Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 08, 1986, Page 5, Image 5

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    Continued from Page 1
destiny, and according to inter
national law. that area is not
Israel’s, but it is occupied by
Israel.' drawer said
Zionism, or Jewish na
tionalism. took hold in the late
1800s "when after 2.000 years
of. lews living as a nation
amongst nations, they realiz
ed they could no longer survive
as a nation without a land, un
connected to the place where
they were born." Brawer said.
The political movement
started to evolve as u reaction to
the oppression the lews felt
from Russia. The goal of the
lews was simply to return to
their land, he said.
"It's unclear to me to
day. . that the lews ever really
had a clear idea of how they
would deal with the non-|ewish
population." drawer said.
Because of pressure to create
the state, the Jews were not
prepared to deal with the land’s
existing population, he said.
Although most lews feel as if
they have no other place to live,
they realize that to create a
democratic society, they an; go
ing to have to deal with non
lews in the state, he said
"It still isn’t clear how Jews
could democratically absorb the
non-Jews in a lewish state, and
today, when we speak about the
work that we do. we are dealing
with that exact issue.” Brewer
One way to develop trust bet
ween the two groups Gf people
is to increase the amount of
positive interaction and
knowledge between the two
communities. Brewer said.
*‘VVe need to try to change the
establishment that is not gear
ing the societies toward a
peaceful coexistence, but rather
toward their separation.''
Brewer said.
Because of their different
backgrounds. Mula and Brewer
can educate people about the
social, political and economic
realities that exist within the
country. Multi said.
Mula grew up learning
Arabic, and h«i learned at an ear
ly age that there were different
existences fur Arabs and lews,
he saiil
lie decided to go to a |ewish
high school in order to "unders
tand their thoughts, their life, to
know them personally, not just
as a group." he said.
Mula discovered that
although he was raised to
understand the |ewish culture,
his Jewish classmates knew
nothing about his. he said.
"They know nothing about
my religion, my life; not about
me as an individual or about
my national rights in this enuu
try They don't think anything
about my roots, about my
history in this country." he
Although Mula lived in a
village that existed for 2.(MX)
years and his family had lived
there for 800 years, "for (the
lews|. I'm not a person. I'm not
someone who has roots in this
place, so they can t unders
tand." he said
Most Arabs, including Mula.
do not resent the lews for being
in Israel, he said. "It's not that I
don't want you here, it's that I
can't pay the price for your life
hew." he said
Most Jews anti Arabs living in
Israel are working for the same
goals, although they are coming
from different situations and
backgrounds. Mula said
"Even though we have dif
ferent realities and different
solutions for the future vve are
all just people living and ex
isting day to day in this part of
the Middle East." Mula said
"We are people who believe
in democracy and etpiality for
people, and that's where we can
start work Even though we
have differences, we will
always have differences, we
have to start with
(democracy)." Mula said
Airport —
Continued from Page 1
Voters in March would ap
prove or reject a revenue-backed
general obligation bond for the
city's share of the $18.2 million
expansion project.
The subcommittee did decide
to recommend that the city's
share of the project be financed
with $1.1 million in up-front
cash, not the $1.5 million
originally earmarked to fund
the project.
The remaining $400,000
would be financed along with
the rest of the city's debt.
Subcommittee members also
decided on a contingency plan
in case a court ruling decides
that the use of $1.3 million in
I,ane County road funds for the
airport project is unlawful. The
decision is expected later this
If the court ruling goes
against using the funds, the city
will pick up the amount by us
ing the contingency fund built
into the project, looking at the
airport expansion budget and
making cuts, and financing the
A final City Council decision
on airport financing is expected
by Dec. 17.
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