'Commitment to Vision' opens at art museum By Barbara Shaw Of Ik# Emerald Marking the twentieth an niversary of the Photography at Oregon Gallery, the "Commit ment to Vision" exhibit opened Sunday in the University Museum of Art. The gallery staff of 12 volunteers assembled the works of 129 of America’s best fine art photographers and produced a show catalog to compliment the exhibit. Protect coordinator Richard Wilhelm, a Eugene photographer and member of the Photography at Oregon Gallery Committee, says the 149 prints wen; chosen from works the artists had exhibited in one person shows in the gallery since 19B6. The photographs range from historically significant, classic work to the most avant-garde. Many of the artists were relatively unknown when their works were originally selected but have gone on to establish solid reputations international ly, Wilhelm says. Others, such as Ansel Adams. Imogen Cunningham. Diane Ar bus. Edward Weston and Minor White, had already established themselves as masters when their prints were originally ex hibited here. Eugene photographer Susie Morrill is co-director of the gallery, with David Simone. She says of this show, “It brings to light the incredible diversity -.- - ---— --——-~----— — Kay Kruger-Hickman and son Beniamin view the Museum of Art's retrospective photography exhibition, husband Craig Hickman has a photo in the show. Photo by Shrrlvn M)ork||rvii Kruger-Hickman of the work that's been shown....The people on the committee had a lot of foresight in supporting the artists they did over the years, including up and coming pre-famous artists. And we’ve shown the work of teachers of photography from around the country.” These are the people who have exerted major influence on the directions younger photographers have pursued, Morrill says. A number of Eugene-based photographers are represented. Some work locally, like Morrill and her friend Paul Neevel. who both earned MFA degrees at the University. Several an? on the University staff. Others work in a larger realm, such as Brian linker, former photo editor at The Register-Guard, who con tributes to Sports Illustrated and National Geographic and claims a six-figure income. Opening day at the art museum brought out Eugene's enthusiastic professional and Mara Brock studies Ansel Adams’ “Sierra Nevada." The work of 129 photographers assembled for the show, “Commitment to Vision. ” W«r»H was THE PRIVACY Fourteen privately enclosed spas await you at Omen Nature's own breezes will refresh you in our open to the-sky rooms Our worm, bubbly woter will relon you Get to know us and close the door on the world for one quiet hour I HOUM.Y MOT TUB MMUL Taking reservation* until II 30 p m weekday*. until 12 45 weakend* CoH 345 9048 1883 Gorden Ave.. Eugene •GOURMET BURGER BAR Help yourself to Bubba’s Condiment bar with our giant Vs lb or '/j lb burger • BUBBA’S STEAK 8oz Charbrotled New York strip steak served with our own fries $5.95 •SATISFYING SOUPS Tasty and comforting homemade soup BUBBA * • 1249 Aldar Mon-Fri 7am • 2am, Sat Sam • 2am hobby camera fans to appreciate the works on display. |.K. Hvrne. a student of iternard Freemesser. a former professor and leading Northwest photographer, admired Ansel Adams' classic black and white image titled "Sierra Nevada," while free-lance photojournalist Michael Williams slowly took in the subtleties of a group of colorful photomontage and col lage assemblies, contrived still life subjects out of the imagina tions of Leslie krims. Peter DeUiry and I^iwrie Drown. An exhibit poster featuring an Repairs • Buy and Sell STEREO WORKSHOP 1409 Main. Sprtnglttld 741*1597 Oregon nuacn scene try Portland's Stu levy. titled "Kel Creek Dunes," sells at the museum for $5. The catalog, for $15. will In; available Nov. 15. When "Commitment to Vi sion" closes in Kugune on Doc. 21, it will begin a three-year na tional tour coordinated by Visual Arts Resources, a museum affiliate. The gallery is open noon to 5 p in., Tuesday through Sunday, except during the four day Thanksgiving break. Admission to the show is $2. * COPIES* Krazy Kata Try Urn! U4 Eatl 13th at. SUNTANNING *2.50 Per Session for appointment shortcutska Architecture Books 20°/o OFF All books In the ARCHITECTURE SECTION in the General Book Dept. 20% off Nov. 10-15. • tun.:.*) to »iock on n«na • C««n mIot only • No luithoi dwtoufflk Grand Colonnade Palmyra 13th & Kincaid M-F 7:30 5:30 SAT 10:00-4:00 MO-4331