa*fmo»at«nd 1 badroom *umi»h#d lUVmo • 2 badroom furnished Si 44/mo km&ior' unfurnished 2 badroom STJOrmo Futura openings «« pactad Wintar and F«|i Tarms M*m«1 coop*#* and s*ng*a parent* e«.g*bi* CaM UO Mousing 6664277 for informa »K>n 7MMM»n CAMPUS LARGE FURNISHED T and 2 badrooms,. 124VS400 Offica i»0 Farry. MSMP 7940 tfn 1 BDRM $195 SpacHxi* un*umi«ft* lor Rachat or Michelle (will pay 100%) 12 10 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Term-, negotiable Call Adna687 1346 12 10 SELLING DORM CONTRACT Will pay $50 deposit Call Su/anne 6804195 __IMP SELLINO DORM HOUSING CON TRACT Will throw in a case of BUD plus lha new BILLY IDOL tape Call Mars 6864081 12 10 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Cali J«’’ 3452m. laava message 12 12 DO YOU LIKE TO PARTY? Wa will g«va you a case of baar plus if you buy our dorm contracts Please call Sandy at 485 9260 or Jodi 485 9766 or 343 3038 Laava a massage wa ll call <>«* k l_ OORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Wm pay 172 deposit Cell Beth 485 9594 12 15 WILL PAY DEPOSIT DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE CALL KRISTIN OR SCOTT 345 7454 _ 12 15 SELLING OORM CONTRACT Terms negotiable Call Michatla 485 9565 12 15 SELLINO DORM CONTRACT Mm pay deposit Call Anna 484 7029 evenings _ WILL RAY DEPOSIT Su/anne 48661 tt Ranaa 485 9552 12 12 SAVE $150 DEPOSIT Term* negotiable Must sail contract Apt nail to campus 3434101 eve or 672 1566 w finds 12 15* Meetings LACROSSE Woman s Team Mealing FRI DEC 12 4 30 Beginners welcome and encouraged EMU Century E Sponsored by Club Sports Events IT’S HERE!!!! The EMU Christmas Craft Fair Today tomorrow, and Friday Dec 10. 11 and 12 Room 167 EMU Handcrafted aifts. great entertainment fascinating craft demonstrations free hot cider' 10am 5pm 12 11* Food a Drink BubbaT _Ftoe» m Sim* Im I • l. uneti • Otnnw •Thick CfMmy Shakat •Jutcy Qouimat Butgori •Big Hoi Biaafcfaatt •Chatty Francn Fn*» •Light t«iy Salad* •Mon»m*t« Soutta lubtei t J«* AM*r MttNO *o«Frt 7 mi l am __m»ii_ EltJENFS FALL CREEK BAKERY UVWVVWVWVVUVWSAi NUT TO UO BOOKSTONE Have Lunch or a Light Meal with us! TODAY S MENU: • H«m A Oimm MM c ro« as an I • Broccoli Throo Chooto cro<»»*nt Stra»gM from ttw oeon 11 00 &m Mf / JO 6 00 «S1 E 131* Saturday A3 4B4 1«6.’ Eft.EXITS FALL CREEK BAKERY uuyuvwvuwwvwm NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE NEW HOURS CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST SI 7 JO 10 :00 FEATURING Citxtsanl of CfOjm i'hMM p*stry And colt** or !•« MONDAY FRIDAY MF 1 30ft 00 H«t E 13lh Saturday *3 464 16ft? Stocking Stuffers DIANETICS The Modern Science of Mental Heelth R«4kI it ov«r ■ mAs gtv« it to • trtood Book* and Fr*« PAr»on*4tty T««tt Tu Dec 9 Th Dec 11 Fishbowl Annex lEATHCA JACKET, lintd with ifMwp tkm. ISO B«i 4® 87M luv. ,n.„ag» ____IE 10 SHARP SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR tl S08F* Ml IPuH I y«*r old U0 145-03S3 STOCKING STUFFERS 10 P0L0R0ID DISKS WITH DATACASE'HOLDS EMU GROUND FLOOR Stocking Stufffrs M LA DRY'S CHRISTMAS TREES Cu4tu*#d ucut Douglas Fit, Scotch all *i**» HO Ptaasan! MtM N»ght*ay M CnNKpri*# Road 1# m»t# 74B01J&_ 12 15 CABER SRI BOOTS *V pimnRm Wo* tronl #ntf> Used on*y one# $90080 344 0021 1*1$ PANASONIC MULTIPLEX SYSTEM (no ipMMm! including turntable rac#iv*r caaMtt# en on# un« 1 Good condition w\>tK* mwd#» fully n##d holiday cMh $50 Call M3 4144 12 15 ONLY 3 MORE SHOPPING OAYS Irt NOEL NOTES appear m th# Oregon Oa* ly Em#rttd' Sp?**d a Itll# ChfMtmat Ch##c 20 «K»d* few tutt 12 50' NOT. I NOTTS can o# placed at ati in# usual outlet* or uw your Vim or Mastercard and call •»4343 12 10 »«jmy O’ Computer lounge WINTER TERM PASSES $25 Gin Certificate* Available X43S3/OS4 miner rociucn i GOURMET ICE CREAM Gift Certificates CPUS Euphoria Truffles nvmt Christmas Ice Cream Cakes and Pies tmv* Candy Stocking Sluffers ttv 13th ft Hiiya'd ortn tk. monirt 861 Willamette ortn m e * mt r / mu