i Meooeeeeooeooooooeoooooooeooeooooeooooooeeoi I ALL MAJORS WELCOME ESCAPE Field Studies Program is now recruiting for Winter Term Coordinators. You will gain valuable leadership training and experience, also 3-5 upper division credits. Slop by M 111 EMU or phono 686-4351 Ask lor Diano or Doris TM CUU Craft CtNttr and *f*»#at • CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR IOR CRAMS* INIIR I AINMf Nl IRH HOI CIO(R & DEMOS Of* Atliiii * ( rail* People and file ClolO Art Dept C»*«er o« i|tn >w4 Ua«»*»*ny DECEMBER 10-12 WED. THUR. FRI. 10am - 5pm RM. 167 EMU MEETINGS Health majors — OSAAHE will meet today at 5 in Room 107 Esslinger. All Phi Eta Sigma members are invited to a study ex travaganza in room 112 and 113 in the EMU from 7 to 11. One room will be set up to study and the other to break from studying. Campus Crusade for (liid Christmas party is at 7 tonight at the home of Dana and Iaurie Black. Meet behind the EMU by Straub Hall for a ride at 7. Bring a white elephant gift. The ACLU Commission on Gay and Lesbian Rights will meet tonight from 7:30 to 9:30 VOLVO Owners A^n^^ort > /Serviced Offers a FREE Safefy Inspection (.all lot • Jf» apDOif'*rr.f»' Springfield • 12th & Mam • 726 1808 ail work guaranteed c )Lu VOL This holiday season, getthe“Write Stuff’ at the right price. For a Limited Time Only You can get a Macintosh 512Ke or a Macintosh Plus Computer with the ImageWriter II Printer, MacLightning (a spelling checker software program) and a Gift Box* at tremendous savings. • Available while supplies Iasi Information available at U of O Computing Center, Room 105 1:30-4:30 M-F Phone 686-4412 Macintosh is a trademark licensed to Apple Computer. Inc 1986 Apple Computer, Inc , in the Gum wood Room. The discussion will be on efforts to pass comprehensive gay/lesbian rights legislation in the Oregon Legislature. LECTURES "Women ahead of their time: Innovators In Piano Pedagogy” will be the topic of a lecture by Doris Allen. University associate professor in the School of Music today at 3:30 in the Gumwood Room, EMU. Arnold Ismach. dean of the School of Journalism, will talk about the smear tactics used during political campaigns at 3:30 on Wednesday in Room 221. Allen Hall. Sponsored by Ad (’.tub MISCELLANEOUS Do you want to write a better resume? let the Career Plann ing and Placement Center show you how. Attend a resume writing workshop today from 1:30 to 3 in Room 12, Hendricks Hall. Allow the Career Planning and Placement Center to assess your career. We can help you in finding the right career for you. Come to Room 237, Hendricks Hall, today at 2. Deadline for submitting Et als to the Emerald front desk, 300 EMU, is noon the day before publication. Et als are run only once. Events with a donation or admission charge will not be considered. Events occurring nearest the publication date and campus events will be given priority. f This Christmas The I Present We Need X Is Up Your Sleeve Donate Plasma Earn $100 EUGENE PLASMA i 1071 OLIVE ST. • 404-2241 (»crott from Kiwi) New Donors: 1 Brins this ad in for $5 extra on your 1st donation Mon Thurt 7 30 6 00 Fr» Sat 7 30 4 00 ■ Nfcua spifcsiai Looking for the Far Side? You’ll Find it ONLY in Spectrum EVERY THURSDAY!