Services COUNSELING FOR YOU Cipanancad m ratal ion snips gay/la* than issuas lonatmass cut** court sat mg First uwon Iraa with ad Patricia L Norharg MS call 145 9409 12 1J Wa ll giva tha works tor *10 Haircut* Shampoo* Blow Dry Hm S4t TAN with PhJSMps Solarium System Greet for sensitive skin 123S Alder*4tS-1202 on campus Tanning SunShower on campus Sun Sale 10 visits/$25 If s almost the end of the term! Now's the time to restore your healthy sum mer glow' SunShower Tanning Salon 4*5 2323 *74 E 13th upstairs nail to Kioto* IMF 7 ant-* pm Sat Sun • am 6 pm air conditioned Newman Center Homan Catholic Community at tin- University of Oregon Worship with us Washdays 5 15pm Sundays 9 00 am II 00am 7 30pm 1850 Emerald SI. • 343-7021 HAIRCUTS $ tO Downstairs EHl! 484 031* ; Sound Systems LEAVING CLUB BIZ Must sell PA speaker $75 baih dishwasher etc 1140 pet month plus ultimas Non smokers preteired Soma pais allowed Plus tl t closa lo campus Can «5iw ’■> MALE OR FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to shaie 2 txt apt w/20 »t old mala 2' i blocks tiom campus H67pat mo lnleres^ed', Call Slewed 34S472® Roommates ROOMMATE REFERRAL Professional tcqnm« end rnatcnmg Quality noim available suitable mom male* Coil 487 *120 7978 (In MALE ON FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to shnte 2 bedtoom apt .- iem A utilities Only 1 Mocks from campus Nice ApeHment1 Interested' Call FUmbartey Ml 5848 IMS 24 YEAR 010 MALE seeks platon* roommate I bedtoom rtouaa win in flack Jactu/i in Wesi Eugene Call Ml 1321 laasn messiHje 12 18 2 8R APT. $1.10 plus MJ2470W.ll I? 10 MALE OR FEMALE lo snare I ni nous* 4 block itom campus $f33 50rmo W A 0 Nica Plata1 Won I laal long' Call lisa 404 7128 _ _MW ROOMMATE WANTEO Mala 4. years (MO EI10 plus ullliTias 740 7033 01 7466*78 12 10 PARALEGAL PROFESSIONAl UOOrad Student tasks room 01 hcKita snaia to rant winter spring must navs anclosafl yarn 'or Oatman Shepherd Please call Monigomaiy 819 296 5650 or write 1924 H Park Bird San Outgo CA 92109 _12-15 2 ADULTS TO SHARE 4 bedfunm house 2 baths 1162 50 aa par month ST25 aa deposit 559 East taih 4652777 ask lot Myrna HOUSE TO SHARE 5 IMM nasi pus Coburg Rd area Biq yard tor pats Ltvmg room waehsrr'dryer tirapiace woodatove Car or transportation necessary 1150 a muat plus ultimas 687 0183 T2 11 For Rent FAMILY HOUSING APARTMENT LIVING. UO Westmoreland 1 bedroom furnished SttS/mo. 2 badroom turnishad, $l44fmo Amaeon unfurnished 2 badroom S120hno Fulura openings as peeled Winter and Fall Tarms Marnafl couples and tingle parents eligible Call UO Housing 666-4277 lor inform# lion 7569t1n CAMPUS LARGE FURNISHED I and 2 bedrooms S245/S400 Office 1250 Ferry 485 2823 7940 Ifn 1 BDRM $195 Spacious, unfurnished api Parking laundry balcony No pels or children S'OO deposit 2045 Willamette Si 3457992 tfh AVAILABLE JAN 1st Furnlshed room in attractive home Everything there Greet deal S190 pays all Mature only 343-5360 _12 15 S370 Lovely furnished 2 bedroom 1844 Kincaid No pets S300 2 bedroom unfurnished duplet fireplace appliances No pels 2uJ4 Harris Joy. 006-1130 lamson A»wc __ _ Ifn SUPER SOPHIST 1C AT E 0 2 « duplex on Manzantta $386 Call 343-5743 1? 15 NICE UNFURNISHED 1 BDRM ipart man! naar campus with oM straat park iny Available January 1st $255 343-2331 avanmys i? 9 Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS. hilly furnish •d all util Included Private 1/2 bain SIM 146-4490_ 8064 tin WOOOSIDE MANOR 1810 Harris Furnished quadi with anared or private bath Util paid Covered parking amt laundry facilities available From JU8 Call lor mora details Mgr 344 28V Bennett Mgmt Co , 1143 Oak 4868991 ______ "n NEWER QUAD 1169 per month util paid 1/2 block trom campus 1886 Har rls 342-4261 1'" Dom Contracts DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Deposit negotiatin' n Kathy at 465-4321 12 12 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE. Will pay deposit Molly 486-8808._1210 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE. Terms negotiable Carlolta 4860823 leave massage_12-10 Ul CONTRACT FOR SALE Terms neg Single room lor multiple price Call Mary 686-8014 In eee 12 10 Christmas la coming Hie geese are getting tat pleaae please please lake our dorm contract! Call 686-8215 ask lor Rachel or Michelle tv»NI pay 1003k)_12 10 Dohm Contracts DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Turn* nagotiabl# Can AdnatM? 1146 >2 <0 SftLING OORM CONTRACT Will pay ISO CMCXMM Call Sucann# M*«t8S __12 10 SELLING OORM MOUSING CON TRACT Will throw In a cam ol BUD (Xu* I ha naw BILLY IDOL lap* Call toSMEMI '• '0 OORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Call Jail SNMrn. taanaRMatat- _181 t 13th Saturday »3 *M 16*? Place areekfaat'lunch'Dtnner • Thick. CiHmi Shakes •Juicy Gourmet Burgers •Big Hot Breakfasts •Crispy French Frtee •Light r»»ty Set ads •Homemade Soup* BuMse's 1 2SS Aider M4 1M0 kkm Fit 7 am 2 am Entertainment i«»t ttth t»lh I Agate Stocking Stuffers MLAOKVS CHRISTMAS TREIS CuMu'ihJ ucul Douglas Tit Scotch pint tali ti/tl HO Pl«Mlnl Hill Highway Ml EntwpfiM Road M2 mil® U CABER SKI BOOTS Wmn»n %*/« «! powiltti Wu« hoot «ntry UsimJ only S'*0 OBO 344 QB2I PANASONIC MULTIPLEX SYSTEM m including tuintlMf »*ceiv«*» < <«*jmiii« in on# unit Good condition wo'M momkirMly n##d holiday cash ISO CMI 343-4144 Ututl t Stocking StuMet? Ot > MN htttl M.led In Mu.klnq Stuffr" mu*l bf 9 AO o» \d% b« platrd al HO iBook.tHU Mala D«.k at too Mill b»» »»*V i St W> Sm<« nifciH Hm> • SMIr TWU* Stocking Stutters ONLY 4 MORE SHOPPING HAYS !*• ROM. ROTfS appear m th« Oregon Oat ly E mar aid1 Spraari a l»ttta Christmas ChAAf' 70 *ords tor |utt 17 SO* ROM ROTCS can ba placets at all the usual outlets or usa your Visa or Mastercard arxt call 6S&4343 _ 17 9 DIANETICS The Modern Science of Mental Health H«ad it ov®< » mat gtva it to * trtand Bm and Era* Pattonatity Tattt Tu Dec 9 Th Dec 11 Fishbowl Annex _12 tt LEATHER JACKET I.. •ill' ihaap sum ISO Ban 4ftf> d?S7 leave massage l—— ....-—f La 0 bJBMwJ O’ Computer lounge . WINTER TERN PASSES $25 Gin Certificate* Available XASS3/4334 STOCKING STUFFERS 10 POLOROID DISKS WITH DATACASE-HOLDS 'mart s miner rociarm GOURMET ICE CREAM Gift Certificates nmv Euphoria Truffles trotra Christmas Ice Cream Cakes and Pies Candy Stocking Stuffers «r 13th A Hliyard orrti th moftrrt 861 Willamette oren nt e (timoav m io») Pizzas don’t fit in stockings . . . but Gift Certificates dot TRACK TOWN pizza in Pick them up at 1809 Franklin Blvd. HOLIDAY SPECIAL DUCK PACK-10 10DS/DD Disks Disk Box 100% Error Frs# 3 Vi” Disks $2795 Save $5.00 EMU Ground Floor ■B__MLZ355_„ BLOOM COUNTY by Berkc Breathed LOLAyou earr #*t£ . WOVOMSm / SMAU I 06 HACePVte WXY FOKlfVL ANPH/rw Of w m. prstort*.. P€MCU . m, XOAL cmsmm of imm, mfonmf HYFVrW ! vtmoN m u&j n tta ' I