Financial Aid Forms to arrive as scheduled, despite changes By Chris Norrol Of I hr Kmrr«ld Student Financial Aid Forms will bo available at the Office of Student Financial Aid next Monday. Dec. 15. Previous reports had said the forms might arrive late this year because of changes required bv the reauthori/.ation of the Higher Education Act of 1065. signed into law by President Reagan earlier this fall. But a commendable effort by the College Scholarship Service and The College Board, who print and organize the forms, completed the changes and sent the forms out with no signifi cant delay, said Fd Vignoul. director of the University Office of Student Financial Aid Then! will l>e two major changes in student financial aid this year — in indepency status and in the Guaranteed Student I .nan program. Vignoul said "The independent student definition is becoming much more restrictive." Vignoul said, but he said specific differences am not fully clear yet. He plans to attend a con Ping-Pong / paddles t & balls At your Bookstore I ference of financial aid ad ministrators this week in California to clarify specific ef fects of the* changes in the finan cial aid programs. The CSI. changes began Oct. 17. when Reagan signed the reauthorize!ion hill. USL applicants now have to complete the same FAF re quired for recipients of grants and loans. Before this year. CSI. applicants did not have to demonstrate need. as other FAF applicants do. More specific information on the changes in the CSI. program also will be available after the conference. Vignoul said During winter term regislra lion, the financial aid office will set up a table outside the EMU Hallroom to distribute FAFs. Vignoul said. “It's important that students apply for financial aid during the month of lanuary to meet the deadlines for all the pro grams." he said „ W( Create f — •Resumes •Flyers • Menus •Newsletters FASTI! .'""I SSOK Uth • 344 3344 Hw,iWi • Kinkot Copit Op«n 7 Day* EN CONCIERTO X THE SPANISH CHOIR j M. Monica Montoya R., Director i A program of traditional anil modem songs from the Hispanic World MONDAY DEC. 8 7:30 PM EMU FORUM ROOM S/xm.ioml by the Department of Romance Language* ■UO Bookstore^ “Add that personal touch to your cards and letters.” 25 for $4.99 From the same color negative 25 for $7.99 From the same slide. 13th A Kmcitd MF 7 30-5 30 SAT 1000400 *•*4331 Guaranteed lowest photo finishing prices! Tape duplication instant cassette copies! Quality stereo or monaural duplication. Check the prices today at your Bookstore. Call Usl Eugene 683-7325 1856 E. 13th Avenue Serving U of O Campus 485-5675 2260 W 18th Avenue 461-0842 1610 North Park 344-2904 1566 Coburg Road Sheldon Plaza Hours: 4:30pm-1:00am Sun -Thurs 4:30pm-2:00am Frl. & Sal Throbbing head? Quaking body? Has Monday dealt another crushing blow? Revive yourself with a well rounded meal from Domino's Pizza. We'll help smooth the wrinkles out of your day. Menu AN PIzim Include Our flpQClal Bifnd of Slice S 100% Real Dairy Cfcaeoe Tha EitrivtgMZZ** Limited portion* of 9 item* for the price ol 5. Pepperonl, Mushrooms. Black Oliva*. Ground Beef. Onion*. Sausage. Green Peppers. Ham and Extra Cheese 12" ExtravaganZZa* $10 80 16" ExtravaganZZa* $14 85 Domino’s Deluxe 5 Items for the price of 4: Pepperonl. Mushrooms, Onions. Green Peppers, and Sausage 12” Deluxe $ 9 85 16" Deluxe $13.50 Our Superb Cheese Pine 12" cheese $6 05 16" cheese $8.10 Additional Items Pepperonl, Mushrooms. Black Olives. Onions. Green Peppers. Ground Beef. Sausage. Ham. Tomatoes. Pineapple. Double Cheese and Extra Thick Crust 12" pizza $ 95 per Item 16" pizza $1 35 per item Coke* available. We accept checks Our drivers carry less than $20 00 Limited delivery areas. •isae Domino * Pur* Inc ■■■■■■■■■■■■I monday madness Get any 12" 2 Item pizza for only >5.991 One coupon por pizza Offer valid Mondays only through 12-15-86 Fast, Fro# Delivery” Good at listed locations