Opportunities AIRLINES NOW HIRINO Flight AtMn dtnli. Agant*. M«clwnie>. Cmlonw Santc* MUM to tSOK Enirj md po.Mlont C*H IOS 667 WOO EH AMU._'_Jf GOVERNMENT JOBS *'« 040 159 230/yi Now Hlnng CaII 606-6676000 E«l FI 964? tw gurwit MOwatiMt M9 Help Wanted BARTEND COCKTAIL Start $4 to 14 SO Benefits RED ROOSTER LOUNGE Celt Donna Weekdays 2-4 pm only 345-3606 12J5 INTENSIVE TRAINING HOME for 10 adults labeled severely handicapped needs weekend staff to teach adaptive behaviors communications recreation Apply 1893 Aider Street weekdays bet ween 9am and 3pm Deadline Dec 9 1936 __129 PROJECT ORPIN IS HIRING Direr H ire Staff tor two group home* serving children who are mentally retarded Ear ty morning and weekend help needed Responsibilities include behavior management training sett help and dai ly living skills data collection com munity integration and household tasks MR/DD experience preferred Salary S3 75/hour Send resume to Project OP PIN P O Box 5543 Eugene 97405 EOE 129 THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD «s hiring a classified ad paste up person 'or winter term Must be available to work late afternoon and evening hours Workstudy preferred but not neccesary Job descriptions and ap plications available in 300 EMU The Oregon Deny Emerald is an Equal Op portunity/Af firmative Action Employer 12 15* PROFESSIONAL MOTHER needs housekeeping assistance and care for 2 fun and dynamic kids, Monday Wed. Fri from 2 30 to 5 30 $4 per hour Call evan mgs 484-545612J RESEARCH ASSISTANT Egyptian Ar chitecture History. Religion. Language Write Egyptian Research. Suite 132A 907 River Road, Eugene OR 97404 12 11 NANNY POSITIONS. Care for children in one of several East or West Coast locations Room, board. $1201200 per week Attend school eves One year commitment Non smokers preferred Call for interview LA PETITE MERE H800F621 1985 THE ESCAPE FIELD STUDIES PRO ORAM is looking for a coordinator responsible for design and tmptemen tation of fund raising activities winter and/or spring term Very influential position for a motivated person All majors welcome Contact Anna fi86-4361 or stop by Mill EMU 12-11* Roommates MALE OR FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to share 2 bedroom apt. Vi rent 5 utilities Only 2 blocks from campus Nice Apartment! Interested? Call Kimberley 343-5648_1*15 24 YEAR OLD MALE seeks platonic roommate. 3 bedroom house with in deck Jacuzzi, in West Eugene Call 343-1321, leave metaaQef_12-15 2 BR APT. $130 plus M2 2470 Will 12 10 MALE OR FEMALE to share 3 bd house 4 block from campus $133 50/mo. W & D. Nice Place! Won't last long! Call Lisa 484 7126 129 ROOMMATE WANTED: Male, appx 20 years old. $110 plus utilities 746 7033 or 746 6678 _ 12-10 PARALEGAL PROFESSIONAL UO Grad Student seeks room or house share to rent, winter spnna. must have enclosed yard for German Shepherd Please call Montgomery 619 2965850 or write 3924 V? Park Blvd San Diego. CA 92109 12 15 2 ADULTS TO SHARE 4 bedroom house. 2 baths $162 50 ea per month. $125 ea deposit 559 East 14th 485 2777 ask for Myrna 12-12 HOUSE TO SHARE 5 mile east of cam pus Coburg Rd area Big yard for pets Living room, washer/dryer, fireplace woodttove Car or transportation necessary $160 a must plus utilities 687-0183 12 11 WE NEED A ROOMMATE For a 4 bdrm house WAD 1V* bath dishwasher, etc $140 per month plus utilities Non smokers preferred Some pets allowed Plus it s close to campus Call 485-4789 12 15 Roommates ROOMMATE REFERRAL ProtMuonal *ci**ning am) matching Quality Itomai avaiiaMa tuitabtn room mat** Call 60742)3 Hit tin For Rent FAMILY NOUSINO APARTMENT LIVING UO Westmoreland 1 bedroom furnished $!15/mo 2 bedroom furnished ft 44/mo Ami/on unfurnished 2 bedroom f t20rmo Future opening* ei pec ted Winter end Fall Term* Married couples and smote parents eligible Call UO Housing 6M4277 for informs lion _ _ 7569 Ifn CAMPUS LARGE FURNISHEO • end bedrooms $245/$400 Office 1250 Ferry 4|f2M3 7940 »*n 1 BDRM $195 Spacious unfurnished apt Parsing laundry balcony No pels or children SiOO deposit 2045 Willamette St 345-7907 ..... tin AVAILABLE JAN 1st Fu attractive home Everything there Greet deal $190 pays ail Mature only 3435360_ 12 15 3 BEDROOM 2 ball from campus 506 E 12th $350 plus 485 4600 tin $370 Lovely furnished 2 bedroom 1844 Kincaid No pets $300 2 bedroom unfurnished duple* fireplace appliances No pels 2634 Harris Joy 686 1130 Lam son Assoc _ _ _ tin SUPER SOPHISTICATED 2 Btfrn duplex on Man;amta $386 Call 343-5743 12 15 SUNNY SOUTH 1 BORM Private $260 utilities included 342 8360 12 8 NICE UNFURNISHED 1 BORM ipart ment near campus with off-street park ing Available January 1st $255 343 2331 evenings 12 9 Quads CAMPUS COURT OUAOS. fully turmsh ml all util included Private Ml bath SIM 3454490_ 1064 tin WOODSIDE MANOR 1810 Harris Furnished quads with shared or private bath Util paid Covered parking and laundry facilities available From $148 Cali for more details Mgr 344 2657 Bennett Mgmt Co 1143 Oak 4858991 tin NEWER QUAD $169 per month util paid M2 block from campus 1866 Mar ns 342-4261__M* CHEAP LIVING Quads near campus 1825 Harris 485 8859 $l30fmo 12 8 Dorn Contracts SAVE S100 DEPOSIT Soiling COO Pact Apt on 18th slreel nesI lo cam pus 343 4101 evenings 13 8' DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Deposit negotiable Cell Kathy at 465-4371 13-12 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Will pey deposit Molly 465-9606_ 12 '0 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Tmms negotiable Carlotta 4859626 in eve message_’2'0 Ul CONTRACT FOR SALE Tmms neg Single room lor multiple price Call Mary 686 6014 m eye 12 10 Christmas Is coming Ilia geese ere getting tat please plsaaa pleaae taka our dorm contract! Call 686 6215 ask lor Rachel or Michelle Iwill pey 100%) 12 10 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE negotiable Call Adna68r ' 146 13 10 SELLING DORM CONTRACT Will pay 150 deposit Cell Surenne 686-6196 _ _ J210 SELLING DORM HOUSING CON TRACT Will throw in a case ol BUD plus the new BILLY IDOL tape Cell Mark 6866061 12 10 Events ITS ALMOST HERE! The EMU Christmas Craft Fair cosponsored by the EMU Cultural Forum Wednesday Thursday and Friday Dac 10. 11 and t2. Room 167 Erb Memorial Union, corner 13th and University. U of O campus Hand-crafted gifts free hot cider, free entertainment, free craft demonstra tions! FREE and open to the public 10am 5pm each day SEE YOU THERE! Events BICYCLE REPAIR Free clime on basic btke 'ep«r Bong your t»k» Dee 9 7pm OuldOOr Pro gram IM» 4.W1 12 9 Food a Drink EUGENE'S FALL CREEK BAKERY NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE Have Lunch or a Light Meal with us! TODAY S MENU: • Him » Cheese tilled croissant • Broccoli Thro* CHoom croissant Sn sight Irom the ov#n 11.00 am M F 7 30-6 00 881 E t3th Sal unlay S3 484 186.’] II (.1 M S FALL CREEK BAKERY WWWWWWWWWS. NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE NEW HOURS CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST S1 7 30-10.00 FEATURING Croissant or cream chaaaa pastry and colfae or lea MONOAY FRIOAV M F 7 308 00 881 E 13th Saturday 8 3 484 188? Entertainment ‘ With rushes of poetnr both visual anc spoken A French Tree ol Wooden Clogs LA TIMES The Horse of Pride In French with subtitles Premier* Oec 5 thru It Show* Frt A Sat 730 • *« Sun A Mon 7 • 9 20 Tue» thru Thun I pm Sunday Bargain Matinee 4 pm And ail thorn Monday S3 (Always student diacouni witDI Entertainment CARSON/EARL COFFEE HOUSE PRESENTS... JAVA JIVE TONIGHT LIVE MUSIC EXOTIC COFFEES AND DESSERTS CARSON GOLD ROOM _9-11PM_ n H THE BIJOU ; m t IMl MtiUS * Hto to tons torn) A tany comady and allactionala poka at lh« oppoaila »* by Waal Oar man Dona Dome Nw Him) hava Iba chaaky aophiatlcatlon ol Ernat lututtch updalad to accomodata ina aaiuai annaly ol Iba *0 a Molly Haakall VOGUE "A aaltra ol bobamian and boui«aoia manna fa a willy and playtul movla " Oavid Oanby NV Magaiina Sun Thun • SO A t 30 Ert Sal T IS • »2S Sun Bargain Mallnaa 4 pm S3 Oan adm SJ IVStudanta wild S3 25 Mlaar Mon SSff raa popcorn Tuaa Entertainment K7£p> nm» at »h* BIJOU li t Mini on tr» oifl lit a> ntQM'’ A 1 '[NS Ratad M tot IOWQM09O. ciuctattng tanaion rot rattarad only by .UK* tottot. tntraotd *#«f* may > (Ml to IOM about halt » pound * Sun Thut* >0 30 Ft*Sat tt M NEXT Tha Fty SOON Som.lh.ng WHO Stocking Stuffers HLAOKY S CHRISTMAS TREES Cultured ucut Oouyin Ftt Scotch Ptrre 411 »»/et f to Pl«a%*n| Hill H*ghw#y 58 Enterprise Hoad 1/3 mile ?e£0l35 1215 CABER SRI BOOTS Ww1 over « mas give *1 to a friend Books and Free Personality Teals Tu Dec 9 Th Dec 11 Fishbowl Annex LEATHER JACKET lined *i|h sheep skin ISO Ben 4115 8752 leave message Stocking Stuffers STOCKING STOCKING STUFFERS 10 POLOROID DISKS WITH DATACASE»HOLDS U%W» a Stocking StoMw? Oil M| W* *S0t Pay for 2 days Get the 3rd day FREE FAII llrmt listed »« WotMn# iMwIlm mast be priced MO or Hess. Ids cat* be placed at HO iBoofefttorr EMU Male* Desk or 300 EMU. 6116 4341. I s* W> S*d» ut «U» ipa'I Pbu • SftdtM Sfa4to> T«4ayl jSudwedd' J&eat EMU REC CENTER tMU Qround floor WM> 3711 _■ WEST SIDE FOREIGN AUTO 106*) W 3rd 484 4030 stu'S Eugene bicycles 8th fir Homo* 344 2173 AU a+m* SECOND NATURE 446 t 13th 343 3362 EMU REC CENTER £«U O round floor 686 37 I I a Qiju JABBERWOCKY i V)M inivrt WWMO BAMBOO PAVILLION I27S 4l«lrr V4»-47B» » jSosAd EMERALO CITY COMICS 770 r I.Mh ,»4 EMU COMPUTER LOUNGE tHU Ofound rioof TIME WARP V44 4S56 l»> *PP< JfU "mb ONSEN HOT TUB RENTALS 1883 Garden Ave 34A •*««» PEACE CORPS 74« Itrndik Hull WWi S7SS Aftmm THE BIJOU VIJ r I Mh«>»* mm CINEMA 7 AOlum Rida 6B7074A ff*d*b (*ibbmm rags to riches yiot I I Ih^ SECONO THOUGHTS 770'/, f I Mh S43 lit 7 KmtmU VUkmf THE GRAND COLLECTION IMh f€ Krdrl ^Mlll CAMPUS CYCLE SHOP EXPRESS CAB CO. IM) Sunrisr 7410564 OLD FRIENDS I I 2M A AUler 545 1.4 I 4 YEAH! Something to Shout AboutI S S1.00oFF | medium pizza j TRACK TOWN j PIZZA i 484-2799 i 1809 Franklin Blvd. | Expires 12/15/86 HOLIDAY SPECIAL DUCK PACK-10 10DS/DD Disk* Disk Box 100% Error Froo 3%” Disks $2795 Save S5.00 EMU Ground Floor BLOOM COUNTY by Bcrkc Breathed loo* ' am H*sr &COM' WOW. JUST LOOK • pennon pkoour in me xmik * try -oumiromui .* WON ! MOM \ WOW / / fer gmv inmu>w fur uxt ihh> M Tlff Hi WflXt SnNG ttcomr cortPARtiOH hanvy