Editorial Leader of Philippines has the \right stuff' In a series of decisive moves. President Corazon Aquino of the Philippines has moved from being labeled “just a housewife" in executive office to a legitimate power to be reckoned with. By firing Enrique Enrile, her disloyal defense minister, signing a cease-fire treaty w!th Communist insurgents, and recently holding a nation-wide voter registration drive. President Aquino has shed the image of being a weak leader. In her latest power coup. Aquino's voter registration drive has consolidated her political might. It proved to be an incredibly popular move; millions of Filipinos turned out last Saturday to register to vote for a constitutional plebiscite, which is due Feb. 2. and a general election to be held next year. The plebiscite will ask voters to approve a new constitu tion that would extend Aquino's term until 1992. Aquino and the Philippines need this new constitution to assure tranquility and the national direction it will offer if she is granted the extended tenure. Just as important, the general election to be held this May will ask voters to choose a new legislature to replace the old National Assembly that was abolished when Aquino took power. The voter registration drive was needed to rid old voter lists of "ghost" or fictional names, just one of the few re maining Marcos legacies that needs to be addressed if Aquino hopes to run the Philippine government effectively. President Aquino needs more than merely gratuitous pats on the head from the United States; now more than ever she needs and deserves our most respected support. Community is applauded for its aid to St. Vincent We share the grief fell by the community at the loss of St. Vincent de Paul’s second-hand Pour Corners store that burned to the ground last Saturday. The destruction of the building so chise to Christmas could not have come at a worse time. St. Vincent's was and is gearing up to provide its annual food relief to hundreds of families — an estimated 500 in all — and the loss jeopar dizes its efforts to get food packages to needy families throughout the Eugene and Springfield areas. Roughly a ton and a half of canned and boxed food and dozens of frozen chickens and turkeys were destroyed. The loss amounts to about 50 to 60 percent of the food earmarked for the needy, which was to be delivered Dec. 20. The Four Corners store was the most successful out of the five St. Vincent de Paul's outlets, accounting for one third of the organization’s operating costs. St. Vincent de Paul’s social services director. Gilbert Shaw, is uncertain if a new building will be constructed at the Four Corners site, but he said that a new building would have to be built somewhere in the near future. Despite the loss, however, he expressed his pleasure at the community response St. Vincent’s is receiving in the aftermath of the fire. He noted that cases of food are being delivered by individuals, and stressed the need for more canned fruit. We applaud the community in aiding St. Vincent de Paul's, and it is our hope that it will succeed in making the holidays enjoyable for many needy families. Oregon Daily Emerald Th« Oregon Daily Emerald la published Monday through Friday except during exam weak and vacations by tha Oreoon Daily Emerald Publishing Co , at the University of Oregon. Eugene, Oregon, 97403 The Emerald operates independently of the University with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union and is a member of the Associated Press The Emerald is private properly The unlawful removal or use ol papers la prosecutable by law Qafteral Staff Advertising Director Susan Theien Production Manage! 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Derrel Hewitt, Bobbie Lo, James Marks. Dan Wheeler. Michael Wilhelm Production: Michele Ross / Ad Coordinator Kelly Alexandre. Elizabeth Asher. Ronwin Nicole Ashton. Sandra Bevans, Janet Emery, Manuel Flores. Shannon Gaither James Kenny. Donna Leslie. Curtis Lott. Ross Martin. Kelli Mason. Mike McGraw. Rob Miles. Angelina Muniz. Kara Oberst. Ami Pate. Julie Paul. Jennifer Peter son, Kristin Sanburg. Nils T|olmn, X Kang Xle Letters Garbage Pvw had enough. The so tailed ftK»d served at the dorm cafeterias is garbage. Look at the facts, hatch person living at the dorms payed $1,027. Subtract out the worth of the rooms (:) months; $200 maximum) that leaves $727. supposedly spent on staff wages and supplies From the quality of the food, it is obvious that there is little concern for our nutritional welfare. Evidently, it is more impor tant to (lit wherever posihle and to buy the lowest quality food on the market (if not hlack market), so that someone upstairs is making a pretty penny. Well congratulations, you've got us all under contract, you've succeeded. Do you really believe that all the complaints are unwarranted? An; we all just a hunch of kids who always gripe? I think not. And what of the so-called vegetarian diet. I. lining a vegetarian, am repulsed with the bland tasting souffles and nonexistent variety I'm usually stuck with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, coupled with a salad (I've never seen lettuce stay green so long). And what of the vegetables? Are they fresh? And just how long are they cooked? They usually taste like water-soaked cardboard. Were the promises in the brochures just a ploy to also entrap the vegetarian dollar? Is making money at the expense of our health really worth it? I. and everyone who must eat at the cafeterias, want the quali tv of the total increased. Come on cooks, supervisors and ad ministrators. let's do it right Benjamin Tnblcr Philosophy, sophomore Comical I am convinced Michael Cross earned his undergraduate degree hv reading the Classic Comics version of II S. history |ODE Letters. I)ec. :t| The Constitution of the United States is not. as Mr. Cross would have us believe, a stagnant document, frozen in time and interpreted according to the dictates of 18th century America. Instead, the Constitution is flexible and was designed to grow with the country and with society. Mr. Cross is constantly fighting the Constitutional rights of the unborn (something the founding fathers didn't con sider in the 18th century), but apparently Mike feels different ly about the living. Once their lives get out in the world it's okay with Mike if we stuff them in 18th century-style cells and execute them without the rights our Constitution provides. The next time Michael Cross unpatriotically harangues our Constitution and our right as a nation to live in the 20th cen tury. remember. Mike is living the Classic Comics version of life. Scott Elliott Law Social ills I,ast Wednesday's I.etters sec tion was delightful (ODE. Dec. :i). First we were treated to the eternally righteous l.ori I'arkman. who must lead an ex emplary if rather dull life. She seems to believe that an epidemic is not an epidemic, that viral disease is caused by "sexual permissiveness" and not a virus, and that absolute repression equals morality. Bravo! We then received the addi tional bonus of the perpetually outraged Michael Cross, who through some supernatural agency he has yet to reveal, has direct, personal insight into the minds of "America’s founding fathers." With his sublime knowledge in his possession, he offers a foolproof solution to our social ills: stack transgressors in prison cells like cordwood until they rot. executing a few whenever more space is need ed. Encore! Thanks to the impeccable logic of tese two I have been able to resolve a mini leer of my own moral questions For exam ple. I always did believe that the "New Right" was the result of unrestrained anal intercourse, and we certainly could solve a lot of problems by simply kill ing them off. Unfortunately our sick socie ty offers a haven for all sorts of deviants— Ms. Parkman could become a nun. and Mr. Cross might apply to become state executioner. Hiawatha Graduate, music A suggestion I'd like to make a suggestion: If the Ducks and the Beavers ever combine their teams they should call themselves the Platypuses! Joy Halliwell Librarian