Typing PROFESSIONAL TVPISTl EDITOR IT pun espertence Mord processing Graduate school approved N»«r cam pul RoOrn IW4TH. S209ttn TYPINGiEOITING Call Sum 686 qtm Vis* & M at er card Accepted *966 MUMF GRADUATE APPROVED TYPIST Ui.no IBM Seleclnc III Can Min* between 5 am and lop** 3*2 TOM *966 MW WORDS “R” US Brandy *6* 604* Shaw NM Ms TOM Quality lyplng/word processing Papers, resumes, editing tape transcriptions, manuscripts ssesrdissenalions Grad School app vd IBM compaHOte_STIPIfn PROFESSIONAL WORD PROCESSING Edillng/Oish Storage Coiteen 3*470*0. 19 pm <1*v , .. Instruction magic rings, wooden or NAMENTS. Bohemian Stars. Slimed Glass Ornament*. Origami Ornaments. Quilted Ornaments, Knitted Berets Cottage Coals! Make them lor gilts or lor yoursell Register lor these short workshops at the EMU Cralt Center ground floor EMU 8B6A361 112* For Sale COMPLETE OUEENSIZE WATERBEO bookcase, headboard sis drawer pedestal stand New waveless mat tress. S3S0 Sanyo stereo $50 112* kemu-J Computer lounge , yjttn Gr»"■* "r FREE WORKSHOPS WORD PROCESSING SPREADSHEETS GRAPHICS EMU GROUND FLOOR. X4353 8 30 AM DAILY Bicycles SECOND NATURE BICYCLES This WUfa's Spsclsl ALL ALLOY CRANKS 20% OFF WITH THIS AD BUY*SELL TRADE NEXT TO THE BIJOU Books 100.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All Selling 40 50% oil list prices •TeatbooKs«CliM Notes'Magumes* USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 76B Eeet 13th Auto Repair Car Care with a Conscience Audi • BMW ftorsch* •Vofctwoflpn ANa toiwo EjopoanAuWmofrre SpoooMN M7-0040 1975 VU TRi Anenue Kgene. Oregon 97402 Hows. Sam to 5*0pm Causa Cycles •* vw bug Ji ooo as so un 83 Alpha sailboard *3?s Mora into Ml 1397 _• __11 2* 1 BBS MHO SO tin! Lowmiieaa*' Can 3<3 8W)0fW>tn|» ’ \2 2 7% MERCURY BOBCAT 4 75m tt»*l b«lf«d radt«l» n«w im Cm c«ss«t!e Much mo'«< E*c#M*«! shop* SV250OBO 345 2239 c* 4J» 3*13 12 2. 1BB1 YAMAHA SOcc SPECIAL Ltti m»l*» *hA#p (00*1 {wf+cf cam put MM *350 060 343 6605 11 26 < Computers COMMODORE (4. disk drive monitor arcallant word procaaamg program Ovar tt.000 in software and ac cesaortat taso BO Message MM i«7 01668 9003 1124 Sound Systems l JIM’S ELECTRONICS STEREO REI AIR 1*57 W 6th 3*3 7683 Monday thru Friday 9 a m 6pm Saturday 9 am 4 30 p m JVC COMRACT DIBC HATER XL V2008 black naw. navar out ol bon $325 7*7 9802 1I-2S I Services NEED A LOCKER? EMU R«c Clr *3711, EMU Ground Floor ____ 7828 tin Writing services word processing largo/small iobs adding FREE pick up delivery. budget priced 888 3788 12-1 on campus Tanning SunShower on campus Sun Sale 10 visits/$25 It's almost the end of the term' Now's the time to restore your healthy sum mer glow! SunShower Tanning Salon 465 2323 •74 E. 13th upMtMirs nont to Kinko» VISA• M F 7 am 8 pm S«t Son 9 *m 6 pm mr conditioned Recreation EMU ARCADE features “GAUNTLET” “RAMPAGE” “PLAY CHOICE 10” “WORLD SERIES” “RAVEN” “SPYHUNTER” Ground Floor. EMU Travel ROUND rHII> TICKET lo Baltimore MA Leave Nov 28th return Dec 1st Mutt sell ASAP it $250 343 4988 11 24 Opportunities AIRLINES NOW HIRING Flight Allen dents Agents Mechanics Customer Service Salaries to S50K Entry level positions Call 805 887 8000 Ext A 9642___' » GOVERNMENT JOBS $16 040 $59.230/yr Now Hiring Call 805887 8000 Ext R 9842 lor current federal list 7-19 VMCA HIRING REFEREES and needs volunteer coaches tor Youth Basketball Leaoue Call Tom Hatfield 886 YMCA 8222 it 25 I Hop Wanted f WORK STUDY JOB m Psychology Dept Job entails independent responsibility Need good experienced typist Warn •Ota processing mostly manuscript XXOIS $5 Winter spring. summer Cat! Teal x49M *213 H 26 WORK AT HOME CiNlm. incredibly responsible business assistant earned part tana | approx 10 hoursmk to atari) SVM Mull ba sett motivated raaulta oriented pood On phone and capable ot good P R research organipng. ate Apply only, if your noma ia a gurat space supporting productive work, undtsturb ad calls', ale Computar experience desirable Sand laitar with cjualibca honnexpeoence to PO Ben 23S2 Eugene. OR #7402 tl44 THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD rently accepting appltcationa tor the poarlton ol aaaiaiani photo adttor Ap piteanla mull have knowledge and ax parlance with photography and photo processingiprinting aapacially ralating IP toumellsm Position is 10 hour* par week and paya about 1100 par month Pick up an application and |Ob descrip Hon at Ilia Oregon Daily Emarald iron! daak Sulla 300 EMU Oaadlma lor sub milling an application ia Sp m Monday Dac 1 Tha Oragon Daily Emaiald ia an ai'irmativa action agual opportunity amployar __KM THE OREGON OAILY EMERALD lantiy accaptmg appncatlona tor tha poaition Ol atudam at larga on ita Hoard ot directors Tha 10 member board ol diractora acta at tha paper s pubuahar salting ganaral polictas Tha poadion cannot ba blind by anyona alldialad or employed by Tha Oragon Daily Emerald or tha ASUO Executive A daacnption ot ganaral duliaa la avadabla at tha Emarald front daak 300 EMU Letter* of application must ba submiltad to lha Iron! daak by S p m Monday. Dac t / HEARD IT THROUGH THE GRAPE VIHE.. tojertne m the Clavsiftcrft todayi Roommates ROOMMATE REFERRAL Proleaaiona! acraamng and matching Quality homes available suitable loom mates Call 6*78213 T976 tin For Rent 350 E. 1*lh 1 bedroom ap! Clean nice location $220 plus deposit Celt altar S 485-3174 _ H-2* CAMPUS LARGE FURNISHED I am) 7 bod'ooms $24573400 Ottlce 1250 Ferry 485-2823 7940 lln 3 SLOCKS u or o lovely furnished 2 bedroom 2 bath (•cully home Fireplace garage S500 1041 FAIRMONT 1 bedroom house just painted Garage 1450 10lh 0 KINCAID Furnished studio %215 Furnished 1 bedroom apt 1265 Joy, 686 1130 Lam son Assoc i«n* * Fox Rent FAMILY HOUSING APARTMENT LIVING. UO Wnatmofaland I bedroom tutmabed, SttS/mo 7 bedroom turmahed tllL'mo Aimkh unluf nt»b#d 7 bedroom StTOrmo Future openings e> DKlfd Winter and EMI Termi Marn«d couptee and Amgie parent* # a van 1100 am M F 7 3O«00 Saturday S3 aai i 13th 484 f«62 EK.KXFS FALL CREEK BAKERY NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE NEW HOURS CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST $1 7 »>10:00 FEATURING Cro»s**nt or cr9*n cN«m pAAtry *ncl coll** or I** MONDAY F RIO AY M f 7 30-0 00 Saturday 8-3 Ml E I3l»* 4ft4 166? J Events WATCH TOR THE EMU CHRISTMAS FAIR One 10 M 12 Room 1ST EMU io*m Sum warn! ctaiiad »it» Iran aniarlAinmunt lie* trail Oamonatra Ilona Iran not e«du»' 1124 tha Waalay FounAaimn an* Mia Council lor Human RlgMm m l aim Amanca Mraaunl NICARAGU A UPDATE a bfown bcd hMKh wrth HOWARD HEINER Fm 3 years ermfeedf an resource i p«rtw:1 Cfmtimas Gttl' On I* m t MU G'ouml Floot 14173 IITi uu> • ; Stocking l Stutten? • Ol i M( hUh p* mmI t» sM (•' mdr, >W fPay for 2 days Gel the 3rd \ day f RLE [All ilrm« listed In Mu«ktm| k At tiller* Miitl be priced t%0 or fie**. I Ad* ran be placed al IO |Book«Coir IPHi Plain Oe*k or too ipit #»Mt» ms. s* w> w» m< Hut «mhi Phn. SUrhm Ttl**) jSaiiMcddf J&BG& /Jtmdmt EMU REC CENTER tMl! Ground Mow ^ 7 I I WEST SIDE FOREIGN AUTO 1069 » Vd «M« «y.y> Sterna4* STU’SEUGENE BICYCLES Hth H Konroc 344 2173 Au —a SECOND NATURE ♦46 t IMH H5 3362 r.«i) Ground floor fdki 3711 £ (ftjL JABBERWOCKY I VM riiiyjiil 4M40.YV) BAMBOO PAVILUON IJ7A AUlci AASA7H* d«w» jSocAt EMERALD CITY COMICS 770 r 13th M32MW ^mpidiw fimdaA EMU COMPUTER LOUNGE f.H|i Ground floor fidft 4333 GlLmmAmU TIME WARP H> Aj»pl344 33V> Jk *7*u ONSEN HOT TUB RENTALS I MM.} (MMtrn Avc 34A ‘*4MI PEACE CORPS 244 ItemlfUk* Hilt *»Mf» M.W THE BIJOU »'!/ f I Mh •>"•> <*'** CINEMA 7 Atrium AI RAGS TO RICHIES Mdt f I III' W WM SECOND THOUGHTS ?20V1 r iiih '«•' in* Rmud* Gidbmf THE GRAND COLLECTION M»lh Ar fr4»rl 345 5993 Ryinil CAMPUS CYCLE SHOP t I2H Aldrr 343 7MI«J 'EXPRESS CAB CO. IH44 Ntmltr 741 0364 Airport A City Limousine Service I (US Sunlit* 74 I OV>4 OLD FRIENDS I I 2H A Altlcr 544 1414 YEAH! Something to Shout About! S1.00oFF medium pizza TRACK TOWN PIZZA 484-2799 1809 Franklin Blvd. Expires 12/1/86 DISKS 5'A” DS/DD 100% Error Free 50° EMU Ground Floor lipip* iiwi pnrrinriri 683*7355 BLOOM COUNTY by Bcrke Breathed co*o*m HOObtPOCU wvu ee a* cmtm* OH I'm XHHfTf. XT' mM rue mp ne*9 rv me on** HOfWIS m*es &*vmo fwxtw' ms \ STMVX ' w I smi CATMKOm jvh me mv nws .vsrmr MATH