Women Continued from Page 9 women or men. just want equal access to the reigns of power,” Kessler said. Although there is nothing wrong with a man being in a leadership position, a woman in the same position might be able to see things from a different perspective — such as the bias that women face concerning their ap pearance on camera. Matt said. A large percentage of anchormen are over the age of 50 and are considered to be the top in their field, but an anchorwoman over that age is unheard of, she said. “There is not a female equivalent of Charles Kuralt in the newsroom today.” Matt said. "There's a gender and age bias in our culture,” Kessler said. “For some reason, men with gray hair are distinguished, but women with gray hair are hags.” "It’s obvious that discrimination goes on in on-camera jobs, and that is an important distinction.” said Janet Wasko. an assistant professor in telecom mu neat ions and film at the University. This kind of bias has been going on for years and has been brought to light by discrimination suits filed by television news anchorwomen such as Christine Kraft. Wasko said. "It’s harder to get a sense of discrimina tion in public relations, but it's definitely there in television news." Kessler said. It is also difficult to generalize that it is easier for a woman to find a job in the com munication field today than it used to be. Kessler said. For example, it is easier for a woman to break into public relations or television news when working In a relatively small market for a small company, she said. But high-powered corporations and larger markets still tend to be male-dominated, she said. “One reason for this is the pay." Kessler said. “Small markets don't pay well, and low paying jobs have traditionally been open to women." Kent faces a different challenge than Matt, she said. While women are expected to look as young as possible when working in front of a camera, when serving as a spokeswoman for a nice hotel, women are expected to appear dignified and experienced, Kent said. “There is a 'good old boy' network in this industry . there is youth/age discrimina tion... if you look young, it works against you. . .it really surprised me," Kent said When entering the communications field, it is important for women to present themselves in a professional manner and take themselves seriously, Kent said. “Entering into the market, your image and presence is really important . . you really have to shift from the school mentality to the profes sional mentality." she said. Being as well prepared as possible and having as much experience as possible is also important, especially in television news. Matt said. t.raphic by U»rr»in« Rath Personals PROBLEMS? Crlaia Cmiloi U ol O lelaphona hollina 14 hour* 1 daya Slnclty eonlidantial • .. (HMM 3144 tin IF YOU’RE IN DOUBT (bout pragnancy call Birthright 68? 8651 SUNDANCE NATURAL FOODS Congratulates Sally oialrlch Itl pnn Dahna Solar. Runnaiup Slava Mllaham Runnai up In our Logo Contest W« «out<1 nka lo aapiaaa oui graltluda to ina many talantad aniiania who par licipaiiKlinouilogoconlaal ti <0 SEND YOUR HOIODAy GREET9KG •' on Doc 15th ollh ODE NOEL NOTES 20 words lor S2.50 Try our apacial Holiday art lot 10*1 teativa touch! Plata your ml at any oi our comaManl location!! 00 Bookalota. EMU Main Ont or 300 EMU Or um your ViaaiMaatarcan) and can WS-434J tJ I? Personals AXA JOSH Happy 19th month anniversary • love you mot« everyday Lovt, HEID1 _12 tO JULIE I HAPPY 21st You H be wasted talers tonight* BIU ANO SHELL 12 10 NEEO WORK OVER X MAS brea* earned about tostc waste? Join OSPtRO'S campBon staff and aroefc to enact a state superfund to claan up lo« iC waste Develop communication skills Earn USOTfrfVwh Call tor Intar view 6B& 3214 on campus or 1 222 13S0 in Portland If i? MARK HOY Finals are hare it's tima to stress. With your usual style, you'll do your bast And altar finals sail both agree You really did much batter than me* Love you. KAREN WRITING AN ARTICLE ON PRO STITUTION ami Mould like to talk with anyone who has aver bean in voivad with it Call Joiayne at 6aS55H Confidentiality absolutely guaranteed 12 12* JOHN Cl Meal me at the EMU Christmas Crafts Fair Wednesday bet wean 10 and 5 CW 12 10 BABYDOLL Three years is a long time but not long enough Thank you for such wonderful memories l don t know what else to say maybe I II have a batter idea over dm ner tonne' Love REZ 12 10 Personals Sue & I'm tur# M was ntc0 m##tino you too but mho «• you ’ Mud lb# T.C. P S Tom Curran rip* but Dana rut#* __12-10 CINDY HOPKINS Th«n* you lo> a ymm l«M at lh# lui trappa* Good luc* on final* ALPHA TAU OMEOA. CLAM 12 10 £