Letters Campaigning We understand that there is an accusation being made to the effect that the campaign for ballot measures 4 and 8 (for ex panded Citizens Utility Board) is being run out of Suite 1, the campus OSPIRG office — which would be an improper use of student funds. This is a lie. As housemates of two people work ing for OSPIRG, we can state ab solutely that the campaign is not being run out of the office. It’s being run out of our house. Last week we had 20.000 pieces of campaign literature dumped in our living room (we got frustrated and moved them all up to the attic) — right now there’s several thousand more pieces in plastic bags on our front porch. There are meetings held periodically in the living room, and we have contributed several times to making coffee before early morning '‘lit" drops. run out of our house, and the house is periodically the worse for the wear. Gh. well, that's what you get when a pair of political activists share your rent. S. Taimi Ames GTF Julia Moravcsik Junior Strike again In Mark Grimes's letter to the animal lab saboteurs (ODE. Oct. 31). he recommended that they study biology before question ing the experimentation going on at the University. This argu ment. the old "leave it to the ex perts." doesn't hold much ground when it comes to the mistreatment of animals. Regardless of how little 1 know about molecular biology, I'm certain that the life of one of your lab animals is far from a pleasant one. Isn't that one of the reasons you use animals and not humans? You wouldn't con sider performing such painful, dangerous, and humiliating ex periments on people, now would you? Since you can't deny that you and your colleagues are tortur ing animals, you could at least come up with some solid justification for your repetitive experiments. Ttill us about your latest breakthrough: we might be more understanding. In the meantime. I’ll applaud the saboteurs and encourage them to strike again. Daniel Monk-kowalsky Transfer student Seduction My argument is that if I were running for office. I'd go with a less — not a more — ques tionable name. If I were bom with a name that even a few people would object to. I'd change it. with good reason; so would others, or so I thought. Let me explain. There's a book out (her e ca 11 e d Subliminal Seduction, and it gets right to the heart of where, how, and why we’re being duped all the time by major in terests and minor affiliations of those interests. They do it with our minds, to our minds, so it's not like we're not involved in the process. Ok. fine. Now the careful reader will wonder. "How does this relate to politics?" Well, truthfully. I didn't think it did until I saw certain blatant political lawn decorations for David l)ix. Bruce l-on# and a guy named Thwing; all on the same lawn, side by side, in that order. Sickening, isn't it? I didn't want to bring this up before the election because I'm not into influencing people like that. However, it should make some of you think al»ut who you voted for and why. I really mean why. Tim (aques 1 Undeclared Thank you To the person or persons responsible for tin* two new bike racks by the I MO. Hravo! Thank you for making a huge step toward alleviating the limited bicycle parking on cam pus. It's nice to know someone put enough thought and con sideration into the problem to devise a solution many of us benefit from every day. These racks are covered, not far off campus and may save the grass and trees, which bear the brunt of the bicycle burden when racks are full. Congratulations on the l>est policy decision I’ve seen here for three years! Heather Myers English m AimAuU*^Jmm mn/mm-mte „— "Folk*, our flr*t projection, with 50% of th* rosults In, Is that Senator Bloopor’s going to lost nogatlv* lor cocaine." 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ALPHA HEALTH CARE — computer programming EUGENE SPRINGFIELD VISITORS A CONVENTION BUREAU — research/communlcatior EUGENE HILTON — marketing/sales KAUFMAN’S — analysis/merchandising LANE REGIONAL ARTS COUNCIL — program development LANE TRANSIT DISTRICT — marketing/public relations METRO PARTNERSHIP — research/analysis RED CROSS — public relations program development RED LION — planning/sales STATE CORRECTIONS OIVISION — commumcationUesearch UNITED WAY — public relations/program WESTERN COMPUTER SYSTEMS — computer programming WISTEC — public relatlons/exhtbit CITY OF EUGENE Business Assistance Team: — research/writing Hult Center — public relations Intergovernmental Relations — public relations Financial Support Sarvlcat — research/analysis/writing Transportation — research/analysis Position Descriptions are in 221 Hendricks Hall, sign ups begin November 10.