Personals PROBLEMS? »i»«* C*nlat U at O lA*#j>*«yi» hotline 24 hoots 1 dey* Stnetty contidAntiAl CAM M»MM _ 3*44 tin FREE ANO WITH CARING ■< . UtttfeWlM Slfthttght 687856* 3*62 M SEND YOUR H0£9DAy GR££T9KG on Doc 15th with ODE NOEL* NOTES® 20 words (or $2.50 Kty out HoiidAy At* lot that festtv* touch! Piaca you' at1 at any o* out cony»ni»nt locations OO Bookstore (Mu Maui Desk oi J00 EMU Ot usa rout V'SAtMA',1. tr.Atd And (.All 666 4*43 12 <2 AZ HURRAY! Santa's on his way! Be on time, and things will ba Just fine. We'll see you here with a gift and good cheer. i? a DEBBIE WITH THE ANGULAR FEATURES » thin* if necessary to teM* Vom te beautiful PHI ETA SIGMA To study or Not to study? Tuesday nigh I you have an option* Mem be-ft. tome lo our Deed Week t .atrevegan/a* One tooth tof HutJytog one loom for tun retreshmants and • VCR' Tuesday 7 Itpm Rooms 112-193 EMU JUNIORS SENIORS ANO GRADS Give yourself some credit Apply for ViseMasfercerd and other mayor credit .ardft No employment required Bring copy of student 10 with current enroll men! stamp to EMU fishbowl Anne a 95 TOO AY 124 I Personals WRITING AN ARTICLE ON PRO STITUTION enO arould t*» 10 talk anlh anyone *ho oa» evai Open v^ntng o« Ht(pi n#»» 13!h AwwHrtr P*#a*# cai» S**aP at 344 03JC 6«t procasunq ia>g* small fobs arlilmg FREE uick uu dativary pudgal pricaa 89* 3TB# 12 IS N aUAllTY tVPtHO - ond word y PROCtSSING Cai'oly'ria ''Specialties • Groduplo Appto«*<] >Sp*cl«lix*ng tn flit»»ft*l.on» IMIII Ittm pxp*n ihuiMI iXWI 344-7231 W«1 WORD PROCtSSING/TYPING »»► tailino/Convpnion* App*« IBM CP/M iiuvm Sol! Sonic# Word P'OCMPinfl |IOI MtKHJf UHdl Pn»01# Ottlc# Pfintpf IBM CompoliMo PC Supplip* LOW Hourly R*t» Photocopy Binding Sonic* 2S» t t»»> Si* Block* Irotn Compu* Ih* Word Proc*»mg Spoci«lut* Typing GRADUATE APPROVED TYPIST Uw"C| IBM ScMclnc HI Call Mm* B*lw**n 9 a m ana 10 p m *1 342 ID'S* <958 MW WORDS “R” US 484 8044 Slim Nm 883 TOO* Quality typingiwoid p>oc*»»ing P*P*i> itiimiv tditing lap* trantcnption* mmuicripii mnotMUMmAnon* G«*oo***Cli't Not*t*«laga/'n#»» USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLO SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTOAE 70S Ea*t 1110 Cars & Cycles 10*4 HONDA SPREE SCOOTER U0C Ca»Wil»on 4*5 9455 12 6 YAMAHA S50. f icatlanl condition ony $950 OBO Call 484 7477 12 8 WANNA SPREE 1 CALL ME ( 19*8 1800 miles S180 148 1128 or 1448612 12-15 19*2 HONDA PASSPORT , . non 2 helmet* S37S 485 5009 12 8 1077 FIAT 12B Well man • • mile* clean Goodmpg $800 689 8486 __ 12 10 1972 PEUGEOT SEDAN Good condi Mon Sunroof. 4 door $800 Call 245 1971 12 8 73 VW CONVERTIBLE BUG Hun* great Bargain $2 000 4853228 12 8 FOR SALE 19/; FIAT XIHH 750 42 000 miles new tires excellent con dition Ceil 998 8501 after 5pm wkdays anytime wkeods 12-tS FOR SALE 69 CAMARO PS AT AC 307 engine runs and looks GREAT Must sell S2 GOO OBO 342 8182 after 2 129 GREAT BUY! 78 VW Rabbit Great condition Very economical SI 860 688 4255 Clothing WANTED OualHy men's and women s clothing Make extra money FAST at SECOND THOUGHTS raov» c. uth For appt call 343-1312 114 Mon Sal SECOND THOUGHTS TOO 77 W 11th For appt call 0436501 114 Mon Sat Sound Systems JIM’S ELECTRONICS STEREO REPAIR 145TW 6th 343-T663 Monday thru Tttday 9 iff 6pm Saturda* 9 e m 4 30 0 m LEA VINO CLUB BIZ Must sell PA speaker STS (list S25Q> Eicallant conm non Peavay modal t12MS arlth volume control S OHMS Pleas* call 342 5018 leave message tor Marta day* or avas Services AFFOAOABLE COUNSELING Help with love **• career parent*. growth Elizabeth Lyon M A 345 5536 »25mour __ _MM VOCATIONAL ASTROLOGY ' indecision and/or natal chart readings Elizabeth Lyon 345-5536 MM on campus Tanning SunShower on campus Sun Sale 10 visits/$25 It's almost tha and el ttw tans! Now's the time to restore your ItaalHty sum mar glow! SunShower Tanning Salon 465-2323 #74 E l 3th op* fairs steal to Ktnkoo__ M-F 7 am-6 pm T Sal-Sun 0 am i pm — mic— a/r conditioned . *■ _ Travel 2 ROUNDTRIP AIRLINE TICKETS from Portland to L A Return L A to Eugene S300 each Call 434-7477_124 TICKET: EUGENE SAN FRANCISCO San Diego Portland Eugene Female $196 12 8 1-6 Call Ann 342 5548 12 9 Wanted WANTED: MANDOLIN 344-4727 HALLEY'S COMET ALLAMM BHOS COfrM 404 (8ot.) 504 (12m > pnee a Alron from th* UO IHWlOK MOTOR SCOOTERS!! 20th S A & Mam Springfield 747 93S4 4 mile* from campus The EMU Craft Cantar ana Cultural Forum araaaat .CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR I OR CRAHS&ENTERTAINMENT fREE HOI CIDER N DEMOS Of*. Atlikit ACraft* People and the UofO Art Drpi ornar ol »3th ana Um»»»lly DECEMBER 10-12 WED.THUR. FRI. 10am - 5pm RM. 167 EMU university SUNNY SERVICE Foreign & Domestic Cars Specializing in Volvo and Volkswagen • Major & Minor Repairs • ASE Certified Technicians 1905 Agate St. • 344-0809 Just a tew blocks from campus on the comer ot Agate and 19th Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU mu, 16Um THAT'S THAT SHOULP IT* THAT'S | DOrTFOR AUiOU NOW, SIR. WANT TO I | ASKMBT I its. SIR UNUSfS YOU THINK I'VE OVERLOOKED SOMETHING 1 OVERLOOKED SOMETHINGf HEll.NO. THAT MAS SOME GAMBmOU WERE WORK- , monme.'J i voter TAKEWUR. MEANING. sot 1 C£j C'MON. KIP, YOU WtKE PIAHN6 CAT AND MOUSE. TKYIN6 TDFWSHMEOUT! THIS HAS BEEN UKE A SCENE OUT Of... OUT OF... IVUNNO ’CRIME AND PUNISHMENT"? CP% UH RIGHT. ONLik/rm A HAPPY ENDING. \ I '3 ★ COPIES ★ Krazy Kata Try Ua! M4 East 13th st. Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Fri. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 STOP VISIT r EMU Food Vans at the Library Turnaround & 13th across from Gilbert