Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 11, 1986, Page 9, Image 9

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disturbs one person may appeal
to another and vice-versa
fust because an image passes
beyond the window of the eye
does not guarantee that it will
lie acted upon or in the same
way. Some {ample [Hip out of
their seats at the theater the se
cond thov feel thirsty Other
people would rather die from
dehydration than miss a mo
ment of the movie, lust because
someone flashes "Pepsi" or any
other subliminal message at us
d<x*s not automatic .ally mean we
will react like good little lab
Subliminals may be used
positively as well as negatively.
For example, many people
swear by subliminal tapes.
Subliminal tapes contain affir
mations that are embedded in a
musical background and an*
said to alter behavior and emo
tions. There am tapes to pro
mote weight loss, stopping
smoking, stress reduction,
positive self-image, memory
improvement and assertiveness.
Other tapes deal with sleep
disturbances, sexual arousal
and attracting monev.
"The tapes are very effec
tive." said Mary Dawson, an
employee of Mystic Trader, a
mail-order business that
specializes in subliminal and
self-help products. “A lot of our
customers say they notice a
change in their behavior almost
The only catch is that the
tapes must be played con
sistently. Dawson said. She
recommended at least a half
hour of listening per day.
"Our three biggest sellers are
weight loss, smoking and
money tapes." she said. "We
also use only positive affirma
tions and promote trust among
our customers."
Subliminals in videos can
also convey a positive message.
"There are some videos that
have upbeat or productive
themes." CJrowen said. " 'We
are the World' is a classic exam
ple. And Billy )oel^s recent
song. 'A Matter of Trust.' is
very family-oriented."
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Other videos may address
sensitive issues such as
genocide and nuclear war
Perhaps the most impressive of
these is Sting's “Russians",
when- grim, black-and-white
images of despair and destruc
tion interact against a perpetual
background of nuclear fall-out
These scenes are summed up by
the foreboding continual lick
ing oi the clock at the beginning
and the end of the song that
reminds us all suhiimiually that
we are sitting on a time bomb
that could go off at any moment.
The lyrics only affirm this
lie .share the same biology.
Regardless of ideology
W'hal might save us. me and
Is that the Russians lore
Their children too .
Continued from Page 4
in a goal-selling session for that
Another one of her ap
proaching days off is already
booked on her office wall calen
dar for a rape-prevention
workshop at Churchill High
The empathy that she con
tinues to feel for victims and
people who are about to become
victims is ram for a police of
ficer with t:t years invested in
the job.” said Sergeant McCar
thy. Norman's former crime
prevention supervisee "She
really does care about people.”
That enduring empathy does
not make Norman thin-skinned,
however, when duty calls . Stan
ding six feel-plus with broad
shoulders and a firm chin. Nor
man can look the part of a tough
cop. And this appearance is on
ly the butter on the bread With
an extensive background in self
defense, her department
revolver and hardwood baton
are both intimidating and
reassuring, all depending on
which side of the law one
( hoses to stand.
For the chips having fallen
rather randomly. Norman treats
her career as a steady incline in
the right direction. Her assign
ment to the t ) diversity mav be a
professional plateau, but she's
turf yet wady to crown the
edifice, announcing her plans
to someday return to college
and earn a full, four-year
Norman said she finds most
rewarding the aspect of crime
prevention arid the fulfillment
it brings when it works
"It’s encouraging to talk to
groups that are then* to learn
something, that an* interested
in what I am saying."
Give your resume a professional look, by having
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Who is Guy Kawasaki?
"And so, hey, let a thousand flowers bloom. My job is to be a gardener.
It's a thousand flowers, and they can bloom any way, any color, any
fashion they want, 'cause there’s always a market for some flower."*
Guy Kawasaki describes himself as "one of
the last bastions of irreverence at Apple." He is
Apple's manager of Software Product Management.
If they had a head cheerleader he’d probably be that,
too. His responsibilities include overseeing the
Evangelism Group, which works to insure the
plentiful supply of Software for Apple's machines.
On Nov. 13 at 3:30 Guy will be discussing the unique
evangelism program, its underlying philosophy, future
product directions for the company and its unusual
relationship with the third-party community. ♦
Excerpts from Miaotimes, May 1986. ’Apple Opens Up*, by Mary
Eisenhart and Paul Hoffman
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